Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

And Kent is still so Fucked! Here is the pic of Kevin Clarke and Angel Skye outside the police station and I must repost a comment Dexx made as a standalone post. Dexx great job!

I am spending most of my Fourth of July Away from the PC but checking comments occasionally, now back to the grill....

We now know how kent/damon is spending the holiday: inventing multiple characters and hoping that somebody/anybody will believe his nonsense.

marcus/2020/george/et al

If there is nothing to worry about for kent, then why do you

a) keep coming here screaming that there is nothing to worry about for kent
b) continue to try and find information about the investigating officers?
c) continue to try and inject false information into the public forum?

Anybody CAN make a complaint kentie. many people have and many more are going to.

If there is no wrongdoing on your part than why do you spend so much time trying to deflect blame/fish for information/make false counter claims/pretend you are in no danger ?

because you arent sure what you have done which is ok and what isnt. because you know as the rest of us do that MUCH of what you've done isn't kosher.

the nagging questions which drive you mad are

a) what do the police know
b) will they take action
c) are people really taking time out of their actual lives to pursue this
d) which of your actions were actually illegal
e) which of the activities were saved by the complainants
f) will the cyber crime units really get entire listings of your activities.

I will not answer a single one of these questions. if you think you did nothing wrong and the police will laugh/did laugh at the complainants, than celebrate your victory and move the fuck on already

here are the facts:

a) whatever you did angered an awful lot of people for an awfully long time

b) most of them were sure that many of your acts had to be illegal. they are now coming forward to find out which if any acts were

c) the laws have finally begun to catch up with internet activity. much of what might not have been unlawful in 1996 will now send a person to prison for a very long time.

d) there many different fronts in the collective effort to bring you to justice


Your interference in multiple legal cases including a murder case.

Impersonating an officer of the court (a private investigator- you have done this many times) ask your friend PB how legal that is

Wire fraud- your bunco schemes and various escorting plots, along with your pretending to have $5000 for the defense and then claiming to have a brain aneurism to get out of paying. that in itself could land you in jail. i would love to see you try to explain to a judge when you EVER in your 58 years had $5000. hoping to get it in time through your "porn writing" career wont cut it. you said you had the money, you pledged it and you were lying

Tax evasion. where to even begin here? not one penny of your so-called porn income has ever been reported to the IRS. yes it was checked. :)

Stalking. what you call "asking questions as a journalist" when you bombard a person's life and leave messages with information, without giving the person a chance to reach you back- that isnt asking questions. that's harrassment. we have a taped message on mark adams' machine doing just that. remember pretending to be a reporter?

Impersonating the same kent barclay who is a professor and most displeased at this. that by itself could land you in jail. think he won't file a complaint? LOL just you wait

Theft of government services- multiple counts, especially when Norwell realizes that both you and your mother defrauded them, not once but twice

Perjury- every DMCA complaint you posted under a fake name is a felony if you actually dont own the rights to the copyrighted work you are complaining about

Filing false government reports/false police reports/lying to the police- how many people have you lied about to the police. how many false "tips" of 2257 violations have you submitted? this alone could land you in prison for many years

Malicious use of the internet- your site itself and much of what it contains is NOT protected under free speech. not because you aren't a journalist (though you are not) but because there is no basis of fact in what you "Report"

A great amount of the text on your pages is specifically, obviously designed to harm others with no logical basis in fact. that in itself is a major internet crime. you CAN NOT come online and use your site to harass and stalk people. that in itself, considering how long you have done it and how unbelievably damaging your "reporting" is could send you to jail for a very long time.

And thats just a bit of the criminal charges you may be facing. i will not tell you who has filed what and where. if there is merit to any of it, you will find out when you're arrested. if not, then you have nothing to worry about.

One more thing in my epic post (a birthday present to myself between parties)

After all of the possible criminal threads of been followed and it will take months if not years to do that- five of us have agreed to chip in and hire a lawyer for a civil suit.

While we know you dont have anything worth getting and will probably be doing a prison stretch, we will be seeking an injunction to permanently bar you from the internet. there is both precedence for this and a very good case according to three of the early lawyers we have talked to.

Your only hope would be to get your OWN lawyer (you cant get a court appointed one in a civil case) and try to fight it. If you hid from that suit, you would lose by default and then the simple act of going ON the internet would be a criminal act for you.

Read my words kent. you're right. I have spent years trying to sort you out and lots of money. what makes you think that I wont spend more years and more money to get actual results?

Simple logic tells you that I will. and I will win Kentie, you know why? I am smarter, richer, younger and I have plenty more actual people (not figments) who will march right along with me.

What do you have? your elderly mother,(87!) your fantasies and luck, judging from where your life is at, my guess is that you aren't very lucky.

Have a happy Fourth Kent, enjoy the freedom while you can.

repost from dexxjones


  1. Nice post...nice pic, wonder if Kentie will steal it for his site to use with his "spin" on this.
    Dexx, bless his heart (and the birthday cocktails) has really put it all together. A shame Kentie won't understand one word of it.

  2. Dane - Oh, I think he understood it all too well.

    In compliance with the FCC's equal time regulations, I feel it incumbent upon me to post Kentie's response:

    Dexxedrine there are no charges to answer. Our First Amendment rights are inalienable. What makes you believe that 2008 is any different to 2007, 2006, 2005? These accusations are all years old.

    You are a conman and a fraud who was dumped by Damon and has played the victim ever since. Your ragged band of misfits will not make much of an impression on a jury, ever consider that Mr I'm so fucking smart?

  3. OMG, Dexx posted another quite meaty comment in the old thread. Please nobody miss it.

  4. you have no idea what's coming. I AM so fucking smart kentie.

    this is officially my new cause and i am prepared to devote quite a bit of resources to it. more on that later. in the meantime, i am sketching out the new resource site- password protected and free from kent/geoff type of "me me me" distractions.

    i think it will help pass the time while we wait for the slow wheels of justice to grind kent into dust.

    i think the quincy and norwell housing authorities PLUS the local tax waste watchdog groups will be compelled to pursue kent's malfeasance when they have a local newspaper breathing down their necks.

    and if none of the papers bite (though i'm told one is already interested) i will fucking buy one of them. :)

    hi kentie.

  5. From Dexx's previous post:

    even if all of the complainants decided to stay home- the campaign about to hit the quincy housing authority, the norwell housing authority AND each and every tax-fraud and law enforcement arm of MASS which covers theft of government services will get you in the end.

    Isn't that kind of like how they finally got Al Capone?

  6. I miss a couple of hours and all this action!

    Thomas thank you for the compliment my friend, and Happy Holiday!!!!

    Will we were disrespected!!! :))

    Prof- very good @ 20/20-
    please keep up the good work!!

    dexx Happy Birthday- and designated driver!!

    now I will go back and read.

  7. that housing authority thing alone is big trouble for him. it doesnt MATTER who complains about that. any tax payer has the right, indeed the DUTY to report such a gross misuse of tax dollars.

    think about it: NONE of kent's felonious behaviour would be possible if he wasnt using tax dollars to do it. if he had to actually earn a living and pay his own fucking way, he probably wouldnt have time to sit around and obsess over porn people, pursue underage relatives of those porn people and wreak so much misery.

    this has to be the main thrust of our efforts as we await the inevitable arrest and incarceration of kent barclay.

    by the way- i once said i didnt know what kent's real name was. that isnt exactly true- we dont know what his original birth name is and it doesnt matter. legally his name is kent barclay- social security number, ID, bank accounts and court records say so. if that is yet another alias than you can add more illegal behaviour to his history.

    but anyway. i am quite verbal today as i wait for the car to take me to my birthday party...

    and so here i go.

    the key principle at play here is motive. why do so many people have so much invested in kent facing a judge? did 50 people just wake up one day and decide to go after an innocent person? does that remotely make sense? especially since most of us are unabashed liberals and "live and let live" types?

    on the other hand, kent himself. what compells HIM to continally focus on people? many of us have tried to leave him behind and move on, only to find ourselves harrassed once again on his front page.

