Tuesday, July 8, 2008

David Forrest shares what he really thinks of Kent Barclay

Damon Kreuzer is always beating his own drum about his contacts in the porn biz and what good buddies some of them are. In particular he has repeatedly dragged retired Agent David Forest into the Kent sewer, claiming they are friends and converse regularly.

The Truthsquad knows better but until recently David was reluctant to tell us what he really thought of Kent. Now David is in rehab and retired and has decided to throw Kent under the bus.

Always a sweet sight when your dealing with a creature as reprehensible as Kent Barclay!

First email entered into evidence.

A reply to Angel Skye from David

Hmm "He's a Vile human being. Hope you can put him behind bars!"

Okay David Forest tell us what you REALLY THINK of Kent Barclay...

Don't hold back now!

Oh Wow! David lets repeat this in BOLD FACE Type and PURTY COLORS just like Damon's Site!

I Hope Kruezer drops dead while I'm in rehab.

Ahh so David is sober and finally noted the stink emanating from his PC all those nasty emails form Damon needed to be tossed out along with the moldy rutabaga from the back of the veggie crisper! After all David wants a clean smelling apt when he gets out of Rehab!

Nice toss David Kent hardly knows what hit him!


  1. Kentie will say you forged those e-mails. What else CAN he say? But Kentie, don't go down that path. Forest may be in rehab, and unreachable right now, but he WILL be getting out and can obviously then authenticate them. So save your breath.

    Nice one, DeWayne. And you have much better taste in colors.

  2. David had a rough time of it for ten years with Kentie, and it took him a long time to realize that dealing with Kentie is bad news. His final email tells us how David now feels about this cancer Howard should take note of this now that he is the new david forest. He has to realize that being in favor with Kent is the worst thing that could possibly happen to him. Even Dexx has said in postings here that Howard is ok and its time he did the right thing and make all of Davids work worthwhile. Once he does this Howard will get the truth squads support.

  3. If everyone promises to be good, can we turn comment moderation off? Me no likey!

  4. "LUZERNE COUNTY REPORT UPCOMING as we see old and new friends and note the seating arrangements of the courtroom while Ms. Martin claims she doesn't see us (of course you don't know what to look for, you never met us but you sure did talk up a storm when you called us!)"

    Um, Kentie, the way I heard it you did most of the talking while she took detailed notes, to your eternal regret. And EVERYBODY knows what you look like, unfortunately, even though nobody has ever met you, fortunately.

  5. yes david had a rough time of it. david was my sock.

    like my 8lb dog shakes a sock in his mouth like a tiny pelt, yet still has an odd affection for it? that was my relationship with david.

    beneath it all, he had a good heart. i hope he gets the help he needs and comes out with a better plan for the next chapter of his life.

    i actually like howard. who could blame him for not realizing just how awful kent is? howard is a businessman in a cutthroat industry, trying to do the right thing and avoid drama.

    i know nothing about his situation with angel, and so my comments are not related to that. i do know that whatever angel owes that person in florida, it has nothing whatsoever to do with kent's malfeasance.

  6. Yes imagine he says he is there but there is no one that sees him. He steals information from PC and acts like it is from him. What's wrong Kent/NG no camera? You can't take a picture of a principle there today? How can it be that you can not provide a single person that has seen you? Because you are a liar?

  7. I agree Will this is an annoyance but we need to be sure confidential info is not posted while an evidentiary hearing is in progress.

    Especially one in which security is extra tight do to all the death threats the witnesses in this case have attracted.

  8. actually will G a few people have met him

    mark adams
    matthew rush
    billy masters of filth2go.com
    zeb atlas
    a small group of people who witnessed kent harrass a model at a party. kent was allegedly sent by kocis.
    the norwell housing authority private eye (also hired by me after)
    certain law enforcement personnel.

    all. every one to a person described kent in exactly the same way. same attitude. same delusional sense of self. same odor. same shabby presentation. same same same.

  9. Don't any of you gentlemen think it out of the legal due process stream that a criminal defendant in a matter before the bar of justice is in direct communication with a witness in that same proceeding? I do believe that is forbidden.

