Thursday, July 3, 2008

Bad Boy, Bad Boy

Bad boy, bad boy
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

Bad boys
Whatcha want, watcha want
Whatcha gonna do
When sheriff John Brown come for you
Tell me
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna dooo

Well we need a new post and I am kinda busy and so are my co writers interviews and such take time. Since we do not want to "tip our hats" to Kentie I decided a quick post of appropriate images will stand in for a bit and give us a new place to post comments.

FYI Kent Barclay your 20/20 comments this morning were so transparent and as the IP below shows just another lie and attempt at Obfuscation on your part.

So Kent your 20/20 well I'll raise and match your fake 20/20 with Chris Hansen....

Kentie I have one final comment for you today!

Let me express myself in a very VISUAL way!

Look close Kentie

Kent Barclay


  1. New thread, and I'm sure no more 20/20. Praise the Lord and thank you, DeWayne.

  2. Thanks Will now I am off to take pix and do an interview for my OTHER Blog wow all this keeps me busy! ;)

  3. And he was so NASTY to me. I'm devastated.

  4. he must be going mad. and a holiday weekend isnt going to help him solve this mystery. some people are off and others... aren't. :)

    keep your eyes on kruezerbyday. we will have a photo of kevin clarke with angel at the police station this afternoon. i cant say more about the results of this meeting. i will leave that for kent to fret about.

  5. And that's the problem. Nobody can ever say anything at anytime. Next year at this time, like the past 10 years, you all will be chatting the same old shit.

    And sorry dewayne, but you'd better learn how to read a stat sheet better than that. You're not even warm.

  6. we'll have a new thought later this afternoon as well. But we won't stop after a tease.

  7. and now you want to publish a photo of kevin clarke and angel at the police station but you won't even make public the detectives names and phone number that are investigating the case?

    Sounds like Somebody cares more about spinning the story and less about helping the victim here.

    Would anyone of the parties who have filed criminal complaints in these matters please post, if not the complaints themselves, then at least the criminal complaint reference number, name(s)and contact phone numbers of the detective(s) involved in these cases so that they can be contacted please?

  8. Kent- I love how you point out your ten years. What exactly have you accomplished in those ten years? Yes, we know about the BS Zeb DNA thing and your "work" on Brads Buddies, blah blah blah. But seriously, what have all these wasted years gotten you? It may have gotten you new state housing with no access to the internet and the public at large.

  9. why on earth would we make public the detective's name on the case kent? and also why are you still posting as 2020 when the webmaster already revealed that you are kent? (same ip!)

    everybody remembers your multiple fake phone calls, faxes and emails to mark sendroff.

    you will just have to wait and see what happens i guess. this will not really unfold online. this will unfold OFFline and you, kentie, will be the first to know when action is taken because it's your ass that's going to be hauled out of the bathroom.

    that the real problem. you're still in masturbation land. you still think this is all data and screen caps.

    oh kent. do some research about what exactly happens to cyber stalkers and what exactly is happening to you right now.

    i have the photo, and will be posting it shortly. this is kevin and angel smiling after the latest interview with detectives. :)

  10. gross fact: the average pedophile has over 130 victims.

  11. so 2020 do i need lessons also on reading web stats? LOL who else in boston would give a crap about "The investigating detective" ?

    oh and also kent? there are more than one. each case has its own originating detective. one of the cases is utilizing the brand new cybercrimes division in their department.

    if you had this much dedication to doing a fucking honest day's work you wouldnt be in this trouble, but then thats the point isnt it.

  12. If "20/20" was so interested in getting the detective's name, the logical thing to do would have been a private e-mail to DeWayne, whose address, like all bloggers, is readily available. But he couldn't do that, because HIS address would have been revealed as well. Nobody in their right mind would think such information would be posted online.

  13. notice kent's right wing tactics. he does what the gop trolls do. he is even less effective. i almost feel sorry for him. thats how truly fucked he is from all directions.

  14. meanwhile, the ram on one of my servers just blew from the traffic LOL (that audio is a bit taxing on it)

    as soon as the techs sort it out, i will post kevin's photo. they had to go today because he's off to california next. :) thatttts right kentie.

  15. Poor Kentie... spin as he might... his goose is cooked. :)

  16. Kent is a prosecutors dream and a defense attorneys nightmare. I wonder how many public defenders he will go through? Lets start a pool!

    And Kent, you know even a local jail can be a scary scary place. And with no one to post bail and not having private counsel, you could sit in a holding cell for a very long time. Given your inability to maintain a mature civil relationship with anyone, you should make lots friends in there.

    But congrats on your 10 years, maybe you will get handcuffs as a present. And I don't mean from "Marc."

  17. i think they're talking extradition. :) remember two of the cases are in texas.

    we have florida, california, north carolina, new york. not sure whats going to happen just yet, but it doesnt look good for kentie.

  18. his next step (god i hear that voice in my head from the recordings!) his next step will be a flurry of false charges against his "haters"

    2257, child endangerment, all the things that HE actually does will be rolled out once again. like the cornered baboon throwing more poop at the zookeeper.

    doesnt matter. unlike kent's history of making false reports, the folks complaining now dont have a reason to lie (video sales? please) and are all telling variations on the same story.

    it rings true because it is true and remember this is only the tip of the iceberg. there are SO many people who have yet to make a move yet.

  19. "i think they're talking extradition. :) remember two of the cases are in texas.

    we have florida, california, north carolina, new york. not sure whats going to happen just yet, but it doesnt look good for kentie.