    Hell Kevin Clarke didnt even know who kent WAS until years after kent interfered in his life and got him evicted from his home by using interstate wires to commit fraud first on rich sternberg and then the original landlord.

    lets TALK about a jury kent. in front of the jury, if it ever even comes to that- people from all walks of society to art dealers, spoiled trust fund babies :), former adult entertainment workers, college graduates, productive members of society from all parts of these united state will stream into a courtroom to tell the tale of how one of society's lost souls attached himself like a parasite upon their lives and used information he gained from previous confidences to injure their relationships, occupations, living arrangements and family situations.

    one by one they will step foward, some will cry and some will be angry. but the theme will be repeated over and over again- this person with no prospects and no worthy contributions to society who, using government services thoughtfully provided to his elderly mother, caused so much misery and heartache. so many ILLEGAL acts to harm so many people. and for what? to get attention? on some wierd pipe dream of eventually becoming a successful... porn writer?

    they will hear and see your typed words of "toys" and "rough sex" and "prostitution" and the victims will tell of how they had to explain to their parents why this person from boston had so much hatred for a person they had never met.

    and on the other side will be a person who has, at least not since 1996 and probably well before that, never had gainful employment. a person who got his mother thrown out of her house of 18 years trading on her maternal instincts and good intentions to... stalk porn stars.

    i can only imagine what a jury/judge will think about kent barclay when he is brought under the bright lights of REALITY.

    is the judge going to care about an obscure DNA article from five years ago?

    who will stand up for kent? todd montgomery? chris steele? close your eyes kent and imagine that one happening.

    of course barbara will be there. "what could i do, he's my son?" just as she always has been.

    if there were any justice in the world, SHE would be listed as one of the victims, and who knows, maybe somebody will appoint her a legal advocate to ensure that you dont use any more of her meager resources any longer- it has happend to others kentie.

    much will depend on the hard evidence. these days, printouts of ip addresses and data traffic are absolutely concrete in their weight before a judge and jury.

    never mind that the words are usually always the same- in fact they are the same in the court documents from the eviction. anybody with two eyes and half a brain will see the common threads both in the actual words as well as the concepts repeated over and over again.

    YOU kent barclay can put your fingers in your ears and say "nah nah nah" and type nonsense under yet another round of aliases and pretend that it isnt you/it never happened/it wasnt illegal/it wasnt stalking

    but thats the beauty of a courtroom. thats the beauty of a legal document or ruling. you can SAY whatever you want before and after the fact.

    this entire thing rest on the above and also the resolve of the complanants. you yourself have marveled at how people "wont let it go" and you're right.

    the longer this goes on, the more determined we/they are. the more are added to our numbers. hell your actions in the last week alone would constitute its OWN case.

    so i will continue to type long winded posts because i can and because the tax payers arent footing the bill for MY obsession (you facing legal justice)

    and you can continue to live on borrowed time, never advancing in your ability to better yourself and/or your situation and this will eventually end with

    you in a prison cell

    me writing a book about it

    the next kent barclay thinking fucking twice before he tangles with angry, law abiding fucking taxpayers.

    sorry i will not go back and spellcheck. you will either get the point or you wont, but i dont mind saying it and i type fucking fast.

    now about that newspaper...

  8. dexx,
    What do you write?
    Books?, mag. articles?
    I would like to see your work!

  9. and furthermore

    we KNOW how you looked when you went to meet your idol matt rush. in arguably the most important day of your career you wore a powder blue leisure suit and smelled like ASS.

    do you believe, kentie, that these beautiful people who you hate/love so much will show up looking like that? do you think i, in all of my magnificent rottenness will show up looking like a bowery bum?

    do you think we will come without top-flight legal represntation to make DAMN SURE your every last action is seen to and given proper attention by authorities?

    wake the fuck up kentie. it sucks to be in your financial situation, but this is 2008 and while it might be politically incorrect to say, i dont give a rats ass about convention- you're the dregs of society. that judge is going to be more interested in satisfying taxpaying, hardworking, educated citizens than supporting the fantasies of a guy, who frankly, presents himself as one of the lunatics let out of the mental health facilities in the 70's.

    really think about this kentie. you are finally going to have to face a reality which disturbs you most: the pretty people dont like you and they almost always win.

    so there.

    vj, i have written a bunch of stuff and have a modest online following. most of my books were available on my sites, but they were pulled for re-editing and are due to be released in hard copy and digital download at summer's end.

  10. Yes Kentie, on top of all the other humiliations to be visited upon you, your primary adversary is a PUBLISHED AUTHOR. Not of one obscure item in the back of a five-year-old Australian magazine, but BOOKS (from what I understand). Doesn't that just make your skin crawl??

  11. Obviously I wrote that before reading that Dexx is most definitely a writer of books.

  12. yes will G gigantic books which go on and on, LOL (big surprise)

    the prison thing has to be chopped up into 11 volumes just to fit in paperback.

    thats part of the reason for these insanely long posts. i have been writing lately and i am at my fastest.

    i write because i like to and because i am hounded by a modest but rabid following who nag me for new stuff, LOL. i am one of the rare cases that doesnt care if i sell one book or a thousand and so i can write what i want. back when i was writing the first prison book i had some good offers from ny, but they wanted me to change so many things that i told them to get fucked. but anyway...

  13. Dexx - You being the author of "prison books" is kind of ironic, given where we hope Kentie is going. Do you think he'll grant you interviews from behind bars for another eleven-volume opus? Just kidding, I think you'll want to wash your hands of it at that point, most likely.

  14. its very ironic considering that my original idea about how to kent was to write him into one of my books. i still might write a character based on him- who knows.

    im almost surely going to write a serious book about HIM, but i am most interested in his early life. some of the research i did in that realm was hair-raising, but i have to go back and seriously dig.

    after the court stuff is done (criminal and civil) i suspect much of his early (and recent) life will have come to light.

    the height of irony would actually be if my book about HIM made me cash while he languished in prison. stranger things have happened as you all know.

  15. Kent stop talking about what poeple look like, you don't want people to think that you are shallow, do you?

    Don't say I do not give you good advice Kent.

  16. I'm pre-ordering the first edition of that book right now. You might have to label it science fiction, though, because I don't think anyone will believe it's true.

  17. it will come with a dvd of all sorts of fun things including actual footage of kent, those tapes (and more) and victim interviews. the movie also wasnt a ruse. its actually being planned, though obviously we want to wait until there are some juicy trial anecdotes... also, we were asked to wait until after. nothing i post is by accident you know... meanwhile, i'm off for the night. who knows maybe i'll be back later a bit ...unwell... from my party.


  18. Dexx--

    Thanks for supporting the law, rights, and dignity of men who simply tried to make a way for themselves, only to encounter a fiend, harassing their very daily existence and shaking them down (bunco) for the privilege of his leaving them in peace.

    Thanks for being our Eward R. Morrow, late of CBS News, of a fashion for exposing this McCarthyesque baboon who throws pooh at everyone because he has never once contributed in a positive manner to American society.

  19. Sexual violence against young men. That is the theme that seems to run through these lies. He directs twink scenes yet no one has ever seen them. There is no where he can point to where they exist.
    he claims Howard set up a VOD contract for him. Howard says no. Another person lying.
    Keep talking about violence against young men Kent/NG.

    When you joined Convicled child sex offender Nelson Garcia in slandering Kevin Clarke did you compare stories?

    Tell us Kent/NG when you sent hi\m the lies about models pissing and shitting did you tell him they were lies? Did you say as a "Journalist" to corroborate the story? Did you laugh whyen he posted it?

    Nelson Garcia, Kent/NG Barclay... put that in your pipe and google it.

  20. This post is amazing very well said guys every day I am more and more proud to be a gay man because when we fight together we win together. This is a time for celebration, and I once again commend Angel Skye the man who has started a revolution in the adult entertainment industry. He made us all stand up and follow his lead (he always has been a leader) to tell this man we are not going to let him claim one more victim. As Angel told me a little while back, "yes I have scars, battle scars I call them, but it is good to know I won the war, and I did that the day I reported this man, and nothing will stop me from ensuring he does not hurt another innocent person!" This is all just very inspirational to me, and I offer my service to anyone who needs them as we work together to put an END to KB

  21. Check out another pict of "himself"...

    He just keeps on reaching....

  22. Truth, now let's be accurate, it's "himself in hat." Didn't know you were so ruggedly Marlboro Man-like, Kentie.

  23. The Incredible Shrinking Fabscout Banner -- getting a little sheepish, Kentie? I don't think their lawyers want you using it at all, do they?

    He seems to want to invite trouble from Howard (again, just to be noticed). He intentionally looks for pictures of FabScout clients from sources other than FabScout so he can say, "You can't stop me from running it, I didn't get it from YOU." Anyone got Howard's number?

