Saturday, April 4, 2009

Kent Barclays Spam Explosion

Yves has a good post here cross posted from Former Damon Fan.

Kent Barclay AKA Damon Kruezer is busy creating more fake persona's,alters and blog accounts to use in his illegal spamming and CyberSocket activity's.

Keep it up Kent just more grist for the mill!
DeWayne H

It seems that Kentie is a busy little bee snatching up blog names all in an attempt to piss us all off and I guess he is going to use them as a source of leverage to keep that technicolor abortion he calls a website. How funny Kentie that no one gives a shit about your plan. There is nothing that you can do to anyone because you are powerless in this game and you do not have anyone who will back you up either. this is not the Will g that we all know and love. This is Damon claiming to be Dewayne in SD on another one of his fake blogs. It really is to bad that he can not spell Dewayne. this is his attempt to piss me off by taking the name Ebony wood, funny thing is the blog is titled The world according to Ebony wood. So I guess you missed the boat on that one Kentie. this blog has been removed and I wonder who removed it and why did you get a lawyer letter Kentie? this is the blogger profile for his sock puppet Yves mignon, I will admit I stole the name to piss him off and it really worked. Damon has sense gone on several blogs complaining about me “stealing his name” calling me the fake Yves, as if there was a real Yves and we all know that there is not one. This is the profile for Matthew. Matthew has a last name now and it is Philips and he is the owner of 2 blogs as well and the latest blog is now I don’t know about any of you but this could explain why his “Flagship” site is suffering he does not have enough time to work on it anymore since he is so busy telling lies all over the Internet. He just misses the real news and all of the stories of importance in the gay community that he claims to be the so fond of. This is the profile for Damon while he was posing as Jon on my blog in the comments section. Seems that he never started a blog for poor Jon. You all remember him from the trilogy of terror post right? Matthew, Marc and Jon. I guess this hearkens back to Damon's days when he was a fundamental christian. You know the days before he started on his path straight to Hell. This is damon possing as George, you all remember George he was the legal expert for Damon. he was the one who was sending out the lawyer letters. Now George is breaking the law and stealing copyrighted material and posing as under a new name too. Master Battaglia, can you believe this shit? It really is starting to get funny and you all wondered how he got that Cybersocket nomination. It seems that Kentie is he king of spam. Maybe that is why he wants everyone to email him so he can get cash for spamming people. Is there not somewhere you can report spammers for a reward? this is the profile for Damon possing as Matthew and he is also blogging as and I guess Kentie just really wants to piss off the world from his one room government subsidized shantee that he calls home. I bet that view of the dumpster is lovely in the hot humid summer Kentie. This is Damon posing as “Secret” and he is also claiming to be Ed flanders and he runs this blog. I guess he just could not stomach the fact that MJ told him to fuck off. this is actually the blogger profile for Damon and yes it really is him, who would of thought right. Well here is where you can see the links to the blogs that he claims are his. more of the same worn out hate speak by the step child of gay porn. There is no insider news here just more of Damon/Kent bullshit. here he is showing the world just how crazy he truly is.
This is the Kruezer at night official blog like that really is something to be proud of. Not to be confused with this blog which tells the official truth about Kentie. also this one is more entertaining as well. this is the blogger profile for "event" another one of Damon's sock puppets. He has not given this one a blog yet . also this sock puppet is known as “biased activist reader” another lesser know sock puppet of the ever so prolific DK.

There are more but I think you all get the picture. He is trying to get the names of porn stars and bloggers alike as if that will give him some sort of leverage in the industry that hates him. Poor Kentie cant even get his own name now because that one has been taken. Yes rumor has it that Kent Barclay has been snatched up by some evil scoundrel in an attempt to piss Kentie off.

What brought this post on is the fact that someone was using this profile to post as fellow blogger WillG.

It seems that a some blogger with a vindictive streak has been impersonating one of our truth squad members due to the fact that he is very good at uncovering lies. One of the first blogs that this person posted on was one of Damon's sock puppet blogs. I am not blaming Damon just yet but the truth will come out I made thje mistake of blaming a couple of bloggers already. There are several people who are investigating this as we speak. But as some have said this stinks of Damon Kruezer.

This is the real blogger will G’s blogger ID
This is the blogger ID of the fake will G

The following comments were made by the fake one and are not representative of the REAL Will G.

It appears that a blogger who is aligned with Damon Kruezer is responsible for the comments and he is also responsible for a comment made on my blog. It really is a pity that they must stoop to this level to draw attention to Damon. If any of you have ever read his blog you are well aware that he never gets anything right. And this really is stupid trick if he thinks that will draw readers to his website. Hey kentie if you want traffic try writing something worth reading.

Will g said...
I'm starting to believe that Mr. Kruezer might not be the psycho that we have all thought him to be. I'm really reconsidering how I feel about things here.
April 2, 2009 2:32 PM

Will g said...
I for one am going to reach out a hand of friendship to Damon and she where it might lead.It all starts with one.

Will g said...
Sorry that should read see where it might lead NOT she where it might lead.

Will g said...
I'd like to announce that I have contacted Damon through email and I am awaiting his response. I have asked him to join with me for dinner (my treat)and I am hopeful that we can bury the past and all look forward to a better tomorrow together.

will g said...
I am now confused. Who is this other willg person here and what in the world is he carping about?
April 2, 2009 6:47 PM

Who ever was doing this is trying to make it appear that Will wanted to be friends with Damon. Now how funny is that, someone wanting to be friends with Kentie. Ask Mark at Just one hot minute how well that went. Kent Barclay can not have friends because he is just to nasty for anyone to stomach. Just look at what happens when you try to be “friends” with Damon. He has claimed that Bryan Kocis was his friend and then he lies and says that he was in the will and that he was going to run Cobra Video.

When the truth about that lie came out he went and tried to befriend the men who were convicted of his murder so that he could get a book deal. Damon will throw anyone under the bus to save his nasty ass and it has been proven time and time again. Damon is a nasty son of a bitch and the Internet will be a better place once we are rid of him. Lets just hope it happens sooner than latter.


  1. I just told Yves this was going to be my first post as "author" of this blog, now he's stolen my thunder and it's back to the drawing board. Kentie, would you PLEASE come out of hiding and give me some new material? Thanks! xxoo

  2. There just HAS to be a way to stop this nonsense. On the plus side, doing all this which takes a lot of time keeps him from ruining the lives of newbies who dont know him. Yet.

  3. Will I am so sorry I stole your thunder but as you know I was pissed by the stunt that he pulled by creating a fake profile for you and him posting as 2 other bloggers.

    So in retaliation I was forced to do this and it just came about because of the research I did on all of his alter/sock puppets.
    If it maskes you feel any better you were the inspiration.

  4. DAMON AND MARC PLAN TO MARRY IN VERMONT this Summer...proven friends will be invited...developing

    Kentie, they legalized marriage between two men, not a "man" and his sock puppet. Puppet sex is still illegal.

  5. Not in MA Will, we are very progressive.

  6. Well he certainly has a 'dandy' out today... I still can't stop laughing.

  7. It's so much fun on PC's PRIVATE blog, Kentie. Sorry you can't join us. You should SEE the things we're saying about you!!!

  8. BTW DeWayne, the link to KreuzerbyDay (A Member of the Truth Squad) listed under THE TRUTH ABOUT DAMON KRUEZER on the right is no longer valid. Just trying to keep our blog up to date!