    What'll be more interesting is to see an actual police/court document... once that's posted... the rest may be history.

  20. Wow!

    So let me try and understand where you are coming from.

    Multiple criminal complaints are filed by multiple individuals against Damon Kruezer for some very serious crimes.

    An individual (me) comes along and says "I'd like to help. I have information that the detectives could use to ensure this person is prosecuted." All he (me) needs are the names of the detectives and their contact phone numbers so he (me) can contact them with his information.

    But you don't want to provide this information so this person (me) can share information with the authorities that would assist them in their prosecution of this creep.

    Is that about it?

    My God! what kind of people are you really? On one hand you want to prosecute a man for his crimes. On the other, you want to deny a witness with information about the case from coming forward to assist in the prosecution.

    This is unbelievable.

  21. A drunk driver hits and kills your mother/father, brother or sister.

    The family files a police report.

    An individual contacts the family requesting information as to who is handling the case, as he has information about the driver.

    The family says fuck off, we don't want your help.

    That's whats happening here. You are in essence blocking your own criminal investigation. Why would anyone do that???

    Would anyone of the parties who have filed criminal complaints in these matters please post, if not the complaints themselves, then at least the criminal complaint reference number, name(s)and contact phone numbers of the detective(s) involved in these cases so that I might share my information please?

    I have information that I know would be helpful to them and as in every criminal case, those investigating it are always looking for people to come forward and offer their information and assistance.

  22. Well come back Hugh Downs!! Kent are you on drugs??????? Ask Det Bluecheeze to help you with your information. Will it turn his fingers stone cold?!?!! (Sorry Seth but love that line)

    Kent my suggested summer reading

  23. Kentie... your 20/20 name is as known as George / Marcus / Zenoble / Yves, etc... give it a rest... we know when you post.

    AND... we all know your IP addresses.

  24. Its probably isn't the shit storm that is heading Kents way that is making him snap. I bet he is more messed up because Kevin is ACTUALLY with Angel!!!!!

    Kent your mothers housing at risk AGAIN??!?!?!?!?!? God, how do you sleep at night? The judges and DA's are going to love you!!! XXOXOXOXOXO

  25. I am no more kent than I am the pope. You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

  26. Angel & Kevin's picture has been posted!!

    Great work everyone!

  27. "I am no more kent than I am the pope. You people should be ashamed of yourselves."

    Then may I suggest that you give you're sermon to someone that matters... like the local PD... as several have said before, they'll know how to funnel the information.

  28. Oh my Kent, have 40 or two on me tonight........

  29. thanks truth. i still cant reach my server.

  30. How ironic, the skies in Boston just turned black.

  31. lest people get the wrong idea (and kentie too) this entire situation will not be resolved overnight. its going to unfold slowly. there will be entire weeks with no breaking news.


    while i always expected kent to get sued or maybe arrested, i had NO idea he would go down in such a spectacular fashion. i kinda like that its going to happen over an extended period of time. it seems fair.

  32. Dexx-There should be no rush, let the various jurisdictions do their due diligence, it needs to be a solid case. I just hope Kent doesn't reach out to any other minors in the meantime!

    I applaud Kevin, Angel and others!!!

  33. It's getting darker.
    Kentie must feel like Bette Davis in Dark Victory.

  34. "Then may I suggest that you give you're sermon to someone that matters... like the local PD... as several have said before, they'll know how to funnel the information."

    And thats EXACTLY what I've been trying to do all day today. Where I reside, the local pd could give a rats ass about this. As they say and I quote "if it's an ongoing investigation contact the detectives who are working the case."

    But the people here who have that information won't assist in this investigation by providing the detective name and number.

    Can you understand how bizzare that is. It is not even reasonable that you would not disclose such basic information as to who was handling the case.

    Like I said earlier, there is something very wrong about all this.

  35. he's already trying to get more information on rich sternberg as if he's going to get a second shot at the victims.

    meanwhile, i just noticed that page on the truth site regarding the housing authority. thank you for reminding me. i am going to post an entire resource page on who to contact in the quincy town administration. there are many departments both in quincy and mass where such complaints can be made.

    its a fucking SCANDAL that kent is again living illegally in the exact situation which got her evicted the first time!

  36. Dane-LOL or Mel Brooks in High Anxiety!!!

  37. The "something wrong" about this is you, Kentie. You have become one enormous bore. If you cant come up with anything better than this, just pack your bags and head down to your friend Howard. YOu know. The one you helped with that management deal.

  38. 2020 if you honestly arent kent but are somehow just sharing his IP address, why do you need to do this in a chat box? why not call the quincy pd and tell them you have information regarding a crime?

    if you saw a drunk driving accident and then came online to try and get information from people you dont know, they would wonder why you didnt just go to the police?

    and besides, i want to talk about the quincy housing authority now. do you have information on that as well?

  39. Dexx- Kent is Livin La Totalmente Loco right now!!

  40. yes. this is what he does best whenever people express outrage over his behavior.

    whats different about this is that his actual ass is on the line this time. in the past the only peril was that he would be publicly denounced by a porn idol.

    then he was worried aobut being left out of the kocis murder trial

    but now? he's beginning to realize the severity of this situation. and its excruciating because its happening in slow motion.

    the wheels grind slow, kentie, but they grind exceptionally small.


  41. lest people get the wrong idea (and kentie too) this entire situation will not be resolved overnight. its going to unfold slowly. there will be entire weeks with no breaking news.