  24. the party was boring. it rained.

    so kent is again bragging that he paid rich sternberg for something. he has the receipts to show!

    the problem with this?

    kent never had an actual production company. he never had a business of any kind. what exactly was he paying rich sternberg FOR?

    information on kevin clarke, thats what. this fool is actually offering proof of his bad behaviours.

    and more insanely- this is the only known instance when kent had more than fifty bucks. and THATS what he spent it on?

    the plan. in kent's head as far as can be discerned is that he was going to get kevin thrown out, continue to lie to the model, get the model used for some project, collect some sort of management fee and suddenly be able to afford to move out to california and BE kevin clarke.

    this sounds insane right? but that was roughly the plan. and there we have the utter disconnect from reality that is kent barclay.

    the fantasy was kent was going to magically be able to step into kevin's shoes. the new company was to be called "damon pictures"

    the reality?

    kevin's landlord freaked out at the mere suggestion that there was prostitution going on. rich lost his home as well (he lived in kevin's condo at the time) and kevin didnt find out for years exactly what had gone wrong.

    kent of course never elevated his status and squandered the little money he had on a such far-fetched pipe dream.

    the story is more nuanced and detailed than that, but that's but one example of the madness of this man

    for all the effort that kent expends/has expended in these wacky plots, he could have had a paying job and a real life. but he prefers this. the only currency he squanders now is the lifestyles/relationships of OTHER PEOPLE.

    of course he will come on here with his republican-style up is down and black is white talking points, but the truth is what it is and kent's fantasies are no longer driving this bus.

    people wonder why he bothers to spin the lies. but really, in the dwindling time which remains for his crime spree what else does he have left?

    how awful must it be to be kent's age (58) and have nothing to show for a life lived. what- a five yearold article in the back of an australian magazine which you didnt EVEN WRITE?

    your name at the very end of credits on a PORN movie that you had nothing to do with, but extorted yourself into?

    thats IT?

    actuallly, when this is all said and done he will have a greater legacy- one of infamy and a roadmap of what can be done when a fed up group of citizens get together and say enough is enough.

    am i happy that you will continue to be supported by my tax dollars in a prison? no. but i dont see any other humane alternatives for you OR for the rest of us, short of a pitchfork and torch- but unlike you, we ARE at least civilized

  25. Great work guys! This man's reign of terror IS coming to an end and I want to help.

    What's the best way to handle possible criminal activity issues knowing the IPs, email addresses, MySpace sites, the Google login, etc. when working with law enforcement? The Quincy officer I spoke with earlier this week (who genuinely seemed to care) didn't know an IP address from a mailing address, so I called others in Brockton Mass. and New York City and Fort Lauderdale. Nobody cared.

    Anyone have any ideas?

    One other thing: I'm assuming Kevin Clarke can prove it was Kent who got him evicted, and that we can confirm what his actual, legal current name and the numerous aka's are?

    I would hate to think that Kent set up a bunch of moribund accounts or whatever using an old version of his name.

    If he is then anything charging him will get thrown out on a technicality.

    Also is it possible he does in fact have a twin brother? Believe it or not I keep hearing about that.

  26. oh my god. kent. evil twin? really?

    what the hell do you mean "using an old version of his name"?

    the same fat tard who was met by matthew rush, mark adams, zeb atlas, & certain other people.

    the same tinny, goofy voice on those recording

    the same fat tard in court during the eviction

    the same fat tard in the surveillance tapes from the norwell housing authority

    the same fat tard holed up in his mother's apartment. Again.

    the same fat tard typing nonsense with his same fat tard fingers.

    that would be you.

    kent a barclay, kent w barclay, bozo the clown. whatever you want to call yourself.

    kent. if getting away with bad deeds were as simple as you seem to think it is, the prisons would be empty.

    evil twin. is that the best you can do?

  27. people do hard time over a lot less in terms of ip addresses and authenticated email. just ask your friend NG how easy it is to pretend it wasnt you typing those emails.

    newsflash #454 kent- they have tools to authenticate everything. where have you been for the past 8 years? never mind. we already know the answer to that. LOL.

  28. Massachusetts Stalking Law




    Chapter 265: Section 43. Stalking; punishment

    Section 43. (a) Whoever (1) willfully and maliciously engages in a knowing pattern of conduct or series of acts over a period of time directed at a specific person which seriously alarms or annoys that person and would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress, and (2) makes a threat with the intent to place the person in imminent fear of death or bodily injury, shall be guilty of the crime of stalking and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than five years or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or imprisonment in the house of correction for not more than two and one-half years or both. Such conduct, acts or threats described in this paragraph shall include, but not be limited to, conduct, acts or threats conducted by mail or by use of a telephonic or telecommunication device including, but not limited to, electronic mail, internet communications and facsimile communications.

    (b) Whoever commits the crime of stalking in violation of a temporary or permanent vacate, restraining, or no-contact order or judgment issued pursuant to sections eighteen, thirty-four B, or thirty-four C of chapter two hundred and eight; or section thirty-two of chapter two hundred and nine; or sections three, four, or five of chapter two hundred and nine A; or sections fifteen or twenty of chapter two hundred and nine C or a protection order issued by another jurisdiction; or a temporary restraining order or preliminary or permanent injunction issued by the superior court, shall be punished by imprisonment in a jail or the state prison for not less than one year and not more than five years. No sentence imposed under the provisions of this subsection shall be less than a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of one year.

    A prosecution commenced hereunder shall not be placed on file or continued without a finding, and the sentence imposed upon a person convicted of violating any provision of this subsection shall not be reduced to less than the mandatory minimum term of imprisonment as established herein, nor shall said sentence of imprisonment imposed upon any person be suspended or reduced until such person shall have served said mandatory term of imprisonment.

    A person convicted of violating any provision of this subsection shall not, until he shall have served the mandatory minimum term of imprisonment established herein, be eligible for probation, parole, furlough, work release or receive any deduction from his sentence for good conduct under sections one hundred and twenty-nine, one hundred and twenty-nine C and one hundred and twenty-nine D of chapter one hundred and twenty-seven; provided, however, that the commissioner of correction may, on the recommendation of the warden, superintendent, or other person in charge of a correctional institution, grant to said offender a temporary release in the custody of an officer of such institution for the following purposes only: to attend the funeral of next of kin or spouse; to visit a critically ill close relative or spouse; or to obtain emergency medical services unavailable at said institution. The provisions of section eighty-seven of chapter two hundred and seventy-six relating to the power of the court to place certain offenders on probation shall not apply to any person seventeen years of age or over charged with a violation of this subsection. The provisions of section thirty-one of chapter two hundred and seventy-nine shall not apply to any person convicted of violating any provision of this subsection.

    (c) Whoever, after having been convicted of the crime of stalking, commits a second or subsequent such crime shall be punished by imprisonment in a jail or the state prison for not less than two years and not more than ten years. No sentence imposed under the provisions of this subsection shall be less than a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of two years.

    A prosecution commenced hereunder shall not be placed on file or continued without a finding, and the sentence imposed upon a person convicted of violating any provision of this subsection shall not be reduced to less than the mandatory minimum term of imprisonment as established herein, nor shall said sentence of imprisonment imposed upon any person be suspended or reduced until such person shall have served said mandatory term of imprisonment.

    A person convicted of violating any provision of this subsection shall not, until he shall have served the mandatory minimum term of imprisonment established herein, be eligible for probation, parole, furlough, work release or receive any deduction from his sentence for good conduct under sections one hundred and twenty-nine, one hundred and twenty-nine C and one hundred and twenty-nine D of chapter one hundred and twenty-seven; provided, however, that the commissioner of correction may, on the recommendation of the warden, superintendent, or other person in charge of a correctional institution, grant to said offender a temporary release in the custody of an officer of such institution for the following purposes only: to attend the funeral of next of kin or spouse; to visit a critically ill close relative or spouse; or to obtain emergency medical services unavailable at said institution. The provisions of section eighty-seven of chapter two hundred and seventy-six relating to the power of the court to place certain offenders on probation shall not apply to any person seventeen years of age or over charged with a violation of this subsection. The provisions of section thirty-one of chapter two hundred and seventy-nine shall not apply to any person convicted of violating any provision of this section.

  29. texas stalking law
    SECTION 1. Section 42.07, Penal Code, is amended to read as follows:

    Sec. 42.07. HARASSMENT.

    A person commits an offense if, with intent to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, or embarrass another, he:
    initiates communication by telephone, in writing, or by electronic communication and in the course of the communication makes a comment, request, suggestion, or proposal that is obscene;
    threatens, by telephone, in writing, or by electronic communication, in a manner reasonably likely to alarm the person receiving the threat, to inflict bodily injury on the person or to commit a felony against the person, a member of his family or household, or his property;
    conveys, in a manner reasonably likely to alarm the person receiving the report, a false report, which is known by the conveyor to be false, that another person has suffered death or serious bodily injury;
    causes the telephone of another to ring repeatedly or makes repeated telephone communications anonymously or in a manner reasonably likely to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, embarrass, or offend another;
    makes a telephone call and intentionally fails to hang up or disengage the connection;
    knowingly permits a telephone under the person's control to be used by another to commit an offense under this section; or
    sends repeated electronic communications in a manner reasonably likely to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, embarrass, or offend another.
    In this section:
    "Electronic communication" means a transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data, or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic, photoelectronic, or photo-optical system. The term includes:
    a communication initiated by electronic mail, instant message, network call, or facsimile machine; and
    a communication made to a pager.
    "Family" and "household" have the meaning assigned by Chapter 71, Family Code.
    "Obscene" means containing a patently offensive description of or a solicitation to commit an ultimate sex act, including sexual intercourse, masturbation, cunnilingus, fellatio, or anilingus, or a description of an excretory function.
    An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor, except that the offense is a Class A misdemeanor if the actor has previously been convicted under this section.
    SECTION 2. Subsection (b), Section 42.072, Penal Code, is amended to read as follows:

    An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree, except that the offense is a felony of the second degree if the actor has previously been convicted under this section.
    SECTION 3.

