Silly Kent does not get it though all of his little server tricks and IP address shifting does not work. Kent seems to think that if he uses a proxy server and blind IP address he can fool someone. Really he is only fooling himself by thinking that we won't figure out his scheme.
The FBI does not find his feeble attempts humorous at all. Now seriously Kent, you claim to be writing a book about the Joe and Harlow Murder trial so you must be aware that they were convicted based on email and cell phone data.
Do you seriously think that by using a company like UBIQUITY SERVER SOLUTIONS LOS ANGELES GETSEVEN.NET no one will know that you got a 30 day free account and are trying to pull another scam? Seriously it all leads right back to GO Daddy and then right back to you and that means that you are still in Boston.
Now I know that a "Big Media Tycoon" such as yourself would think that you have the resources and the ability to fool us "little truth squaders" with your lies and proclamations that we are just "haters" but you are wrong there. In this age of information sharing, high speed Internet, cell phone technology and software programs that decipher scams you are cold busted.
Now I do realize that you did get over on one person for $11,400.00 with your claims that you were making a movie called Brad's Buddies II. but your claims that the money was a gift is a blatant lie. That little stunt you pulled constituted interstate wire fraud. Your emails and telephone voice mails contradict your public statements.There is no movie and there is no Paris film footage filmed with Cadinot's people and there never was a movie. you do not have any models attached to this project and you never did. to try and get Brent Corrigan mixed up in your lie is just plain stupid.
After you bad mouthed Jason Pitt, Kameron Scott Chase Harding and MJ taylor you try to get them to contact you via twitter so you can manipulate there emails to say that they would do your movie. You really are an idiot if you think that little ploy would work. What you don't seem to understand is that the gay porn industry is well aware of what you have done and anyone with a lick of sense is ignoring you. You have burned far to many bridges this time and that Technicolor insanity that you call a web page with its 100 hits a day will not save you this time. You can say what ever you want there and the only people reading it are just going to laugh at you.
You can make all the claims that you want about your deep Intel and how you are this great writer but in truth you are nothing but a cyberstalker and a hack who has been used over the years by the nefarious sleaze balls in the industry to get revenge on others. Now with your latest Brainstorm to be a great director you have scared off those who used to feed you your dirt.
The lights are on now and all of the roaches have scattered but you and you are the only roach left in the middle of the room and the truth squad is a big old can of RAID.
Oh and since you have claimed that the money was a gift, then you would be guilty of tax fraud.
The IRS is also involved in this case. Now you being on SSI should be very worried about that because it would affect you government check if you made too much money. To bad you did not think this scam through. Also you seem to think that the person that you ripped of will fold and forget about all of this and you will get away with your lies and scams once again. You are wrong about that. I have met him and I can attest to his resolve in getting you put away.
So I can just say this to you you really went and did it this time, and now you are trying to suck in David Forest and Ben Nichols in to you little plan. David Forest will roll on your as so fast it's not even funny and Ben Nichols should really be careful what he puts in his emails. You trying to use Ben as a bribe was just plain stupid, you know with the Trent Lott thing hanging over his head and all. Kentie your done this time tick tock bitch.
funny thing is, he never actually sent that first one to me.
ReplyDeletehe actually sent those both to me, I really don't know what he is tying to do but he is just proving how stupid he really is. all of this is doing nothing more than prioving that he is up to his neck in fraud.