  10. DeWayne - Of course I understand, and I'm sure this is more of an annoyance for you than it is for us.

    I guess that means moderation for all of tomorrow too. Sigh.

  11. MEMEMEMEME Unfortunately!

    and my description is He is an Annoying wheezing nasal voiced weasel of a man!

  12. Dexx - Of course I was overgeneralizing, I know a select few have met him. Babs, for instance. And you, right? You left yourself off that list.

    But I was just thinking about what a coward he is to do all of his stalking and harassing from a phone and computer. It would be so much more efficient if he could drag himself out of the house and do it in person.

  13. actually, i was told that he recently lost some weight. i guess the worrying is finally getting to him. i also heard some other stuff which will hopefully come out soon. its a SHOCKER of an update.

    quincy week is exceeding all of its goals. fyi.

  14. DeWayne - Weren't you with somebody that night you met him that we should add to Dexx's list? Was it Jim, perhaps? I know you mentioned it here a while back.

  15. nope. he always had an excuse for not meeting me or anybody in my company. i had gotten him a tiny house in north carolina and i also tried to send techs to where he lived at the time, but there was always an excuse.

  16. will. if kent had actually met me, he would never dare pull the shit he has pulled. i am very unique in person. :)

  17. Will yes I was with my friend Jim who actually chatted him up while I was inside(this was after he and the accomplice were thrown out of Mickys.

    This is not blogger Jim but a close friend here in San Diego.

  18. Dexx, I'm so confused, as usual. What about those company meetings he disrupted? He was on the phone and/or computer?

  19. I don't ever recall witnesses sitting together in open court. I obsevered many trials in my "Want to be A Lawyer" day. And I have been both a juror in several cases (they ALWAYS pick me) and a witness before two grand juries.

    BTW is Kent still pimpin out Brodie Eclair? Does Kent own a fedora and big black Jackie -O sunglasses?

    And one more time LOL


  20. Thanks DeWayne. I was mistaken in thinking that was Chinchilla Jim.

  21. will. my main studio was in north carolina along with my editor. my other two studios were in different wisconsin locations. i live in new york. my corporate office was run from alaska. tass and related websites were in california. my lawyer was in new jersey (he was in-house when kent was around) we had other people in other concerns doing other things all over the country including kent in mass.

    out company meetings were held in video and text chats. on the day kent was asked to go fuck himself, preston, from our NC office, who was also, at that time, overseeing the entire company finally put his foot down. while the meeting was unfolding in the chat, preston called me on the phone and told me that he was going to take a hard line with kent. i told him to do whatever he felt was best.

    everybody else was dismissed from the chat and preston and damon continued with the ending being preston telling damon to go fly a kite.

    kent begged, carried on, threatened and insulted. he questioned if preston had the authority to shut down zoneDK. preston assured him he did. kent appealed to me. i stood by preston and the rest is history.

    MUCH happened before that including a "probation" period where kent was not allowed to submit his 'reports" directly to the site, but it had to be reviewed by my lawyer and also by the editor and preston.

    the idea that a 20 something former model was calling the shots melted kent/damon's brain and well as you know things got seriously ugly after that.

  22. I turned CM OFF so i can have dinner I will need to turn them on again tonite but I think the message was understood.

    Thanks again no mention of "behind the scenes" in PA

  23. In other words Kent was fired?

  24. Dexx I loved that!
    You so have a way with words!

    the idea that a 20 something former model was calling the shots melted kent/damon's brain and well as you know things got seriously ugly after that.

  25. preston had been homeless. had a tragic early life that i will not go into here. my editor had saved him, cleaned him up and put him to work. he is brilliant, artistic and was a perfect compliment to my particularly ...difficult... personality. southern common sense balanced with my fire-breathing, reactionary personality.

    at that time, things were unwieldy and out of control and i needed help. to put things in perspective, i was paying for/managing seven households with over 50 people depending on me.

    preston was put in place solely on talent and skill. i have never met him in person, so there was never any nasty business as kent once tried to imply. kent always tries to say that people are attracted to/sleeping with/abusing their models. it is the polar opposite to what i believe in and live by. for illustration, i once fired my in house lawyer for making a sexualized/flirtatious/harassing comment to one of my other models. nobody was more surprised than he when HE was dragged into a company meeting, the model told his story. the lawyer told his. the lawyer was dismissed on the spot. he had been with me since the start. money where my mouth was. that lawyer then went to seek counseling. we are now friends. a tangent i know, but this stuff helps flesh out where i come from.