    The change in law made by this Act applies only to an offense committed on or after the effective date of this Act. For purposes of this section, an offense is committed before the effective date of this Act if any element of the offense occurs before the effective date.
    An offense committed before the effective date of this Act is covered by the law in effect when the offense was committed, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
    SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.

  30. north carolina

    The following definitions apply in this section:
    Electronic communication. - Any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data, or intelligence of any nature, transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, computer, electromagnetic, photoelectric, or photo-optical system.
    Electronic mail. - The transmission of information or communication by the use of the Internet, a computer, a facsimile machine, a pager, a cellular telephone, a video recorder, or other electronic means sent to a person identified by a unique address or address number and received by that person.
    It is unlawful for a person to:
    Use in electronic mail or electronic communication any words or language threatening to inflict bodily harm to any person or to that person's child, sibling, spouse, or dependent, or physical injury to the property of any person, or for the purpose of extorting money or other things of value from any person.
    Electronically mail or electronically communicate to another repeatedly, whether or not conversation ensues, for the purpose of abusing, annoying, threatening, terrifying, harassing, or embarrassing any person.
    Electronically mail or electronically communicate to another and to knowingly make any false statement concerning death, injury, illness, disfigurement, indecent conduct, or criminal conduct of the person electronically mailed or of any member of the person's family or household with the intent to abuse, annoy, threaten, terrify, harass, or embarrass.
    Knowingly permit an electronic communication device under the person's control to be used for any purpose prohibited by this section.
    Any offense under this section committed by the use of electronic mail or electronic communication may be deemed to have been committed where the electronic mail or electronic communication was originally sent, originally received in this State, or first viewed by any person in this State.
    Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.
    This section does not apply to any peaceable, nonviolent, or nonthreatening activity intended to express political views or to provide lawful information to others. This section shall not be construed to impair any constitutionally protected activity, including speech, protest, or assembly. (2000-125, s. 1; 2000-140, s. 91.)

  31. how many times kent, did you say on your page and in multiple blog postings that you were "coming to visit" certain people in certain states? how many times did you attribute certain people to "indecent" fantasies?

    how many phone recordings/emails/blog postings which were knowingly false and designed to annoy/harass/inflict fear?

    do you think that the parents of an underage child might be threatened by your uninitiated contact via mspace for example?

    i was directed to much more by somebody who is involved in this situation, but i got tired of copying and pasting. there are enough tidbits posted here for various truthsquadders to recognize what and where kent went wrong.

    there is also another interesting development which i will be talking about tomorrow regarding the truth squad's next step. very hopeful stuff. in the meantime, continue your fantasy kent. you will need it to savor in the dark legal times ahead.


    Event -

    Remote forensic software placed on a suspect's PC would do the trick, although you'd need physical or unblocked network access to the PC to do it. Given DK's use of mobile broadband cards and apparently, with his henchmen sending things out from different PCs in widely varying locations, I honestly don't see how it's possible to prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt.

    Dexx -

    There's also the issue of whether DK is a single person or several working in tandem as has been alleged by some.

    I also see a BIG problem with so many of you like Kevin Clarke making an issue out of things that admittedly happened years ago, long before current laws as Dexx Jones correctly notes. You are trying to apply these things retroactively or to show a pattern, but even if you do, many or most things you mention were arguably not crimes at the time.

    Finally, I see a problem with proving damages, for example can Angel Skye PROVE that what he claims DK did actually damaged him financially or psychologically - beyond annoying, irritating, humiliating etc.?

    Can Rich Sternberg PROVE he got evicted because of what DK supposedly did?

    And this business with the witness Ms. Martin suddenly coming out of the woodwork, provoking DK and then crying "intimidation" just doesn't compute. DK is arguably a reporter and he's certainly a published writer so trying to paint him as being w/o any journalistic credentials at all probly won't fly.

    You have major problems legally and procedurally with your cases gents. Much luck!

  33. uh no kent. they can simply

    a) carry out your computer and all floppies, cdroms etc to their lab

    b) get a judge's order for the complete record of activity from all of the pertinent ip adresses from related isps/email providers

    c) take statements from victims, witnesses & other related parties, including barbara. "say barbara, did you have twins?"

    i use the kevin clarke case as an illustration. you don't really think i would discuss the ACTUAL cases and the ACTUAL victims with you in a chat box do you? do you?

    you don't REALLY think i would give you a second (or third) bite at the victims do you?

    you dont think i would let my love of internet overtyping in anyway impede an investigation or tip you off to anything that is ACTUALLY happening do you?

    not one of the things you smugly discuss below are even part of any of the complaints that i know about, other than renee and you surely have that wrong. the thrust of that case is wholly unrelated to what you think it is. :)

    the laws i posted were almost all in effect before i ever even heard of a kent barclay. and those are just basic stalking laws.

    i wouldnt begin to bore the truthsquadders with the litany of federal laws in play here. i dont even understand most of them, to be honest. thats why we have professionals kent.

    if you honestly think that a competent investigator will not nail you to the wall, then good luck to you.

    as i said before, there are plenty of people with more resources than you (including brains as well as money) who are unable to outsmart law enforcement. are we to believe that you- a person with such meager cashflow has done anything other than what's free, cheap and/or easy? make me laugh kent.

    each phone call/text message/email/blog posting leaves an absolute trail kent. remember that. you arent a great criminal mastermind with multiple high-tech gadgets and a fool-proof method of accessing the internet.

    you are a pathetic 58 yearold man with a porn habit. you arent even savvy enough to disguise your ip addys readily obvious to hobby blogmasters. if THEY can see you, what makes you think the fbi wont be able to?

    you arent even creative enough to hide your fake posts beind different cadence or words. people who barely know you on all sorts of forums and blogs routinely spot you even before the blogmaster can post your ip. you are that obvious.

    back and forth we go. i must look like as much as a lunatic as you do by patiently and repeatedly pointing out these obvious truths to you, but as i said, it entertains me and my lunacy is kept well within legal bounds.

    i notice that you keep sidestepping the housing situation. what are you going to tell THEM? that you have an evil twin? that your real address is a laguna mailbox?

    done done done.

  34. let us not forget that your legal knowledge did not stop you from getting your mother thrown into the street. how many times did the judge tell you to shut up? its in the records and was related to me by the norwell pi.

    so given your track record, i find your confidence as faux as your screen names and industry credentials. :)

  35. Secret

    Kent is getting tired and sloppy staying awake listening to every bump shout,siren and especially tonight the loud fireworks.

    Kent is really not sleeping much his ip's show up as early as 4 in the morning and frequently go till midnight. Don't think he is getting enough rest,,

    Kent just remember Police usually make their move in the wee hours on a weekend. Of course with you it can happen anytime your being watched you know it, you can feel it.

    When they decide to arrest you
    they will find you, a man cannot hide who has an internet addiction.

    Remember Kevin Mitnick the famous Hacker who was on the run a fugitive caught when he logged into the San Diego Supercomputer Center. The SA on duty recognized him and led the FBI right to him across country.

    You a clueless technologically challenged individual stands no chance at all!

  36. "you dont think i would let my love of internet overtyping in anyway impede an investigation or tip you off to anything that is ACTUALLY happening do you? . . .but as i said, it entertains me and my lunacy is kept well within legal bounds."

    Dexx, I sentence you to 10 years hard time for unduly prolix late-night posting! (Just kidding about the prolix part, but I had to look it up and didn't want to waste it.)

    "There's also the issue of whether DK is a single person or several working in tandem as has been alleged by some."

    I actually THINK he may have gotten that idea from me, though I doubt it was all that original. Anyway, I was green at the time and was not fully attuned to the way words can come back to haunt you with Kentie, and I apologize for my foolish ramblings retroactively.

    "Finally, I see a problem with proving damages, for example can Angel Skye PROVE that what he claims DK did actually damaged him financially or psychologically - beyond annoying, irritating, humiliating etc.?"

    Kentie, are you stlll harboring the delusion that these are civil cases? As Dexx said, that will come LATER. All that has to be proven in a CRIMINAL case is that a law has been broken. Whether anyone can prove to have been hurt by you (which of course they can) is totally irrelevant.

    "And this business with the witness Ms. Martin suddenly coming out of the woodwork, provoking DK and then crying 'intimidation' just doesn't compute."

    God knows, if there's anything Madame knows how to do it's provoke DK. The only part that "doesn't compute" is the way he falls for it hook, line and sinker. Sister, I think you might have the makings of a sermon on lambs led to the slaughter of something here. See you in Church.

    "DK is arguably a reporter and he's certainly a published writer so trying to paint him as being w/o any journalistic credentials at all probly won't fly."

    HAHAHAHA. Do you think even Woodward and Bernstein would be able to skate on these charges based on JOURNALISTIC CREDENTIALS? But that's immaterial because your credentials are in the field of internet terrorism, and you have been renewing them for over ten years.

    "not one of the things you smugly discuss below are even part of any of the complaints that i know about, other than renee and you surely have that wrong. the thrust of that case is wholly unrelated to what you think it is. :)"

    That Madame just has a way of getting under your skin, doesn't she, Kentie?