    Let it play out slowly... torture him in wondering what is coming next... Torture him the way he's tortured others...

    All I can say is that I have no stake in this at all - I just want to see justice done and for him to be held accountable for his actions.

    Thanks to everyone for making this happen.

  42. amen truth. great job on that site by the way, i have to say.

  43. Well,
    One peek at Truths site, and Kentie's holiday weekend with mama Babs is shot to hell!

    Kevin and Angel and everyone else involved in putting this very festive occasion together

  44. I don't think we will be hearing any more from Ms. 20/20. That pic should send him over the edge. That's silly, he's already over the edge. Never mind.
    Cheers and salutes to Kevin and Angel. Lets all get together in Boston for a trip to Wollaston.

  45. Just to clarify...

    Truth = Rob from Baltimore...

    Not sure what site you're referring to but you can count on me for support (and to pester the SOB at every chance I can...)

  46. Check this out...

    Seems to have posted the screenshot from Harlow's blog... and "George" has posted a comment - the same babble that's he's said before...

    And I thought they didn't like each other!! ;-)

  47. Why has there been not a peep from 20/20 since the picture of Kevin and Angel was posted?

  48. so kent posted this on ng's blog:

    George 20 hours ago
    I have been privately retained to work on this case. I have received info stating that KB/DK was sighted in Brockton Mass. last week. He may still be there or he may have left, but I'm betting he's out of Mass. as soon as he gets the Soc. Sec. check direct deposited this morning in the account I have located in Boston. I doubt he'll be back. It seems what he wants and needs is being made available to him in Florida and possibly New York.

    It seems to me that those people who claim to have filed charges in Mass. are on a fool's errand. There is a big question in my mind as to the validity of any such charges given that highly critical comments on a website don't meet the criteria for harassment or stalking, and if in fact DK/KB did commissioned or contract work for Angel Skye as he says, it's not extortion to demand payment from Skye.

    Skye owes over $17,000 to DK/KB's associate in Florida, that is beyond dispute per the promissory notes.

    Why Kevin Clarke is so involved in this escapes me since he has never claimed to have had any business or personal association with DK/KB.

    Likewise Brad Star, who as far as I can see DK/KB only helped with the interviews and publicity.

    One other thing. Mr. Harvard is right. The process server has been talked to by me and admitted he never actually saw or spoke with KB. It was all done through a partly opened door with the papers left on the doorstep. At no point did he see KB or put anything into his hands directly. Therefore the idea that he actually met him is false. The case involved was dismissed as I think this one will be too.

    One last thing I find intriguing, there does seem to be some link or connection between DK/KB and a person named Lee Finney in North Carolina. That name came up in regard to the David Forest stolen water sports videotape that was sent to Finney in NC several years ago according to the escort who stole it on orders. This escort was a favorite of DK/KB because of his liking for heavy toy play. Finney later was shown to be working for Dexx Jones or is possibly one of his alters.

    That's it for now. Make of this what you will, I share it as possibly interesting information.

    and nelson garcia replied

    nlsngrc 13 hours ago
    Way off topic..that's what i think.


    i ask you. how insane is kent barclay?

  49. 20/20 = Just let us know you're OK. The silence is worrying.

  50. Will-He is cleaning the bathroom, god knows it prob needs it! Babs can bust a bowel move. Her Milk Shakes bring all the boys to the yard.....

    I am out, but please text or call should there be any breaking news :)

  51. 20/20 - You see that building Kevin and Angel are standing in front of? That's called a police station. They went there because that is the proper place to take "information" about you. Now why don't you follow their example, as we have been telling you to do all day? It appears they are getting results.

  52. Boys you boys have been busy today i see that you have been playing well with kentie today.

    Kentie the thrill of my plane ride to see that nice detective on sunday is just overwhelming me. I can hardly wait to get there and file my complaint with the pennsylvania authorities. Have a chat with Mr. Melnick about your endearing letter to him and see what he thinks of all the nice things you said about him

    Oh the excitement, I can hardly wait for Sunday to get there and catch that plane. Oh the thrill of prosecution and a jail sentence for you..... I am so excited.

    Off to the airport we go......

  53. Madame - I'm worried sick. There has been an eerie silence from the Quincy IP ever since that picture of Kevin and Angel in front of the police station was posted. What do you suppose could be the matter? This is no time to be taunting him with your trip to Pennsylvania. But while you're on the East Coast, do you think you could make a side trip to Quincy just to make sure he's OK?

  54. 20/20,
    we ARE getting concerned,
    where are you??????

  55. You miserable fucking cunts and dirty assholes. I just want to let you know that we stand behind Damon Kruezer 100%. We are really looking forward to haling you all into a court of law. So we can expose each and every one of you in court for the sniveling and meanspirited sycophants that you are. And who are you bitches sucking up to now? Kevin Clarke, enough said, look him up you ridiculous cunts (lololol), Dexx Jones (the internet's biggest charlatan, you've all been had by cowtowing to him, he's nobody, a total fraud and you're worse than him for putting up with him--lololol), and the list goes on--but it's only a handful or two or haters that must be haled into court. So that we can collect on a big countersuit, my plaintiff attorneys are excited about it, against the world's most evil wrong doers and any "allies" willing to expose themselves for the biggest defamation and civil rights 1981 actions that are coming your way. Fuck you.

  56. Mornin Will thought I heard something guess that was you yawning ;) I'm going back to sleep and You Will have a good 4th of July!

  57. "You miserable fucking cunts and dirty assholes."