    when kent left, preston had to see all sorts of absolute fabrications regarding his homelessness (he was just starving and dirty not a fucking escort as everybody seems to be in kent fantasy land) and on and on.

    kent also posted that i was lying about my molestation at the age of six. kent said that i had to be too ugly to molest. i had already come forward in my private life about this publicly, but hadnt discussed it in terms of the porn industry. who ever imagined that it would be an item on kent's page?

    i was nice to kent. i was lazy about kent. i was past kent. i moved on, which is against my nature- typically i go for the throat first and ask questions later- and i learned a lesson. you never walk away from kent. he will continue to taunt you, your company, anybody he can reach.

    his page itself doesnt matter because he gets no traffic BUT it stays in google. if you want to try and imagine how badly he has affected catalogue sales of the big companies, imagine that EVERY lie comes up in the google for matt rush, etc.

    anyhow. he wasnt fired. he was told to GET LOST. he was never an employee. he was a person who i thought could be helped if he had the opportunity and i was wrong.

    kent is not interested in news or journalism. remember he pretends to also be a producer/pimp/agent/manager/profiler.

    all of that. ALL of it is cover for what he really wants: to lash out at anybody who is better looking, more educated or has more wealth than he does, which basically means that he hates everybody.

    he gets a sexual thrill out of harming pretty people.

    and he is in a world of legal trouble for his past acts.

  26. Kent says he's now going to take out a restrainng order against Angel.

    I think I've heard of that pattern before, where stalkers claim it is THEM being stalked.

  27. (Moderation still off, yay!)

  28. Will I think it will be off until I go to bed (after 1-1:30 at least)

    dexx said,,,

    ALL of it is cover for what he really wants: to lash out at anybody who is better looking, more educated or has more wealth than he does, which basically means that he hates everybody.

    he gets a sexual thrill out of harming pretty people.

    wow dexx that just about sums up the stalker mind remember David Lettermans woman stalker arrested a half dozen times?

  29. yes. we all know that kent doesnt hold onto a weapon. if he has it he uses it. if he has three he uses three. if he had a lawyer, he would already know the trouble he's in. if he had the chance or case to file a restraining order he would do it first and brag later.

    he wouldnt be "considering" anything. when he was hounding me to go after the "haters" he was continually out for blood. wanted as extreme measures that could be taken TO be taken.

    he was so bloodthirsty without any real logic or justification that it caused me to think twice. thank god. i would have spent even more money and would have made an even bigger fool out of myself if i had gone one legal step farther.

  30. I think there are many different kinds of stalkers. Kent's is probably the most common, the motive being jealousy and spite. I think there are others like that woman you mention, DeWayne, who are just completely cuckoo and have no real motive other than completely delusional thinking (also like that guy who shot the TV actress). But they are all equally dangerous and harmful.

  31. Its is also worthy of note the self-hate that fuels this behavior. What else explains why he will not allow a picture of himself to be seen? The realization that at 58 he has nothing to show for his life but a heavily edited DNA article that he was not even paid for is part of the anger as well.

    Throw in on that the reality that even if he somehow achieved some success people he has harmed would swoop donw and take it from him must also grate.

    He is a self-hating vengeful man who is headed for jail. Anyone who would allow his own mother to be evicted has no moral center. Oh Kent/NG that parental abuse angle you were accusing others of? Tell your ass to get ready for the bite...

  32. Will you are thinking of Theresa Saldana which led to a new privacy law in California. Until then if you had someones legal name and a drivers license number the DMV was required to disclose a home address.

  33. and of course the spam starts again. anybody else getting "failed message" email by the truckload? i am beginning to wonder about this. mark adams? how is your spam filter this morning.

  34. "BRODIE SINCLAIR is ready to continue his rise to the top as his FPG scene with Koby stirs fans; DAMON considers spending time in Fort Lauderdale with him. . ."

    Look like Kentie isn't the only one who'll be filing a restraining order.

