Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Are The Advocate and Cybersocket in bed with Damon Kruezer in his fraud schemes?

I sent an email to Morgan Sommer care of Cybersocket on November 4, 2008 last year about the nomination of Damon Kruezer and was ignored, as were several others who also wrote him. Morgan did not respond and it appears that he did not care. What I got from him was a Spam form email. Now rumor has it that Damon will be nominated again this year. Just like last year he used his thousands of Spam email addresses to spamnominate himself. He did it last year and rumor has it he did it again this year. Mark my words he will be nominated again.

Cybersocket is aware of this and there is an easy way to put an end to it. Make it so only one IP address can make a nomination and vote. But it seems that they really do not care about the accuracy of the awards process and this award really is nothing more that a promotional tool. I have no problem with promotion as this is a business but when this award carries a certain cache and can be used as a source of credibility for a scam artist that is where I draw the line.

What Cybersocket has failed to realize is that Damon Kruezer AKA Kent Barclay is using their name to scam people in his phony movie schemes. He has already scammed one person out of over $11.000 dollars. Now we tried to make it clear to Morgan Sommer's that this was going to happen and he choose not listen, now it looks like he wants to jump all bad and scream about getting his attorneys involved. It appears that I am not the only person saying this. Dewayneinsd.com has a post saying something similar to this.

What is really sad is that he is just as culpable in this fraud as Damon Kruezer as he was warned along with The Advocate about Damon Kruezer and they both chose to do nothing about it. If there is a civil suit the proof is on Morgan Sommer and The Advocate to prove that they did not allow Damon Kruezer to use their company names in this fraud. As I see it they will loose this case, as there were several people who warned them that this was an issue. They will not be the only ones pulled into this civil suit either because of they're inaction regarding Damon Kruezer. It did not have to come to this but they're stupidity and stubbornness caused this to happen.

Damon Kruezer will be charged with fraud and arrested and put behind bars and when this happens the legal flood gates will open and all of those people who gave Damon Kruezer the least bit of credibility will be sucked into the nastiness that will be the civil case that they will invariably loose. This was bound to happen as the gay porn industry has sat around for far to many years with they're collective heads stuck in the sand hoping that Damon would go away.

When the agents of models do not step forward to protect their clients as in the case of Jason Pitt, MJ taylor and Kameron Scott you can clearly see that there is an issue. When the Chris Steele's and Scotty Boardman's in the industry use Damon to get "revenge" on people or companies that they have issues with there is a problem. This is why we are in the position we are in today. You all have allowed this to happen and now you are at risk of loosing everything you have worked for because of your stupidity.


  1. i wonder when people will start asking if cybersocket's process allows kent barclay to vote for himself a million times (because i happen to have seen kent's traffic and he has very few actual fans) then who else might be skewing the results? the real story here to me is that cybersocket is daring to say, in public, that kent was chosen due to a democratic popular demand.

    i am currently compiling a list of advertisers and also building a site specifically devoted to calling corporations to task for assisting this guy by validating him. let THEM explain to his victims why they stand by him

  2. looking at what has been posted and how many perople who have read this including chris steele and Damon Kruezer aai think that they have finally gotten the hint that this is serious. Be scared kentie be very scared. you can't hide in mommies bathroom from this one.

  3. The thought and visual of Barclay continually soiling himself and screaming for Mommy to bring him more clean underwear warms the cockles of my heart, as well as other truths posted here. Thanks for assisting many of the known victims in yet another of their ongoing group chats, and as the bond grows stronger with each passing hour between these unlikely brothers, each day it is the one positive thing that came of their contact with such a vile and disgusting entity as Barclay (Kruezer),...a host of friendships that will last forever. In this respect they can ALMOST say thank you, however that is pushing the "envelope" too far.

  4. Pushing the envelope to far is using the internet to defraud a man out of his funds on the pretense of being a legitimate industry figure. Not so. That monumental bit of fiction will hang like a bad necktie for the man who hinted that his confederate misappropriated the defrauded man's funds. If the two industry pillars, The Advocate and Cybersocket or associates thereof had any hand in the original fraud, well, that would be evidence of an on-going organized criminal enterprise. A call for fans to vote would then be rather meaningless would it not?