    Ahh... there's the Damon we all know. I actually kind of missed being called that. :)

  58. As I have stated before I am no more kent than I am the pope.

    I came to this blog asking for assistance. Assistance which my local pd could not supply and which the quincy pd claims to know nothing about.

    Instead I get attacked, mocked and rediculed by the very people who are driving this investigation.

    There is something very very wrong going on here.

    A picture posted of two individuals in front of a police station actually means nothing unless you're simply trying to intimidate and scare kent, which is fine and good with me, but why won't you simply help those who can help you with the information I have asked for?

    There is no good reason why victims of crimes would be so uncooperative with those who have information to share. None at all.

    And if you people really did think about it there is no way you could find otherwise either.

    If you really wanted to put this guy away, you'd be doing much more, much differently than you are today.

    There is something very very wrong about all of this.

  59. The something very wrong about this, Kentie, is YOU.
    Try, try, just won't quit, will you?

  60. It is my understanding that Dexx Jones will be posting additional phone #s of agencies to be informed of Kentie's activities. Last check, there were more than 50 that had contacted the Quincy Housing Authority about Kenties residence in his mothers assisted housing facility, paid for with our tax dollars. With Kevin and Angels planned appearance in MASS this week, the laughs should continue.

  61. Yves,
    You horrible, smelly c***.
    I have missed you!!
    What did you do with 20/20
    & gopherbro
    & Demon
    Can everyone come out and play?
    it's a holiday!

  62. 20/20 - Do you know what the definiton of insanity is? It's when you keep doing the same thing over and over and over and over and expect that one time you will get a different result. You, sir, appear to fit that definition.

    If you think anyone who is NOT insane is going to post the detective(s) names or case numbers in an open forum, you are mistaken.

    Why don't you e-mail DeWayne privately, as I have suggested? Kent, I bet there is even a way for you to disguise your e-mail address to do that. The IP could still be a problem for you, though.

    If you keep obsessively posting the "very, very wrong" nonsense on here, the men in white coats may have to come take you away even before the housing authority gets there.

  63. Happy 4th to V.J., Dane, DeWayne, and all other Truth Squadders!

    And Happy Birthday, Dexx!

  64. Yves Mignon,
    You horrible smelly ***hole.

    I just had to do that again.
    As pc said, I've missed this. :)

  65. Thank you Will,
    and Happy Holiday to all!! :)

  66. I too find Yves amusing, in a way.

    But I remember you all predicting that would happen, and like clockwork it did.

    It's like he didn't want to disappoint us.

    Kentie, this is not a game.

  67. "20/20 - Do you know what the definiton of insanity is? It's when you keep doing the same thing over and over and over and over and expect that one time you will get a different result. You, sir, appear to fit that definition."

    That in and of itself has got to be the most outrageously hysterical comment I have ever read.

    All you need to do is read all the blogs and all of the peoples comments from here and elsewhere for years and they will read just as it does here today. Talk about insanity.

    Will you must be some sort of fool if you believe that advising the public of who the detectives are who are handling this case is some sort of breach of ethics.

    Not doing so highlights what is becoming even more apparent that there is something very very wrong here. The Quincy PD has NO information on this case and cannot identify any detectives who are working a kent barclay/damon kruezer complaint.

    Now how do you explain that?

  68. How do you explain the fact that you do not opt to receive that information privately?

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. While I await your reply, just this:

    Breach of ethics aside, if you knew anything about this case, and were by some fluke NOT Kent, you would know that the very last thing anyone involved in this matter would do would be to supply Barclay with that information. YOU would have to be a fool not to realize that.

  71. "Now how do you explain that"

    It is too bad you cannot hear a voice with that,
    I can!
    I know dexx does,
    dane avery does,

    it is this voice of Kent Barclay,
    I hear it when I read his comments all of the time,
    it is not a good thing!

    I don't know how to put it-
    well, let's just say Kent is not the most masculine one in Tobin Towers, I think Babs is more masculine.

    When he called and said-

    VeeeeeJayyyyyyyhayy this is your good friend Damon Kruezer callinggggg.
    Yup, that is what it sounded like.
    I just had a thought, I bet Kent shaves every hair off of his body, everywhere- all the time.
    Don't know why I just thought of that, it is lunchtime and I have ruined my lunch!

  72. Not that I would ever go there mind you, but for laughs, you've got to see the "comments" section of the Loozer's "Team" blog, where the only 4 comments he has are all from him.
    Its pretty sad, and yet at the same time hysterical, with him trying to convince anyone that might go there (which is no one except maybe us) that he actually has responses to his insanity.

  73. Ummmm could one of you guys please explain exactly how DK/KB has been harassing, threatening or extorting the wonderfully brave Angel Skye and his courageous defender Mr. Clarke?

    I mean to make a case about that there would have to be dozens or hundreds of nasty calls/emails/mailed letters or even someone positively ID'd as DK/KB or one of his Team Kruezer people physically stalking poor Angel or helpless Brad or the marvelous director Clarke.

    Enough to surely say they were in danger or being definitely threatened, right?

    So where's the evidence for this overwhelming stalking and intimidation going on by the man, woman or group of people that have embedded themselves so colorfully in your collective consciousness?

    Surely there's some video footage, and maybe Angel or Kevin can put up some of the no doubt 100's of threatening emails or dozens of calls?