  35. Morning Will yes of course I just wish Brodie would make a special trip to Boston and show his love to Damon! LOL

    FYI I posted on DeWayne in San Diego
    first of FOUR posts today.

    Brents Summer Media Explosion

    But first they have to pick up the pieces today and see if the evidentiary hearing moves forward.

  36. "ANGEL SKYE whom we allege, is a Santeria practitioner of what some might call "black magic", should know all about that. But is his mojo more powerful than THE KRUEZER's? We shall see"

    No comment necessary.

  37. Morning DeWayne! (Shouldn't you be asleep?)

  38. Will I went to bed around Ten last night and woke straight up at 3 I am wide awake so I will work a bit on the Blogs and do my email.

  39. "The 5 who are 1: Johnathan, Emily, Chris and ourselves welcome you"

    Kentie, WTF???

    I'd watch out for Jonathan, Emily, and Chris -- they could be the FBI-informant figments of your increasingly fragmented psyche. Don't let them play you like that.

  40. Excuse me, it's JOHNATHAN.

    Just that idiotic spelling alone is a dead giveaway. At least give him the boot.

  41. "The looks exchanged between defendants CUADRA and KEREKES with ourselves were indescribable in their laser like focus as they picked us out of the back row with the other media figures present, all under corporate identification" - from Luzerne County, Pennsylvania at the Kocis trial hearing yesterday

    From this statement Damon is trying to prove that he was at the hearing. It is just more bullshit from him. First he is in Florida, then he is in PA then he is going back to Florida to stalk Brodie Sinclair. The man is a lost cause.

    Damon a little advice stay at home with Babs and help her pack her stuff. Its back to the Capeway motel for you to your famous bathroom.

    You know the one with WiFi so you can keep up the facade of all of your fans and backers.

    I already sent Chris Steele your forwarding address so he can send your screeners there.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I don't care what Damon Kruezer does" Is how the comment supporting Kent/NG reads.... Kent/Ng is that the best you can do? Someone who says in essence all I care about is myself and what I get it does not matter what the person does who gives it to me?

    Tell me Kameron Scott if you saw John Wayne Gacy playing the handcuff game on a young man would that be ok as long as he said nice things about you?

    Not a very high standard of Praise Kent he doesen't care what you do... You need more like him.

    Southeastern Housing Court
    Brockton MA

    Southeastern Housing Court
    Brockton MA
    Southeastern Housing Court
    Brockton MA

    Southeastern Housing Court
    Brockton MA

  44. I think it is time for all the Truth Squadders to give this young man even more unsolicited advice, since his friend Howard seems to be remiss...

    Thank you Kam, you're the fastest rising model we know - and one of the most loyal friends who knows us directly not via hearsay. Now watch out for the unsolicited hateful "advice" you'll get, or will you be too busy with the man we so much admire who you'll soon introduce to the world as your special one? Be seeing you and Brodie, DTL, Howard and Miss Buzzing Bee REALLY soon!

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Thank You Kent Barclay,

    for reminding us what a self absorbed little shmuck Kameron Scott is!

  49. I was the one who told Kameron to sever ties with DK on DeWayne's other site, thus producing that quote. I'm surprised it took Kent this long to find it, it was already many days ago. I knew he would make it his top story.

    (Sorry, I just can't HELP myself from fixing typos while Madame is away. . .)

  50. kent? this isnt about he said she said anything.

    documents, printouts, web pages and internet postings when mixed with IP addresses, physical locations, patterns of behaviours and obsessions, motive and intent is not a "on the one hand- on the other hand" scenario either in life or in a court of law.

    as i have said before, i was very VERY broad in my itemizing of your misdeeds. the breadth and scope of what you have done, and what is now finally being scrutinized in maddeningly slow detail is shocking even to me and we havent even HEARD from the estimated 70 people who havent been contacted yet.

    on the one hand i find your confidence based on your admittedly limited knowledge of what "they have" to be annoying, but on the other, there is a certain wicked sense of perverted justice to have you look up mistake the gigantic piano which is crashing toward you for a plastic bag.

    i know you're a drama queen (who likes his drama through the lens of sci-fi hyperbole) but the humongous scale of your poetic abdication is outsized even still.

    oh kent.