    "how many times did the judge tell you to shut up? its in the records and was related to me by the norwell pi."

    How much would it cost to order a tranxcript of that case? THAT would make for some good late-night reading!

  37. DeWayne, the bumps, shouts, sirens and fireworks have been keeping me awake too! Now let's both get some sleep. That goes for you too, Kentie!

  38. my goodness. taken from his site a few moments ago... yes. in this time of fiscal uncertainty, there are surely people stampeding to help defend your right to defame and torture people using the internet.


    LEGAL DEFENSE FUND now in formation
    Would you like to help defend our First Amendment rights? THE KRUEZER would really appreciate it. Email for details.


    Kent. Even if you were an actual journalist, there is no 1st amendment right to use a news site for malicious purposes. look up the statutes kentie. that's a global legal principle. its older than you are. hell its older than barbara.

    by all means i hope you DO get thousands in contributions (statistically unlikely considering that how much of your already anemic traffic consists of your victims (past/current) checking to see what latest terrorism you've cooked up) because every dollar you raise on your own is one less dollar the taxpayer has to foot so you can get a competent defense.

    so we're back to the jewlery thing again huh? i guess one of your hoped for benefactors just gently reminded you, as i had to long ago, of the squandered opportunities you were given and then ignored. i bet that person said "sell some jewelry"

    gee i hope he/she doesnt give you an advance or expect much by way of sales considering that your site is in the bottom 1% of trafficked sites and i highly doubt that anybody who is on your site is going to trust YOU of all people to convey a sale.

    considering the list of people already ripped off by you, not counting of course the good citizens of norwell and quincy...

  39. in a stunning irony, barbara asked the judge to redact some of the mentions of kent's online porn activity. they feared it would stop her from getting other housing. it would prejudice potential complexes if they knew that there was a possibility that her pervert son might camp out in her unit.


    enough of it came through, and we have an early copy. when kevin gets back from california i will make sure he sends it to you (it would take me at least that long to find it in my archives) it makes for an insane read, i can tell you that.

    one of the neighbors complains of loud typing late at night and cursing. one scene has him hiding in a field while the authority checks her unit for unauthorized tenants.

    and kents own words to the judge "assertions masquerading as facts" will make you laugh with recognition.

    in the end, all of kent's posturing did him no good. they wouldnt even hear him speak again.

    there is footage of him leaving the courthouse in his baseball hat and sun glasses while barbara screams at him. he lost then and that was a drop in the ocean compared to whats coming.

    and with that, i am off to doze in pomerania. :)


    Would those funds be "commingled" with the $5,000 you falsely claimed to have raised for Joe and Harlow's defense? If you even raised a penny, we know you are so self-destructive that you would even scam YOURSELF out of the money, and spend it on dial-up minutes. DON'T FALL FOR IT PEOPLE!!!

  41. One word describes this...

    Would you like to help defend our First Amendment rights? THE KRUEZER would really appreciate it. Email for details.

  42. Dexx Jones can rant all he likes, the fact is he was in business with Damon, funding his journalism. Now suddenly Damon's the devil? Was Damon's content objectionable and illegal when you paid for it Dexx?

    Angel and Brad obtained publicity from Damon and were happy with his work, he has the emails to prove it. This can't morph magically into stalking, that should be crystal clear. Perhaps he should be escorted to the nearest shrink?

    Notice what a small group of rabid apologists for these losers actually post, hope you all are prepared for investigations into your lives. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones should they.

  43. Guys I think I have found the way I can help this case. I have written statements from 2 people who are willing to testify against Kent. I bet you wonder why this is different, well these are two of his former allies who were asked by DK to sign documents where they would support his lies against Angel. Both parties have declined to help him and turned to me for help. Kent you are further in the noose!

  44. From Dexx wire: [N]ewsflash #454 [K]ent- [the Police] have tools to authenticate everything. where have you been for the past 8 years? never mind. we already know the answer to that."

    Now, Dexx, you know Barclay is a "self-admitted" computer expert. Hell, he told us all, in one of his blogs, that he taught computer science at a Harvard related college. And he upgraded the late Bryan (yes, Barclay, it is B R Y A N, B R I A N) Charles Kocis' with Windows Vista, at a time when this was not possible because that computer operating system was not available in any form. OMG two facts that can be fact checked, as in verified, a basic journalistic concept that Tard Lard cannot comprehend, let alone observe. But then, we are talking the buffoon pooh slinger who cobbed material from the wires of the Associated Press without attribution. Now, that is real copyright infringement.

    Of course, Barclay "asserts" he would never lie. Barclay's that honorable, not! Tard Lard asserts much, mostly not verifiable and louded with unprofessional weaselisms no professional journalist would ever load a column. Why you ask? Because weasel words undermine the writer's integrity. Weasel words are the domain of buffoonish, foppish, baboonish, pooh slinging Tard Lards who make up stories about a troubled man killing two others and then himself because of that suicide's not being able to cope with life due to severe depression. That Tard Lard is a fact. Your version was so far from the truth as to be intentionally cruel to the surviving loved ones, friends and associates of all the victims, including the suicide. The only toy you will have to worry about in your soon to be new home is where your newest play pal Bruno will place that broomstick and takes your direction. At least, Bruno will be helping you refine and finesse your artistic talents.

    You Barclay are nothing but a third-rate Bunco artist.

    Least I suffer poor manners, Greetings Dexx, VJ, Will G, Angel, Dewayne, Dane, and anyone else who escapes my attention at the moment. I need my coffee. Hope you had a good 4th of July.

  45. VJ wrote:
    What do you write?
    Books?, mag. articles?
    I would like to see your work!”

    Well vj, not only are you seeing his work right here and now, you are also an unsuspecting character in his work, just like most everyone else here is. You see, Dexx is a writer of fiction and he is without question a very talented, creative and most excellent writer.

    Dexx has been writing for some time now, just take a trip and look back through the many blogs about damon kruezer/kent Barclay. It’s all there. The same claims, the same rants, the same stories, the same conflicts, and the same good against evil plot and most notably, the same unresolved story. You see, you can’t get your main character arrested or killed off or the story will come to an abrupt end.

    Any good writer knows two things. A story must have a core conflict and better yet, a fight against good and evil. Dexx incorporates these two elements and more in this damon kruezer saga brilliantly. Just look at his postings here tonight as a sampling.

    The first rule of thumb for any writer is to know your characters thoroughly. Dexx really excels in this. His one and only one real character, damon kruezer, is one that will go down in history as being the most sinister and evil ever. The rest of the characters, like YOU and everyone else who participates here and elsewhere in this story have just come to the story through many different and unsuspecting means. But Dexx uses you as characters too as he, like any good writer, gets you personally involved and hooked in the story very quickly with a personal investment of your time and your good will to act against evil so that the story builds in conflict and size and takes on a dimension of its own. It feeds his HUGE ego.

    When Dexx is at his best, he is posting like a wild person on the blogs and his damon kruezer website is simultaneously responding and firing back, at HIM, hour after hour, day after day. Dexx just loves to be a part of his own story telling. It really is quite amazing. It must be exhausting, yet exhilarating for a writer to see all of this playing out in front of him. Manipulating real people into his work of fiction.

    And Dexx knows when to turn off damon kruezer at all the right times and make him go silent too. It builds suspense. It keeps you, the reader involved and tuned in.

    But now it’s gotten out of hand like a Frankenstein movie. His story telling is hurting people and Dexx is so heavily invested in the saga he just can’t let it go. Have you ever noticed Dexx’s rich history of damon Kruezer. He knows things no one else knows about him. It’s not because he worked for dexx, it’s because Dexx created him as his central character.

    For those people thinking they have met Damon Kruezer, you have really met Dexx Jones. No one has ever met the two. That’s why Dexx claims to be such a reclusive person. It’s simply for cover.

    Everyone connected to this saga is an unknowing character in Dexx’s creative story telling mind. The whole kent Barclay name association to damon kruezer was ingenious to the drama and core conflict to the story. Especially during the eviction. But there is really no connection. It’s simply made up as is the rest of the story.

    I’m sure you’re reading this saying, this is absolutely impossible. If this were to be true then he has really befriended me only to fuck me and use me as part of his madness and storytelling. Well yes, that would be true too. It’s ok to feel angry and betrayed, it’s the true emotion that comes from events like this.

    You really have to look at this with open eyes, mind and a keen sense of reading.

    There’s much more on this, but I think this will be enough for now as it is, I’m sure, too difficult to even process. I’ll pick up the rest later.

  46. Stuff the trip through the Looking Glass Barclay. Fiction writing is a noble profession and the masters of it accumulate acclaim and refine their art. The masters in American letters thus far are William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Flannery O' Connor, Kurt Vonnegut. Yep. Barclay writes fiction alright, the unsubstantiated, pulp fiction kind that is never memorable, stereotypical, and ends up either in the trash can or puppy kennel liner.

    Dexx Jones is consistent, persistent, and factually accurate. You on the other hand have no acquaintance with any of these concepts.