    Or could it be the only ACTUAL stuff going on is DK's very critical comments or speculations about them and their people? Yeah thats right a porn writer's disparaging comments about 2 gay video models who ran a bunco operation with their website to scam people out of money and then topped it off by getting a detailed script written for their big "ASG PRODUCTIONS" movie that they didn't pay DK for as agreed?

    Yup, THAT is definitely MAJOR harassment, stalking and extortion by DK/KB and his buds bitching about that...and for that he must be exterminated or at least imprisoned without parole, HOW DARE HE because as we all know, EVERYTHING stated by Angel & Kevin is 100% accurate and true and NOTHING said by DK/KB or Team Kruezer could possibly be true.

    So I have called the Brockton MA police dept, the Wollaston P.D., the Tribeca NY police dept and at least an HOUR on the phone with the Fort Lauderdale police warning them about the internet terrorist as DeWayne likes to say.

    And U know what they told me? Either "no detective assigned on any such case involving any such subject" or "nothing has been referred to us approaching probable cause" or "not our jurisdiction", now what do we make of that?

    The wheels of justice are NOT spinning, now how do we get them spinning so that DK/KB has absolutely NO right to say anything about anyone on any site or blog.

    Because Dane Avery says so, and WillG seconds him, so what else do we need to know?

    DOWN WITH DK/KB, he must be exterminated, he has NO RIGHTS because we say so, we on the CRUSADE FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS!

    And Dexx Jones is TOTALLY reliable on matters of truth, that is for sure. I mean he could NOT have been romantically involved as well as business involved with DK could he?


  74. Did I actually get rid of 20/20?

  75. Georgie!
    How's Babs??

  76. Yes Will 20/20 has magically morphed into George.
    He is such an ass. He has done the same old shit for ten years and really expects people to believe that he is all these different people.

  77. "Now hoe do you explain that?"

    "Ummmm could one of you guys please explain..."

    Busted again.

  78. "...and NOTHING said by DK/KB or Team Kruezer could possibly be true."

    I think that's the first factual statement I've ever seen him write.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. My comments keep double-posting today, for some reason.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. "The wheels of justice are NOT spinning,.."

    Then why don't you just relax, leave us alone, and go out and enjoy a carefree holiday?

  83. 2020, let me give my take on this matter.

    It's obvious that you came here on a fishing expedition attempting to get some information. However, unlike a smart fisherman, you did not bait the hook. I.e., although claiming to have information you provided no details whatsoever on the nature of that information.

    Everyone here could see that the hook was unbaited and refused to bite. Furthermore, they asked themselves,"Who would engage in such a fishing expedition if not Kent Barclay?" And so they assumed that you were Kent Barclay (or someone acting in his behalf, if such a person exists) and advised you to take your information to
    the police department in the relevant jurisdictions, i.e., the ones in which the actions of Kent Barclay of which you claim to have information took place.

    You have used the following analogy:

    A drunk driver hits and kills your mother/father, brother or sister.
    The family files a police report.
    An individual contacts the family requesting information as to who is handling the case, as he has information about the driver.
    The family says fuck off, we don't want your help.

    This is not a very good analogy from your point of view since it actually supports the advice you have been getting here. What the family would probably say is, "Why don't you contact the police department in the jurisdiction in which the accident took place, since they are handling the investigation?"

    You say that you have followed this advice and that The Quincy PD has NO information on this case and cannot identify any detectives who are working a kent barclay/damon kruezer complaint.

    Let me edit that statement to reflect what I suspect really happened, assuming that you in fact contacted the Quincy PD:

    The Quincy PD would not reveal to me any information on this case and would not identify any detectives who are working a kent barclay/damon kruezer complaint.

    Why would the Quincy PD not provide you with the information you requested? Probably because they, like those who have ommented here, recognized that you were on a fishing expedition without bait, meaning that you were either the object of a criminal investigation or someone representing him. (The Quincy PD could probably also identify the your calling number using CallerID, which might have reinforced their suspicions).

  84. "Because Dane Avery says so, and WillG seconds him, so what else do we need to know?"

    that's bullshit Kent

    (couldn't resist)

  85. Thank you Prof, you are very wise indeed.

  86. Taking a roof deck break. Happy 4th to all, not you Kent! And happy B-Day to Dexx.

    VJ- Jeepers Creepers called you again??? LOL!!!!!! Could you hear the sounds of the ocean in the background or an elderly woman screeching?

    And I just notice Porn Confidential has a nice post about this mess. God, how many blogs are there now?

    Kent you and Babs are welcome to come up and watch the fireworks. But I am in a 5 floor walk up, nevermiind.

  87. Let me be clear in what I have found out in my years here at S. Shore Investigations.

    Anyone may make a COMPLAINT to local, state, or federal authorities based on UNPROVEN ALLEGATIONS supported by whatever witnesses or evidence they say they have.

    It's the detective's or agent's job to determine if such a complaint merits serious consideration, which in turn depends on the AMOUNT and QUALITY of the evidence, and CREDIBILITY of the witnesses, combined with ACTUAL perceived danger to the claimants.

    Since we've already seen the large amount of IMPERSONATIONS of DK/KB using variations of his name - even this very blog name is a form of misleading impersonation - and since we've seen his enemies are perfectly willing to REWRITE HISTORY and FORGE/EDIT EMAILS to justify their crusade (as seen on Justin's site, compared with the real Bryan Kocis email, very revealing) or outright LIE (Sternberg DID receive money orders from DK from what I've seen and DID trash Clarke in emails) then I have to give you my judgment that the EVIDENCE PRESENTED THUS FAR does not reach the level of actual criminal activity under ANY MA, NY, PA or FL statute I'm aware of, and the WITNESSES making complaints are simply NOT credible based on the fact they've proveably interacted with him willingly and/or done business with him in the recent past.