  51. add another charge to the list people. my north carolina studio was raided twice by the police based on tips from.... MASS.

    the NC police have confirmed that there was a series of calls made during that time period. they investigated twice (my studio guy actually let them go through the computer though they didnt have a warrant. the models were physically there and WELL over the age of consent. it got to the point where the police threatened the caller "who was obviously trying to disguise his voice" with filing false reports if he did it again.

    because of this, they kept the records.

    oh kent.

  52. Typical Kentie. Ask Mark Adams, Aaron Lawrence, Rich, Talvin, and of course Kevin Clarke (the list goes on, but I dont have all day).
    Can anyone dispute that those who say this man is "harmless" have their heads up their ass?

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Will-Re your post at 7:30 today. This is bizarre. Go to Kent Barclay on Trial blog. There is a Peoplefinder cap and those names Emily, Jonathan, etc., are listed on there. I think it says Emily is 72.

    Kent-Still no picture at the PA courthouse, what a shocker. What was Renee wearing in court? What does she look like? Is the jury box on the left or right? That should be a supah easy challenge.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. thomas, no need to even play that game. he has been awfully quiet lately. :)

  57. Dexx-Kent and Marc are on their imaginary carpet ride to Brockton. I think they restock the food bank on Thursdays.

  58. I'm not quite sure how Kentie and Marcie will pass thru Brockton on their way to NYC from PA, but it should be fun hearing that story.
    Wonder if Troy at Falcon knows he is using their material, and wonder which site he stole the Collin ONeal stuff from because they wont deal with him.

  59. Dane-What is in Brockton? Maybe Kent is getting his NYC summer wardrobe at the Dollar Store or he has joined a gang.

  60. Perhaps there's a trailer park in Brockton he's looking into when the QHA tosses him out on his fat ass. Brockton is not quite the "glamour capital" of the state.

  61. Dane-It's not Taunton but what is!

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. ". . . and all of us here at KRUEZER AT NIGHT heartily recommend you get out your credit and debit cards to take advantage of this discount offer." - filed by Chris 5:03 PM 7/09/08 in DK's absence

    And that would be Christopher M. Johnson, Age 34, one of the "possible roommates" listed in the People Finder posting on Jim's trial blog (thank you Jim and thank you Thomas).

    Johnathan W. Cheng, Age 41, and Emily Damiano, Age 72, are the two other members of Team Kruezer who are also listed as "possible roommates," and all three have been doing a splendid job of filling in for Kentie during his stay in Luezer County. Great work, guys!

    But seriously, Kentie, who are these people, and why are they listed along with two others as possible roommates? Where do they sleep, they can't all fit in the tub with you and Marc, and Babs' girth doesn't leave room for possible bedmates.

    Anyone else have a clue about these names?

    ADDENDUM: Here is what Dexx posted about this on Jim's blog at the time:

    some could be aliases, and also, it wouldnt surprise me if some of kent's former addresses were in places with multiple occupants: ie flop houses, homeless shelters, etc

  64. Or they could be bridge partners in the rec room.

  65. Kentie, why don't you and Marc extend your stay in Wilkes-Barre a couple more days? I hear the DA would like to have a few words with you, and the silence here has been ever so pleasant. Please consider an extended absence.

  66. Hey Kentie, JC Adams appeared on the Derek and Romaine show on Sirius TONIGHT. I bet some people actually even HEARD it, unlike your mythical appearance five years ago.



  67. http://thinkingshift.wordpress.com/2008/05/17/myspace-and-the-law/

    An interesting read about TOS violations using false information...

    “12. Among other things, the MySpace TOS required prospective members, members and users of the website to:

    a. Provide truthful and accurate registration information;

    b. Refrain from using any information obtained from MySpace services to harass, abuse or harm other people”.

    Clause 14 of the indictment outlines a charge of conspiracy in that Drew (and her co-conspirators) allegedly knowingly and intentionally accessed a computer used in interstate and foreign commerce (ie a social network) without authorisation and obtained information from the MySpace computers “to further a tortuous act, namely, intentional infliction of emotional distress”. So not only was fraud committed across State boundaries but so was cyberbullying.