  47. Barclay is nothing more than a vapor trail of fictional license.

    Hey Tard Lard you think we all so naive as to think the Housing Authority Hearing Officer thought you a mere fiction? You got evicted for fraud, not poetic license Numbskull. A good journalist would have known Nelson Garcia's background as a convicted, child soliciting pervert who is officially on probation and the New York Sex Offenders Registry. Garcia put himself there.

    Dexx Jones is a preferred read by us because he relies on facts, not fabricated hooey from the Whacky Tacky Psychodelic Spin Factory, Kent Barclay, Proprietor (when someone isn't pounding on the door wanting to kick your fat ass around the block for lies you spread.)

  48. Kentie has been a busy beaver!
    He is writing me privately quite a bit.
    Kent just because you are fried, don't bother me -
    write it HERE if you need to -

    Thank you for your cooperation and have a wonderful day! :))

  49. Gathering from his alibi's as to why he is not stalking Angel and Brad, he mentions that he promoted their site, but what he fails to understand is that when Angel and Brad closed down their site they sent an industry-wide press release about persecution and stalking and asked to be left alone. That is when you became a stalker because you failed to respect their privacy and fulfill their request to leave them alone. Angel told you repeatedly he was NOT INTERESTED in your services all the emails are there to prove it you even posted it on your site moron which is also copied into evidence. Angel then went as far as writting an official statement on his blog letting people know he wanted nothing to do with you all the while you were kissing his ass ranting and raving how he was the new and I quote "Jim Morrison" and how his movie was going to be huge, and how you were in Roxburry NJ then at how evil he is look at your tracks Kent you have Stalker written all over you the evidence is overwhelming!

    It is important everyone read the press release on Just us boys when they make it clear they are done and then here is Angel's first plea to Kent to go away back in JANUARY!!!!!

    Want more Kent? Trust me no one is talking out of their asses here you have commited crimes and for those crimes you will pay!

  50. Time out here - I know the answer to this is probably "most of you," but a show of hands, how many of the hundreds who read and/or post here have contributed this morning to the loozers defense fund? I'm sure it is most of you...I'll bet the several who he scammed for hundreds of dollars with his phony escort scheme would be more than willing to throw in a couple more bucks. Wonder if he has set up the fund at the Revere Credit Union, where he had his unsuspecting victims Western Union there deposit $? Maybe I'll just give them a call. They were very forthcoming previously with info, and were well aware of him.

  51. Dane did you say bank fraud?

    Good Heavens! Federal charges and state ones on his monetary fund scandal. Barclay will never leave wheresoever he ends up, excepting toes up.

  52. I suppose you could call it bank fraud. The only thing is - he pulled the scam on unsuspecting "straight" men who wanted to play with men without wifey finding out about it. When they realized they had been taken (and not in the way they wanted), they had no recourse but to just write it off. Several of them contacted The Truth Squad when they did some googling on the loozer, but none of them were in a position to file charges, and the Loozer knew this when he took their $. So he beat the wrap on that one.
    A sting was attempted, but by that time, he caught on, and it didn't work.

  53. " how many of the hundreds who read and/or post here have contributed this morning to the loozers defense fund?"

    I don't even know why he would need a defense fund. I mean with all the money flowing in, plus the real estate in TriBeCa, Rochester, and god knows where else, surely he already has enough money to hire throngs of lawyers. :)

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. disingenuous indeed!!

    I did not say I want to be left alone,
    I said Print It Here!!

    c,mon Demon!
    You knew that!! :)

  56. I think you mean thongs of lawyers PC..... Now Kent/NG you really think that trying the Dexx Jones is Kent Barclay routine will will work that is rather silly. Begging for contributions Kent/NG?
    While you try and change subjects Kent/NG you should know that the Quincy Housing Authority has been forwarded the information regarging the Norwell case.
    One might suspect that they are rather unhappy that the forgery and perjury committed there was ignored and they now are complicit in allowing someone to terrorize people from government subsidized housing.
    They can be named in the civil actions Kent/NG as they actually have somethinhg to go after.
    When Rich Sternberg met with the head of the housing authority the clock started.

  57. "I think you mean thongs of lawyers PC"

    Seth, the word thong and Kentie in the same story is an image I'd prefer not to think about. ;)

  58. Antisocial Personality Disorder

    Personality Disorders

    This disorder was previously known as both psychopathic and Sociopathic personality disorder. Like most personality disorders, there are many factors that may contribute to the development of symptoms. Because the symptoms are long lasting, the idea that symptoms begin to emerge in childhood or at least adolescence is well accepted. The negative consequences of such symptoms, however, may not show themselves until adulthood.

    Research has shown that a large percentage of individuals with this disorder have recognizable behaviors prior to age 15. These behaviors include difficulty with authority, legal altercations, cruelty to animals, fire setting, and a dislike or anger toward authority. This disorder is diagnosed much more frequently in males.

    The symptoms of antisocial personality disorder include a longstanding pattern (after the age of 15) of disregard for the rights of others. There is a failure to conform to society's norms and expectations that often results in numerous arrests or legal involvement as well as a history of deceitfulness where the individual attempts to con people or use trickery for personal profit. Impulsiveness if often present, including angry outbursts, failure to consider consequences of behaviors, irritability, and/or physical assaults.

    Some argue that a major component of this disorder is the reduced ability to feel empathy for other people. This inability to see the hurts, concerns, and other feelings of people often results in a disregard for these aspects of human interaction. Finally, irresponsible behavior often accompanies this disorder as well as a lack of remorse for wrongdoings.

    Treatment for this disorder is very rarely sought. There is a limited amount of insight into the symptoms, and the negative consequences are often blamed on society. In this sense, treatment options are limited. Some research has found long term insight oriented therapy to be effective, but getting the individual to commit to this treatment is a major obstacle.

    Prognosis is not very good because of two contributing factors. First, because the disorder is characterized by a failure to conform to society's norms, people with this disorder are often incarcerated because of criminal behavior. Secondly, a lack of insight into the disorder is very common. People with antisocial personality disorder typically see the world as having the problems, not him or herself, and therefore rarely seek treatment. If progress is made, it is typically over an extended period of time.

  59. Dewayne,
    Could you please look up IP address for this last "demon" post.

    if we post it then Kent may get the point.

  60. vj he isnt capable of getting any point. i mean there is his own voice echoing off my page. if that didnt send him hiding under the bed in mortification, i cannot imagine what would.

  61. To the handsome but dim V.J.:

    Anything worth posting in these harassing e-mails? Or just same-old same-old?

  62. From demon-
    to me and of course I am honored!



    How many names does Kent Barclay have?

    How many names does dexx jones have?

  63. demons other email -
    cannot be bothered- too long.

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  65. Hi will,
    No, boring stuff-

    I thought he had a talent for "being someone else" but he gives himself away really fast.

    demon- DON'T write me again!!!!!

  66. It has always utterly amazed me at how much how verbal abuse one person can take, that "one person" being Kentie. Aside from the hundreds (at least) of websites dedicated to revealing his atrocities, and the thousands of posts over the past ten years that run at least 1000-1 for those supporting him (with that "one" being any one of his many personalities), the audio alone should have been enough to make him run and hide and, at the very least, slit his throat so he can never speak again.
    This alone should show anyone who doubts us the degree of his insanity. He certainly must realize (though probably not) that even the worst of the worst clever criminals is eventually caught and given his dues.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Dexx - Could you look up narcissistic personality disorder as well? I have a feeling it may apply, there might even be a picture of Kentie there.

  69. Someone had better get a new e-mail address, as I suggested, and possibly a new unlisted phone #.

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  74. Demon - You KNOW I like the REAL Demon a lot, you have to understand that Kentie stole your name in many e-mails to V.J. That is the source of any confusion there may be. The REAL Demon does not have V.J.'s e-mail address. DO YOU???

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. "Kentie - The Demon name has been taken and copyrighted by SOMEONE ELSE."

    Meaning no disrespect, but you can't copyright a name... that would have to be a trademark.

  78. oh good. the florida stalking statutes are even more extreme. carry on kentie

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  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. PC - I was joking about the copyright, sorry.

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  86. Demon - Let's start over.

    Are you saying:

    A) You are the same Demon who has posted many very amusing comments on these threads, and who I never for a moment suspected of being Kentie?

    B) You suddenly started e-mailing V.J., whose address you just happened to have, out of the blue for a friendly chat?

  87. as a public service, i post the following link.

    truthsquadders and blogmasters with a few extra bucks who want to contribute to the cause and play amateur sleuth can amuse themselves by using these affordable services.

  88. Hey everyone last night just before I went to bed I noticed the Secret post checked the time it was 3:40 Boston time.

    I commented to Will how little Kentie sleeps here he is still spasmodically posting away like a Tourettes victim!

    While I had a restful nights sleep getting up around 10.

    Now I am off to enjoy a Sunny beautifully summer day...

    FYI all the overnight Kent Alters were posted from

    Brockton,Quincy,Cambridge & Boston ip's as well as Florida Proxy and a new overseas proxy.