    The doctrine of UNCLEAN HANDS really comes into play here.

    My clients who hired me to determine the truth of this matter will receive my full report and investigative dossier Monday, and my preliminary conclusion is that CLAIMS by biased or tainted individuals with obvious personal agendas having nothing to do with their stated purpose do not equate to CRIMINAL CHARGES being adjudicated.

    And if I were Mr. Hernandez aka Mr. Angel Skye, I would REALLY make an effort to pay off those $17k promissory notes to DK/KB's very close friend by July 31st, from what I've been told. Something about "commingled funds" giving DK a VERY personal standing in this matter, I think.

    Or will it look good to ANY investigative authority that the alleged "victim" Mr. Skye owes at least $17,000 to people beyond a doubt? Talk about a tainted case and unclean hands.

    That's it and now I am going out to the Charles to enjoy the 4th of July fireworks and Boston Pops concert, have fun everyone!

  88. George said...

    Let me be clear in what I have found out in my years here at S. Shore Investigations.

    Is "George" Detective Bluecheezie?

  89. Going to the Charles!?!?!!?! LOL!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!! Crazy bastard! Has Marc been siting out there ALL day saving you a spot? Please!!

  90. "Something about "commingled funds" giving DK a VERY personal standing in this matter, I think."

    That's rich. And YOU aren't. You have NO funds to "commingle." You have absolutely NO STANDING in that matter, and it's a prime example of your online stalking.

  91. Jeepers Creepers, where you get those peepers. Jeepers Creepers where did you get those eyes? LOL!!!!!!

  92. Will- I think you get Unclean Hands by touching dirty assholes.

    Kent can you ask Zeb about that?

  93. Or your former victim Matt Rush?

  94. That's funny, DK said he was "flying back to New York" today on his site. Now he's in Boston? How odd.

  95. Whatsamatter? Dont you all know? Kentie is conducting the Pops tonight on the Esplanade in place of Keith Lockhart, who has gone to Fort Lauderdale to spend the night with Howard. Babs is singing. Like Kate Smith. Only Kate is more alive than Babs.

  96. Damon has been busy today directing some very eager twinks playing with some large toys. We are wrapping up a very successful working vacation, combining our work as accredited journalists with Damon's talent at script and direction. Soon to return to NYC.

    You worthless meddling bloggers are never going to attain the heights that Damon has. That old pervert (and alleged drugged-up twink lover) DeWayne has totally failed to remove Damon as a respected and much quoted observer. Despite years of hollow threats Damon is still an extremely popular and much read commentator.

    What interest do the handsome but dim VJ, or the terminally unemployed willgold have in all this one might ask? Are they somehow involved in Damon's reverse psychology?

  97. Good lord, he must be hitting the sauce today. Or sneaking some of Babs meds. The neighbors in Wollaston should be warned.

  98. Kent is part of the Perv Justice League, he is gets to use the invisible plane. Like Babs' bathroom, he has it on stand by. Kent is Loozer Man.

    And happy 4th to you Will!

  99. Thomas - When you get a chance could you point me to where on PornConfidential that posting is?

  100. "What interest do the handsome but dim VJ, or the terminally unemployed willgold have in all this one might ask? Are they somehow involved in Damon's reverse psychology?"

    Hey, I'm handsome and dim too!!!!

  101. Dane- I think he has been on a bender the past week!

    Kent-VJ isn't dim, he has more going in his pinky toe than you have in your whole, okay gross, BODY!! And why do you keep calling him?

  102. Here you go Will.

  103. we now know how kent/damon is spending the holiday: inventing multiple characters and hoping that somebody/anybody will believe his nonsense.

    marcus/2020/george/et al

    if there is nothing to worry about for kent, then why do you

    a) keep coming here screaming that there is nothing to worry about for kent
    b) continue to try and find information about the investigating officers?
    c) continue to try and inject false information into the public forum?

    anybody CAN make a complaint kentie. many people have and many more are going to.

    if there is no wrongdoing on your part than why do you spend so much time trying to deflect blame/fish for information/make false counter claims/pretend you are in no danger ?

    because you arent sure what you have done which is ok and what isnt. because you know as the rest of us do that MUCH of what you've done isnt kosher.

    the nagging questions which drive you mad are

    a) what do the police know
    b) will they take action
    c) are people really taking time out of their actual lives to pursue this
    d) which of your actions were actually illegal
    e) which of the activities were saved by the complainants
    f) will the cyber crime units really get entire listings of your activities.

    i will not answer a single one of these questions. if you think you did nothing wrong and the police will laugh/did laugh at the complainants, than celebrate your victory and move the fuck on already

    here are the facts:

    a) whatever you did angered an awful lot of people for an awfully long time

    b) most of them were sure that many of your acts had to be illegal. they are now coming forward to find out which if any acts were

    c) the laws have finally begun to catch up with internet activity. much of what might not have been unlawful in 1996 will now send a person to prison for a very long time.

    d) there many different fronts in the collective effort to bring you to justice


    Your interference in multiple legal cases including a murder case.