    So essentially, California prosecutors are charging Drew with criminal trespass of the MySpace social network, computers and servers because, it is alleged, she knowingly created a false MySpace account and therefore violated the TOS or contract. I’m not sure if they are likening this to hacking as well. But this indictment is probably setting out a dangerous legal path I don’t think we would want to go down. Basically, what’s being said is this - if you knowingly create an account under a false name on any website, you are violating the TOS and you’re toast.

  68. Once again Kent has faked something from Sean, owner of - Colin O Neal.
    Colin O Neal had never heard of the big DK when I asked him last year. Now he probably has heard more about him but did NOT send that phony email to him.
    Kent I feel like going to him and getting a written letter stating that what you printed is fake.
    Everyone already knows your a turd and I do not feel like going to Sean, I might.
    By the way Kent a trip to Brockton-
    WOW, Brockton is - like the bowels of Mass.
    You DO belong there!

    Kent - do you want me to get a letter from Sean?-
    He is a really nice guy!

  69. oh kent. you are in so much more trouble than a TOS violation. maybe in your little online world of fantasy, TOS is The Law.

    but the rest of us live by local, state and federal criminal (and to a lesser extent civil) law.

    going onto myspace using an invented name to extract personal information from somebody so that one of your other alternate personalities can then use that information to defraud/harass/terrorize/extort the relatives of the "enemy" of your Actual self is a hell of a lot more than a TOS violation.

    when these defrauded/harassed/etc people are underage, and you are provably sympathetic/a coconspirator/admirer of multiply provable sex offenders, it brings things to a brand new level of criminal activity.

    and that is just one component of one case.

    theft of government services is no joke, especially when you narrowly escaped that charge before and then compounded it (along with barbara) with perjury and submitting a false instrument to the court. That's not a TOS violation. its a package of serious crimes against the commonwealth.

    looking up a website's registered owner, procuring a calling card, assuming a goofy fake accent and calling a north carolina local police station multiple times to say that they are producing underage porn when you know this to be false, yet hoping the investigation will turn up SOMETHING and continuing to do this until you're warned by the police department in question is not a TOS violation. its a serious interstate (federal) crime package. not exactly a "he said/she said" situation when the phone calls were recorded, calling location and calling card location were retained for future use. its called evidence.

    pledging $5000 to the defense team of a murder trial, possibly having collected some of that cash for that purpose and then claiming a brain aneurism to slither out of actually sending the money; pretending to be a licensed private investigator (officer of the court) and knowingly attempting to insert a multitude of false information designed to implicate your "enemies"; repeatedly harassing/defaming/trying to discredit multiple bonded witnesses in a murder case; claiming have paid $10,000 to have hired a defense attorney and on and on in this ONE package of crimes. Claiming to have 2257 information sent from cobra in case anything happened to kocis (more false information in a murder case); accusing the state troopers of conspiring to commit murder against the defendant; claiming to be the heir in kocis' will in regard to his video company. all of that constitutes a pattern of behavior as well as a multitude of state and federal criminal violations

    Using fraudulent means to procure information about a blogger then pretending to be a POLICE OFFICER to use that information, leaving a trail of evidence. (repeat this one using various situations and variations)

    Discussing the HIV status of anybody online is a criminal privacy violation in many states. using that information (especially when false) to harass/terrorize brings it to a brand new level and is taken very seriously.

    there are so many different variation and provable instances of extortion both state and federal that my fingers cannot even begin to type out the list here. everybody (especially kent) can pretty much conjure ten off the top of their heads. there are probably over a hundred.

    and on and on. so kent no, this is not about "chilling new rules" and your attempt to try and generalize this and turn it into some sort of awful creeping of civil liberties is idiotic on its face.

    also, and do know this, ALMOST ALL of the criminal acts you perpetrated are not based on new laws made in the past year. most of them are laws and statutes going back decades.

    the only thing that's new is that law enforcement now has the resources and inclination to take such crimes very seriously nowadays.

    the method and mechanics of collecting the evidence for this has ALWAYS been in place. netcom for instance has kept their records for YEARS AND YEARS.

