Talk about a diva in the making...who's now sunk so low as to create a phony blog using old Kruezer at Night graphics and ancient, irrelevant quotes that is simply a total waste of bandwidth.
Actually it's a classic case of gay jealousy. I got the exclusive interview with CHRIS STEELE of JET SET MEN, and DeWayne didn't. First he claimed the interview was made up, then when Chris confirmed it's validity, what else could DeWayne do to make his backers happy - you know, the ones PAYING DeWayne to suddenly go on the attack for no apparent reason.
If you have a feeling those backers can be contacted via 4809 Clairemont Dr. #308 San Diego, CA, 92117, you're almost cetainly right. The smell of GRANT ROY and his former boyfriend, now business partner BRENT CORRIGAN is all over this. In our view, they're the ones motivating and paying DeWayne to confuse, misdirect and generally try to muddy the waters a few months before their likely testimony in the Bryan Kocis murder trial.
Could it be they're afraid of what I haven't published - YET - from the Harlow Cuadra-Joe Kerekes interview I did on May 14, 2007?
DeWayne wants to start a war because he's so JEALOUS over my Chris Steele interview that he didn't get. He's even started an impersonation blog wrongfully using some old graphics, VERY old accusations with nothing to back them up, and a constant obsessive misspelling of my name, claiming that what I said years ago is somehow relevant to the current situation. It's not and DeWayne has just jumped the shark as far as credibility and professionalism are concerned.
But SO revealing that DeWayne for all his jealous queen carrying on so obviously wants to BE me. Even his drooling over Cockyboy MJ - my latest interviewee - shows that.
Well guess what... I'm NOT playing DeWayne's game, which is to give him publicity by responding further.
Nope, I'm just going to post this link and let the industry and my worldwide readership figure who and what DeWayne really is for themselves.
It's actually HILARIOUS he's trying to create bad blood between Chris and me. Not gonna happen!
SO FUNNY that DeWayne accuses me of all sorts of things - and produces NOTHING to prove it except "DeWayne said so!" Yeah, as if THAT really means something.
Hateful, evil, morbidly jealous, obsessive-compulsive and a total hypocrite...that's DeWayne.
Interesting how he NEVER explains why what I do or say is ANY of his business or concern isn't it?
There is only ONE Damon Kruezer, and phony bloggers trying to get attention from misuse of my name are just pathetic.
As are bloggers like Chinchilla Man who refuses to deal with the fact of my interview with Harlow Cuadra and Joe Kerekes on 5/14/07 and the television appearances made as a result.
For Kruezer critics who refuse to deal with such inconvenient truths, their lies, jealousy and tunnel vision are nakedly exposed for all to see.
rusty04 said...
Yeah man that DeWayne guy is weird coming after you like this for what U said 2 or 3 years ago. Like you don't get to change ur mind? And who is DeWayne to judge U NEway?
reginaldo said...
This man DeWayne is trying to steal your energy and misdirect people to his new blog. Hes got no right to use your name or your graphics. Go after him legally Damon and make him back off.
I get what you're saying about who's paying DeWayne off to do this. The way he just started in over Chris Steele just after he followed your lead about the Cockyboy model told a lot of us what his real motivation is. What a sick puppy the guy is.-
Anonymous said...
DeWayne is just the latest one to try and discredit you Damon. I believe in you becuz DWayne has presented nothing except his personal bias and obvious desire to take a ride on your coattails.
Whuts interasante is that someone definitely put him up to it and prolly is paying him.
My guess would be G. Roy or B. Corrigan. You know why they hate on you becuz you didnt let them use you.-
Pro Bono said...
Marc/DK file a copyright claim against DeWayne. Your name is your brand identity and he is fraudulently using it as well as the graphics which are your intellectual property. I'll help you find out everything legally relevant about DeWAYNE to help you in any legal process that may be appropriate. For a guy who tries so hard to be Mr. Nice DeWAYNE sure has admitted his envy and jealousy of you.
I think the entire gayvid industry actually revolves around you Damon, its so clear from all the people so concerned about you and appreciative of you.-
frank_in_Lax said...
The Jim Chinchilla guy is a bird of the same feather as DeWayne. Dragging Nelson Garcia's (NG) name thru the mud based on ancient history that has nothing to do with anything current - and playing it like he's taking the moral high ground while doing it.
man what a vile subhuman creature jim c is.
I feel sorry for NG. But I feel even sorrier for the karmic retribution sure to be visited upon DeWayne and Chinchilla J.
DewayneinSD said...
Well Damon are you brave enough to post a "real" comment from a "real" person?
Yes we have met and YOU know WHERE you walked right up to me and said "your DeWayne in San Diego" My friend Jim was standing right next to me he is the one who chatted you up first remember?
I forget what Alias you were using that night but I know you were playing Private Eye with a camera!
FYI Damon You have emailed or rather your Alias have chatted with mine! ;) So yes we have had contact!
I KNOW a lot more about YOU than you think.
Honey Diva in the making???
I have ALWAYS been a Diva!
I had my interview with Chris 2 months BEFORE You! PPPPPBBTTHHH!!
And its not exclusive when Chris gave an interview to 4 other Blogger/Journos the same day! Where do you come off thinking Chis only talks to you!
I DO Admit I was wrong when I said Chris didn't talk to you but thats because I found it hard to believe Mr.TommySocks.Com would give you the time of day!
I can still decipher what Chris SAID vs what YOU EMBELLISHED!
Grant and Brent Pay me???
HAH What a laugh honey No One pays ME, they don't have too, the fact you DEFEND Bryan Kocis and then his Murderer Harlow Cuadra gives me plenty of motivation to attack YOU!
You associate with SCUM like Rapist's and Murderers & insinuate yourself into a trial where you have NO buisness or "inside" knowledge and expect NOT to be attacked?
IF YOU had one item of inside info pertinent to Joe & Harlows case you would have been subpoenaed!
You are NOT on the witness list Damon!
you have not published ANYTHING from the May 14th interview with Joe because YOU HAVE NOTHING to Print!
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