    So lame since the writing never varies not what passes for thought behind it why does he even bother with proxy posting.

  89. sigh. i hate blogger and its idiot margins

    click on "services" along the top. there are plenty of affordable options for that truthsquadder who wants to go the extra mile. :)

  90. Demon -

    C) And you used an address that you say was created to wind up Kentie in those e-mails, when you could reasonably assume it would be the source of confusion and suspicion?

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  94. VJ- It seems Kentie has a little crush on you!!!

    PC-Kent also claims to have purchased Babs a home in Wellesley. Which is odd because that is where Judy Barclay works, that is the woman he claimed was his mother last week.

    Kent you are like a diseased parrot, blah blah blah. SHUT UP already.

  95. I guess Demon has left us.

    V.J. and Thomas - My best judgment at this point is that the "demon kruezer" "fat-lady-has-sung" e-mails being sent to V.J. ARE NOT from Kentie after all. I think it is partially Demon's fault for using that name in the address, but I, at least, apologize to him for the confusion.

  96. So many deletions!!

    Thank God Madame has other more important things on he mind.

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  99. Demon - Do you think that e-mail is demented enough that it's worth posting here?

  100. Even a good Teflon pan can wear out. I think Kent reaching out to a 12 yo on MySpace could be the ticket.

    I wish I could connect with my neighbor but every time I see him he is with someone. He is a Boston cop and actually owes me a favor. And I learned last night a mutual friend is a clerk in the Norfolk court system. I will see what digging I can do.

    Me thinks Kentie has done "things" that we don't know about and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

  101. demon,
    Prove your not Kent really easily,

    How did you get my email address?

  102. VJ-If you would stop writing your e-mail and number in bathroom stalls, you wouldn't need to ask that question!!! LOL!!!!!

  103. V.J. - It's all my fault. Apparently you posted your address here once at my request.

  104. Demon - No negative connotations meant by "all my fault.'

  105. ThomasBoston said...

    I wish I could connect with my neighbor but every time I see him he is with someone. He is a Boston cop and actually owes me a favor.

    What is this, "Mystic River"??

  106. I still think it is Kent, but it really does not matter.
    I use my real name and am pretty much an open book.
    Being "demon" and coming out with really vague stuff which amounts to nothing- is very easy.
    He has not said anything with any substance to it.
    Waste of time.

  107. Will- I wish I could share that story, its a classic.

  108. V.J. i'll e-mail you about this later.

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  111. (Let me try that one more time)

    It looks like the Vampire of Quincy is finally getting some sleep. Everyone savor it.

  112. From the Screamatorium:

    "I will reprint along with the words of glowing praise and gratitude from Angel Skye and Brad Star as recently as April 2008 including Skye's insistent offer of yet another exclusive interview. Sounds like he was stalking me, according to some of you.

    "Later this week we'll feature an excerpt from my script for the "FAST AND THE CURIOUS" commissioned by Angel Skye.
    You know, the one he says doesn't exist. Just like those pesky promissory notes he claims don't exist or aren't legally binding."

    There is a great song by Moloko called "I Can't Help Myself." It should play every time you open Kentie's site.

  113. Damn Will i take a few days off to get ahead on homework and to have a fun fourth of july and see that you have gone on a deleting frenzy, back to the closet with you boy and you need to stay there for a week..... there will not be so much deleting Will, you have to learn go to the closet and wait for Babs...

    As for everyone else hope you all had a great fourth of july and are still partying the weekend away. Me still recouping from yesterdays beer hangover.... lol

    Kentie as for you why dont you just pack up your pinto and head down to pennsylvania would love to see you at the hearing and for your meeting with harlow... Have a few freinds called detectives that would love to say hello and get ahold of you about all this information that joe and harlow allegidly gave to you... ha ha ha... we know that is a joke for sure, but if they cant get that from you can they can you for something else.... we call know what that is....

  114. As you can see by my spelling errors they beer still has seeped out of my pores... I will be better at typing tomorrow....

  115. sorry for the spelling errors again.

    I see kentie also has got some new alias's in the last few days...

  116. Renee- There are at least six new ones on his blog. Kent also apparently hosted his mysterious web chats last night too. Kent also went to Pops concert on the Charles. He really is a busy lunatic.

    Glad you had a good 4th Renee and hope you maintained your dignity in the process :)

    Kent -How does one get invited to your web chats? Is it a supah secret "Special" Peoples Club?

  117. Madame - Even I am furious at the sheer volume of deletions today. It doesn't prepare you for the real world to be able to just delete your mistakes like this, otherwise Kentie would be able to delete his whole life and start over. Or WE would be able to delete -- well, you get the idea. I am going back into the closet now, no wisecracks from anybody please.

  118. 20/20 @ 8.04
    You said there would be more, please continue-

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  120. V.J. - 20/20 spins a good tale, very similar to Geoff Harvard's. However, there is one crucial flaw in that narrative: In order for him to believe what he's posting now, HE (20/20, aka KB) would have to have been LYING to us in his dozens of previous posts about having info on DK and wanting to help in the investigation. Therefore, the only PROVEN liar in this little charade is 20/20. Therefore, I say to 20/20, F*** OFF KENTIE.

  121. i think when he isnt having an ...episode... kent is cowering in the bathroom. as for his "posse" be it geoff harvard, NG or some of the unknowns, who really cares. if somebody is insane enough to link themselves to kent and/or help him with his smokescreen, i say more power to them.

    its like deciding to dip yourself in dog poop. live and let live dude, just dont stand next to me and DONT expect to be accorded the default niceties of discourse. approach me with the patina of dog poop and know you are already starting off on a lower level than a plain stranger. know what i mean?

    we arent talking about an insult at a cocktail party here. we are talking about real people. some of whom i KNOW who have had their lives negatively impacted by this fucking idiot. if people want to jump on THAT bandwagon, they deserve what comes next.

    anybody remember "neil summers" or "hinman" ?


    gone daddy gone. their rocks lifted, their bluffs called. im sure there will be more.

  122. 20/20 is not lying, he is simply distinguishing between confirmable facts and all the wishful thinking going on. What he says about Angel and Brad consensually involving Kent including what I see as the absolutely real April offer of an exclusive interview to hype the Lucas movie then in pre production makes Angel's claims look very dubious.

    Especially since Angel had by then publicly "unretired" himself, one of a number of contradictions I've discovered about him. Angel really does rewrite history to suit his agenda, I'm sorry but it's too true.

    I say this because the ONLY way Kent is going down is to stick ONLY to the facts, not opinions, speculations or interpretations. I do think 20/20 is onto something about Dexx Jones, who has gone from frantic crusading about molesting priests to demonizing Damon while also using him as his main - and indispensable - character. The LAST thing Jones wants is for Kent to be caught, he is in fact providing him grounds for his appellate appeal if he's ever convicted of anything.

    That's why I think the "real" Kent may be a will o' the wisp or a misidentified person with certain information tacked on to a pre existing identity grid so that the resulting hybridized identity can be a source of endless fodder for Jones' fiction, in which he's always the rich, fearless Bruce Wayne character fighting for the right.

    The way Jones and his employee Clarke have attached themselves at the hip to Angel after previously ignoring him for years is quite remarkable. In my judgment Angel is being used for purposes of a much larger agenda. If and when he actually faces Kent in open court it will be interesting to see his proof of stalking, extortion and harassment turn out to be postings on blogs and 2 promissory notes in which Kent will be shown to be the "silent partner" of the Florida gentleman.

    Kent is much more - and much less -than he appears to be.

    Angel should have kept his word to him rather than create all this phony drama to try and cover up the fact he does owe people big money.

    Thats my take on all this, to date.

  123. Kentie - Your use of names like "Event" now is further evidence of your disintegrating mental state. Now you are not people, but TV shows and abstract nouns.

    YOU ARE LOSING IT. Although I must say, paradoxically, that your writing is improving. Too bad it's way to late for you to make any kind of productive career out of it. You're done.

  124. By the way, Event, your alter 20/20 said NOTHING about Angel, that is YOU and your self-destructive impulses, Kentie. Even when it is in your own best interests to be silent on this matter now, you keep displaying the same behavior that got you into this mess. Do you think this legal matter will be played out in the court of public opinion?
    You HAVE no public, only law enforcement is montitoring your blogs and postings now, so just keep playing right into their hands.

  125. uh kent? i have never talked to angel. we are hardly joined at the hip. the status of their retirement or employment has absolutely nothing to do with your actions.

    you dont get to court and say "they said they were RETIRED and now they have a MOVIE coming out so that means its ok that i contacted their underage relatives and talked about gay porn"

    angel could be an axe murderer, could owe more than the national debt, be sued by fifty exwives and you would STILL have no excuse for contacting underage relatives to talk about gay porn.