    impersonating an officer of the court (a private investigator- you have done this many times) ask your friend PB how legal that is

    wire fraud- your bunco schemes and various escorting plots, along with your pretending to have $5000 for the defense and then claiming to have a brain aneurism to get out of paying. that in itself could land you in jail. i would love to see you try to explain to a judge when you EVER in your 58 years had $5000. hoping to get it in time through your "porn writing" career wont cut it. you said you had the money, you pledged it and you were lying

    tax evasion. where to even begin here? not one penny of your so-called porn income has ever been reported to the irs. yes it was checked. :)

    stalking. what you call "asking questions as a journalist" when you bombard a person's life and leave messages with information, without giving the person a chance to reach you back- that isnt asking questions. that's harrassment. we have a taped message on mark adams' machine doing just that. remember pretending to be a reporter?

    impersonating the same kent barclay who is a professor and most displeased at this. that by itself could land you in jail. think he won't file a complaint? LOL just you wait

    theft of government services- multiple counts, especially when norwell realizes that both you and your mother defrauded them, not once but twice

    perjury- every dmca complaint you posted under a fake name is a felony if you actually dont own the writes to the copyrighted work you are complaining aobut

    filing false government reports/false police reports/lying to the police- how many people have you lied about to the police. how many false "tips" of 2257 violations have you submitted? this alone could land you in prison for many years

    malicious use of the internet- your site itself and much of what it contains is NOT protected under free speech. not because you arent a journalist (though you arent) but because there is no basis of fact in what you "Report"

    a great amount of the text on your pages is specifically, obviously designed to harm others with no logical basis in fact. that in itself is a major internet crime. you CAN NOT come online and use your site to harrass and stalk people. that in itself, considering how long you have done it and how unbelievably damaging your "reporting" is could send you to jail for a very long time.

    and thats just a bit of the criminal charges you may be facing. i will not tell you who has filed what and where. if there is merit to any of it, you will find out when you're arrested. if not, then you have nothing to worry about.

    one more thing in my epic post (a birthday present to myself between parties)

    after all of the possible criminal threads of been followed and it will take months if not years to do that- five of us have agreed to chip in and hire a lawyer for a civil suit.

    while we know you dont have anything worth getting and will probably be doing a prison stretch, we will be seeking an injunction to permanently bar you from the internet. there is both precedence for this and a very good case according to three of the early lawyers we have talked to.

    your only hope would be to get your OWN lawyer (cant get a court appointed one in a civil case) and try to fight it. if you hid from that suit, you would lose by default and then the simple act of going ON the internet would be a criminal act for you.

    read my words kent. you're right. i have spent years trying to sort you out and lots of money. what makes you think that i wont spend more years and more money to get actual results?

    simple logic tells you that i will. and i will win kentie. you know why? i am smarter, richer, younger and i have plenty more actual people (not figments) who will march right along with me.

    what do you have? your elderly mother, your fantasies and luck. judging from where your life is at, my guess is that you arent very lucky.

    have a happy fourth kent. enjoy the freedom while you can.

  104. Dexx, I haven't even read it yet but can see you've outdone yourself.

    Happy Birthday and Happy Holiday1

  105. thank you will. too much caffeine and i still have one more party to go to. i typed that in an eyeblink. the spelling is awful, but as i said, i never ever go there and my editor would put a bullet in his head before he consented to proofread my posts. i post all over the place and he would never get any rest, LOL. happy 4th everybody!

  106. Thomas - AAARRGH! URL doesn't work for me. I know how to access the site, could you just tell me how to navigate once I get there? Thanks!

  107. Dexxedrine there are no charges to answer. Our First Amendment rights are inalienable. What makes you believe that 2008 is any different to 2007, 2006, 2005? These accusations are all years old.

    You are a conman and a fraud who was dumped by Damon and has played the victim ever since. Your ragged band of misfits will not make much of an impression on a jury, ever consider that Mr I'm so fucking smart?

  108. Language, Marcus, language! This is a family site1

  109. Kent-I thought you were going to catch the Pops?!?

    Will-Scroll down, it's right there below the pic that Kent stole about David's retirement.

    Dexx- Happy B-Day you chain smokin tranny! :) And let me know when you make it to town. I will buy you a B-Day cocktail and we can chat!

  110. Wow, Thomas, thanks, even better than the Angel posting (hot picture, huh Kentie?) is the Matt Rush interview on DK, a true find for me. Always wanted to find out more about him and Kentie.

  111. He's nuts again...
    Soon available in Fort Lauderdale!
    Kruezer Style jewelry for your very special man - or woman, check out our new COMING SOON


  112. Matt: Well, like I said, he contacted me through e-mail and we met at a restaurant. He was waiting when I got inside.

    Tass: Was he alone?

    Matt:Yes he was alone. He was an older man. He was a little freaky, to be honest…


  113. Kentie Poo, putting up some faux jewelery advert is not going to turn you into Donald Trump. More like Donald Tramp...

    Lipstick on a pig still leaves you with a pig!

  114. Sorry, I know this is old news to everybody, but I'm in hog heaven and I can't help myself:

    Matt:You know- people that would talk about him around town, said he was no good and I was starting to see what type of Luezer/Crazy Man this guy really is.


  115. Oh God, where has this interview been all my life?

    Matt:Yes. I just don’t really know what to believe when I go there. I mean I really never thought there were people like him out there that really existed. I think I’m one out of a handful of people who’ve actually seen the man.

    Tass: Yes I know [Laughs]

    Matt:Yeah I don’t know if that’s a good thing. [Laughs]

    Consider this my holiday gift to you, Kentie.

