The next tweet just goes to show you how on top of things Damon is. He is making a claim that blogger took down Dewayne's old site but that site has not been used since Dewayne has a new site on word press hosted by Great Atlantic Media. This is a sore spot with Damon because he believes that he should have a website hosted there and in Damon's own words "Not some upstart like Dewannabeinsd" jealous much Damon?
How about those patterns. Damon Kruezer is one big pattern of his continued lies, the scams, the stalking and harassment of models and his perverted nature. Now this one I really love, Damon is trying to discredit the person that he lied to about investing in a movie that he never intended to make. Damon is trying to make it appear that the person is just a chronic complainer. Is Damon kidding us? He stole $11,400.00 dollars under a phony investment scheme. I think the victim has grounds to complain about that. Which he did right to the FBI, and his local police as well. There are police reports on file.
Fabricated evidence? Are you serious? There are over 100 emails from you at least 20 voice messages and they are all still on the server in pristine condition and the authorities have copies of them all. You just wish that the evidence was fabricated. I have news for you I have read some of the emails and heard some of the voice mails and I got so angry that I could not listen to them all. The sound of you voice was making me sick and I could not stand it for another second. You have stepped over the line of being "a guilty pleasure" to being just plain guilty.
The first line of the next screen grab really says it all. We have this sack of crap that you are using to defend yourself. This is the biggest joke I have seen all week. making false accusations about people and accusing people of being paid off. sounds like you have watched to much Dynasty and Dallas. This is the real world and no one has been paid to lie about you. Quite the opposite really they are all telling the truth about you and they are doing this with no monetary incentive.
This year was he even tweeting that he was a shoe in for a nomination. I guess when they checked the IP addresses of all of those who nominated him they found out the truth. Maybe you did not hold up your end of the bargain again. To include Brent Corrigan in your whiny little tirade is just plain pitiful. You did not get nominated because you did not deserve to be nominated and to try and accuse Cybersocket of any wrong doing is just sour grapes on your part. the only one who stopped you from getting nominated was you. Deal with that.
This is just priceless, now Damon is trying to get Sydney and Angel all mixed up in his fraud by claiming that he is in a joint venture with ASG. Seriously does he think that any one will fall for this? In typical Damon fashion he thinks he can lie his way out of this. But the fact is he is only making it easier to prove that he has committed fraud. By creating all of these fake websites in an attempt to lead the authorities to believe that there really is a movie being made is just plain asinine.
Well this is Damon's last hurrah and you can bet that he is going to try and pull down any and everyone who ever fed him the crap he posted. My advice is to cut Damon off at the knees and come clean now before he drags you and all of your dirty laundry into the public arena. His constant claims that there is a conspiracy against him and that everyone who has anything negative to say about him are getting paid are ridiculous. Does he not realize that everyone in the business would have their hand out for that gravy train. His constant harping about his first amendment rights is laughable. No one has tried to stop him from writing his drivel. We just supply a different point of view to the stories he tells with actual proof to back them up.
I has been said that anyone who tries to be their own attorney has a fool for a client and Damon proves that in spades with the nonsense that he posted on his "well known website" today. he is trying to defend himself on the Technicolor Nightmare. What is really funny is that you just can't make this stuff up. All I can say is thank god for stupid because it is going to bring Damon down.