    As for me wanting you caught? you're already caught. LOL. the only thing we are waiting for is for the arrest and mug shot. i'm a patient dude, kent. i can wait for a long time for that to happen.

    i have tens of thousands of readers i can impress and wow with my typing skills- i hardly need the truthsquad to validate myself, though i love them madly.

    you harmed people i care about and i have the time, and inclination to follow your story as it gets to the poetic justice (and criminal) justice segment.

    i cant claim to have been harmed by you- porn confidential was a smashing success in no small part to its relentless early exposing of your nasty deeds.

    you never harmed my sales or were able to impact my business in a negative way- hell, my standing up to you gained me many new friends and connections. not YOU as introducer. you as monster who i shined a light on.

    my beef with you is what you did to some very good people. my beef with you is that you did it on the tax payer dime. my beef with you is that you WOULD if you COULD do me serious harm.

    the fact that you cannot is only further proof of your anorexic financial situation and your limited creativity. (copy and paste doesnt take much talent)

    the fact that you cannot does not mean that i shouldnt take any and all measures to insure that you never get the chance.

    plus, i am as mad as a hatter and thats ok. my madness is entertaining and beneficial to the greater good. you off the street, and make no mistake i AM helping with ground support and AM in touch with law enforcement on this score, will be reward enough.

    as i said, kent. i'm a patient dude. its not as if my life stops to pop in and write a few epic posts when the mood strikes me.

    ALL of us have actual lives. except you. This IS your life and it would be tragic if you werent so malevolent.

  126. notice how none of kent's alters are touching the housing authority situation? thats the reason he is continuing to try and drive the thread of conversation.

    he wants us to get in the weeds of nonsense. he does NOT want us all discussing whats to be done about quincy.

    i fully expect his head to explode when he sees what comes next. :)

    in the meantime, lets all talk about quincy and begin to make firm plans on how to proceed. i am still working on that resource package. there are many places in MA for a concerned citizen to do their civic duty.

    so how 'bout it, event/2020/kentie? what do you have to say about the quincy housing authority, the norwell housing authority and the local paper, just LOOKING for a governmental scandal to sink its teeth into?

  127. Dexx I would say that is a grand idea, if you can get the information give it to me I will be more then glad to contact whomever is necessary in the mass area, including the housing authority, as a matter of fact I will be visiting them later this week.

    Will you can come out of the closet now you have been grounded long enough for me to get over yesterdays hangover. That is long enough.

    Oh and before I forget a Belated Happy Birthday to DEXX!

  128. Dexx writes "[Barclay] wants us to get in the weeds of nonsense. [H]e does NOT want us all discussing what's to be done about [Q]uincy."

    Most righteous Dexx. And you used fictional and poetic license to coin a memorable phrase. One really cannot in good conscience, or good faith for that matter state that Barclay has coined anything memorable except animosity and embarassment. Now we are talking Barclay here so I do have to put my considerable humanities education to work and ask whether
    the weeds of nonsense fall anywhere near Kent's miasmic swamp of stupidity and its confluence with condescending platitudes and confusing grammatical constructions?

  129. In the middle of a holiday weekend, with most likely nobody monitoring, he got through on JCA's site for the first time in ages.

    Event Horizon on July 5, 2008 7:44 pm

    Tommy Lima was pictured and glowingly reviewed, and the Sebastian Young “wanted” story revealed, weeks ago on a competing site. In the interests of journalistic truth there it is. Deal.

    Innocuous, but can you believe he's even thinking about this BS with everything else going south in his life?

  130. What Kent/NG is simply put is a lying piece of shit.

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  132. lol rob i am in no position to critique kent's grammatical constructions


    i can say that he is never original. even his war of the worlds prose is lifted directly from his favorite comic books and fantasy novels.

    its always clash of the titans this and the soul of the industry that.

    this grandiose view of where he fits in is key to kent's sad situation. its almost an admission of sorts that he actually is at best a marginal character.

    when a somewhat sane person exaggerates, he usually bumps up a notch or two. Kent goes right for the fantastical because even the routine and ordinary is too far above his reach. unimaginable for kent to do what most of us consider basic.

    its not even about money or education. its about effort and hard work. kent's efforts are utterly wasted on the non-tangible.

    as kevin once said, there is no path to get to where he wants. not really. we all know what he wants, but even that is based on some non-existent fantasy of what porn is.

    kent envisions, for instance, a falcon or a titan studios as old world hollywood where he, once he is an accepted industry figure would ride up to the gates in a convertible rolls and be recognized by the security guard and allowed onto the lot where twinks would be dangling from trees and he would be treated like a visiting world dignitary.

    that child-like view of an industry which is anything BUT glamourous in its daily workings shows how far removed kent is from both the actual physical business he worships, and also brings into view how utterly impossible it is for him to achieve it.

    at 58, kent would actually have a problem getting treated with a modicum of dignity when applying for a job at a fast food joint. he would consider that an insult and that in itself is also interesting.

    my father, if he somehow found himself penniless and needing to feed his family would gladly take a job at a fast food joint and be thankful to have it.

    this is what people DO to survive, but kent pretends that's above him. but he knows it isnt. he knows that he isnt even qualified to do THAT.

    can you imagine kent dealing with the public? LOL

    ok i'm rambling and probably posting just to post. but it was in my head and as we all know, there is a very short route to my mouth from there (and fingers) lol.

    monday morning the quincy project begins in earnest.

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  134. He's been up all night again. Thankfully, he was too busy writing a new Manifesto of Malarky on his own site to bother us here, thank God for small favors.

    It's the usual claptrap, just much wordier than usual. Here is the only passage I found interesting:

    Worst of all, SKYE has been foolish enough to falsely claim that DAMON made a highly improper and totally wrong contact with a very young female relative of his in order to "expose" him as a gay video star, which is a total fabrication, and a mark of his actual desperation to throw any mud on the wall in hopes some of it will stick - especially in regard to Federal authorities now that his State and local complaints appear to have been deemed to be non actionable on the basis of insufficient evidence, lack of standing, and/or wrong jurisdiction.

    "Highly improper and totally wrong," huh? Well, that's a start, Kentie. Contrition might be taken into consideration by a judge at sentencing, but I'm afraid it does you absolutely no good if you still refuse to admit it was you who did it. It's a baby step in the right direction, though.

    By the way, why do you need the LEGAL DEFENSE FUND if all the state and local complaints have been dismissed and "deemed to be non-actionable?" I'm sure the hard-working public servants who are handling your cases will be thrilled to read they can stop because YOU have deemed the charges to be non-actionable. And SURELY the Feds will come to the same erroneous conclusion.

    On the other hand, they MIGHT consider that to be printing provably false information about an ongoing legal investigation in a public forum, with the clear intent to discourage any further complaints from being filed. I'm not sure what the legal term for such an offense is, but the layman could call it what it is, A BIG FAT LIE, and just let the authorities deal with it.

  135. Morning Will just woke up to check up on things. Quiet overnite..

    I have a new post set for AutoPost at 11 a.m. P.D.T 2 E.D.T.

    Its short called Real Life vs Fantasyland

    Well back to bed I go,,,

  136. I need your help with my Legal Defense Fund, now that my side of this struggle has been made clear...which is YOUR side too, given the First Amendment issues involved.

    Donations are being accepted via PayPal, bank wire or by overnight dispatch. Thank you.

    Let me finish making out the Western Union wire transfer to his Revere Credit Union account...there - all, to the business at hand..


  137. Dexx--

    Superb comment. I hope I get to sake your hand at some point in the near future in your capacity as our unofficial leader against terror tactics, hate and fear mongering.

    Who would have thought that Chief Runamok could have brought so many angry gay men together in a common cause?

    This is a fine hour in American society and culture.

  138. Rob - I agree wholeheartedly, but you may want to plug your ears when I say let's not forget Madame Renee (who is an honorary angry gay man).

  139. We must deal with proveable facts here not wishful thinking or making unwarranted assumptions.

    FACT is there is no Kent or Babs listed as living in the Quincy or Brockton or Revere housing authority. No one under any name (first or last) even close to theirs. I've checked this thoroughly.

    Unless they're there under a different or phony name, if so that would be an evictable offense.

    I suggest we focus on whether we can verify Kentie and Babs are proveably living under the Q.H.A., B.H.A. or R.H.A. umbrella - or not.

    We have to be accurate about this.

  140. Dear Event, which is long for Kent-
    As usual there is no point in telling you that you are wrong about the Barclays, so instead, I will just tell you to go f**k yourself.

  141. Then you have nothing to worry about.

  142. At least he's focused on the right thing now, not submitting meaningless comments to porn news sites.

  143. fact. we already proved you were living in tobin towers. this was confirmed by the housing authority kent. :)

    now let me comment on the latest post from your site:

    my comments in [brackets]

    Who will win this battle? [we will] Who SHOULD win this struggle? [we should] What's at stake beyond what either KRUEZER AT NIGHT or ANGEL SKYE claims? [public safety]

    The choices are clear [prison or nut hatch], the issues defined [with enough documentation to fill a small room], the allies lining up [count on that] with one side or the other [you v everybody else], secretly [kent's alters] or publicly [everybody else].