  116. All right, I'm not going to post about the "oral odor" because I think even I have heard that quote before.

  117. Dane-LOL And we know Kentie has exquisite taste. Sally sells seashells by the seashore.

  118. It's a slow news day, otherwise I wouldn't be wasting all of this thread space:

    Tass: I really think this guy lives in a shelter or something….

    Matt: You know I wouldn’t doubt it because from meeting him and knowing what he looks like and the way he dressed, you can tell he’s not the richest man in the world and that he’s really not all there. He’s really NOT all there. [Matt repeats this loudly] I don’t even know if Kent Barclay is even his real name. Even when you Google him you get all kinds of information regarding him, mostly negative crap.

    OK, I'll stop now.

  119. Will-
    You can't read that interview with Matthew and "stop now." It's just too good. Almost as good as the interview Mark Adams did with DF a couple of years ago, altho Forest never met the Loozer in person. That interview can be found in several places on the web, but I have no idea where. Dexx might know.

  120. Dane - Oh no, I just meant I'll stop posting excerpts. You couldn't get me to stop reading it for all the tea in China!!

  121. I just listened to Tass' dance hit "Luezer Cruezer" and it may be my favorite song of all time. Thanks Tass!

  122. See y'all on the new thread!

  123. i might have to post the original audio to that interview. its insane. yes kentie it was taped.

    also, kentie when you're trying to call me a liar and then in the same sentence say YOU dumped me when the entire episode unfolded in public, when i have the transcripts of YOU begging to stay and PRESTON telling you go pound dirt, it leads others to say "hey if he's lying about this, he's lying about everything!"

    there are plenty of exemptions to free speech kentie. yelling fire in a crowded theater for one. repeatedly contacting a person who has told you to GO AWAY even if they were once nice to you is another. using your website through interstate wires (the internet) to continually hound people who want nothing to do with you- to continually attempt to threaten with more bad coverage (which you do) and then post that bad/false coverage (which you do) is wholly illegal.

    you are pretending to report on facts and using those "facts" as a weapon to harrass. if i were you, i would fire your legal advisor, because he/she/it hasnt served you well.

    matt rush saw you and described you as you really are. zeb atlas met you and described you as you really are. mark adams met you and described you as you really are. billy masters met you and described you as you really are. rich sternberg saw you (you confirmed this- the white SUV remember?) and described you as you actually are. the private investigator hired by the norwell housing authority (and then later, hired by ME) taped you for months and described you as you really are. The process server who served you three times at the capeway motel (a service accepted by the judge three times- which means you were legally served whether you agree or not) described your living situation exactly as it is. the norwell housing court documents describe you exactly as you are.

    but here you are, lying and lying some more.

    and none of it matters.

    even if all of the complainants decided to stay home- the campaign about to hit the quincy housing authority, the norwell housing authority AND each and every tax-fraud and law enforcement arm of MASS which covers theft of government services will get you in the end.

    and there aint a fucking thing you can do to stop it because you are living there illegally. you know it. we know it and now they will know it.

    i say that we all, collectively spend the next two weeks focusing on this effort. i will be setting up a password protected section within so we can discuss this freely and keep track of the complaints and the responses.

    we are going to present the local media with ready-made packages for news.

    this new initiative will run concurrently to assisting victims with their claims.

    keep talking kent. i just thought of this now. the more you talk the more we think of to make sure you are FORCED to comply with the same laws as the rest of us.

    i'll be back later tonight to type up another storm. i got so much good advice on this situation and i want to share it, plus we have some delightful news out of texas. :P

  124. "Marcus said...
    Dexxedrine there are no charges to answer. Our First Amendment rights are inalienable. What makes you believe that 2008 is any different to 2007, 2006, 2005? These accusations are all years old.

    You are a conman and a fraud who was dumped by Damon and has played the victim ever since. Your ragged band of misfits will not make much of an impression on a jury, ever consider that Mr I'm so fucking smart?"

    Ah, Marcus, one of the many voices of Kent Barclay's multiple personality fits of idiocy. Or would it more aptly put that Marcus/Kent Barclay is a reflected blight on society and culture?

    Think Statute of Limitations dumbass. Dexx has been compiling your record of "accomplishments." You made it so easy, because like your play pal Bryan Kocis, you can't resist bragging and you thought you were above the law.

    What you know of the 1st Amendment is that there is one. Dexx is quite right regarding the restrictions on free speech. You don't get to terrorize people of any stripe--gay, bi, trans, straight--and get away with it. You are the con artist and a thief--one of the dumbest anyone has ever encountered. Goes to prove that even a fuck up like you can have some success if you slither into it long enough. You have stolen copyrighted material of the Associated Press; you have stolen the words, ideas, phrases, images, and photos of others without attribution, and you have solicited, pandered and pimped unsuspecting adult film stars to equally unsuspecting clients without intending to deliver--that would be Bunco, a long-standing practice of yours.

    What you cannot have by legitimate means or civil courtesy you steal.

    Tell oh wise less than Oz, why associate with a known convicted pervert who preys on the least capable of defending themselves, Nelson Garcia?

    Since your concern is with the Bill of Rights, your protest here, you pompous jerk off, you will get your wish, an up close and personal encounter with your Right to Due Process.

    Dexx is quite right. Hope you keep good records. That required minimum can be the thin edge between late fees, penalties, fines and/or jail time.

    You will have a harder time with wire fraud.

    Sure do have to thank the Sons of Liberty, the Continental Army, the colonial militias, and the Founding Fathers for what became the United States Code, civil and criminal.