    whats new is that certain police departments and federal agencies will now go and get that information. know how to use it to prosecute and take this sort of pattern of behavior much more seriously.

    in short? spin spin spin kentie. you arent just a small time criminal. you are a one person crime way and law enforcement IS taking it seriously.

    so why am i talking aobut it so casually on a blog?

    i am not revealing anything that is sensitive (there is plenty i didnt even go NEAR); it entertains me; it encourages others to come forward with their own stories.

    since we started talking about this publicly, many people from the past are coming out of the woodwork.

    oh and kent? don't hope for a statute of limitations. Some of these people are only now realizing what you have done. the clock starts after knowledge of the crime.

    oh and one more thing. do not think for a moment that various corporate concerns will not be marching into court once the full spectrum of your activities are sorted through and realized.

    i was just speaking to somebody today from a BIG studio who said "we think he might have done XXX and are looking into it. if we find that he is behind this we will go after him "to the ends of the earth"

    wow. new friends every day. hi kentie.

  70. Anytime there is an event that Kentie pretends to go to, there is always a delay in his reporting "from there," because it takes him a while on his slow dial-up to gather all the info from other sources and make it his own. He has to make sure he takes most of it from sites that he thinks no one else besides him goes to, so that won't figure out what a thief he is.

  71. Thanks for the growing support for Team Kruezer. We do appreciate all the emails and your comments in our weekly chats.

    A special Thank You to Kameron.

    The failed attempt to forestall our First Amendment rights has everyone remarking upon the lack of widespread industry support. Could it be that the anti-competitive schemers and their trumped-up allegations are being manipulated by the degenerate mind of Dexx Jones?

    Beware where the false prophet leads you, he'll disappear once the going gets tough leaving you all high and dry, just as he has done before.

  72. uh kent (marcus) ? its a little early in the game to declare victory, dontcha think? while you have been bad for years and years, i only became aware of your legal peril recently. up until recently, my only goal was to expose you and debunk you and also, of course to make sure that anybody who wished to support you be forced to do it with eyes open instead of pretending to be clueless/blameless when you harmed their stars.

    on that score i succeeded brilliantly. you may not have noticed kent, but i wasnt one that was wishing you off the interent. if i wished you off the internet, i could have sued you off it. i wished you exposed and so you are.

    now? its been revealed that you are a one person crime tornado and it is my fondest wish that you be scrutinized for each and every one of those misdeed.

    and you are.

    and so, since this is pretty much a brand new frontier on yours and my battle kentie, you are only adding to your future humiliation by declaring victory before the printouts are even dry.

    but do continue. :)

  73. oh and one more thing kentie? i suggest you take a good hard look at your ip log. take a gander at who is visiting your site. trace some of those IP addresses. your eyes will pop out of your head my toothless friend. i guarantee it. hahaha

  74. What you all need to understand is that Dexx Jones is a liar, charlatan and fraud. He betrayed DK in the most notorious and traitorous way since Benedict Arnold. Then he fucked over David Forest with the piss video and started licking the smelly cunt of the rejected billy brandt concupine. There's some very nasty pussy in the evil oriental villainous and fag hag, who calls herself Tass. To this day he defends the bitch, even after she illegally posted a video excerpt of Matthew Rush in violation of Falcon's copyright. This is the charlatan you pay homage to.

    Here's a question for you Dexx. Haven't you been threatening for YEARS now to shut DK/KB down? YEARS. For YEARS you've been doing this, and nothing from you, but a bunch of bullshit like tickle film productions and dismissed lawsuits. Then you lose your interest, find some other obsession to attack, and go away for months at a time. Only to return again with more bullshit.

    Fuck you. You're a chain-smoking, dog-licking, lying, filthy-ass motherfucker. We hope the authorities will likewise be examining YOU and YOUR illegalities in your various business activities, past and present, and exposing each and every one of your illegalities. How about your admitted complicity in illegally displaying that stolen piss video about the subject of this thread, David Forest?

    Say what you want about NG, he has nothing to do with us. You're a despicable asshole. You haven't proven and you can't prove any kind of child molestation allegation about DK/KB. You try to smear but all you do is spew lies and false innuendo. Isn't that right, you dog-face bitch?
