Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Budfoxx Posts

William the late Budfoxx's partner has made the decision to make The BudFoxx Blog with all the comments public.

William explained before Chris deleted his blog he moved everything to a wordpress blog.

The blog is now available as an Archive, a permanent repository of one mans Evil.
Thanks William!

Damon Kreuser - Liar - Fraud - Impostor

Over the past couple weeks I have been reading about all the bullshit
that Kruezer is now telling and on the back of a cybersocket
nomination I thought it would be a good thing to open up this site to
the public to add to the still ongoing efforts of others to share this
maniacs story to the public. Especially Kameron Scott who seems to be
the latest.

I know Chris would relish in this even though it is a hard thing for
me to do. I hope he might be looking down at me with a big smile on
his face for doing this.

It appears that in his transfer to wordpress some of his posts lost
images and widgets but most seem to be intact.

Maybe they can still do some good?

Chris never wanted to expose Damon Kruszer for who he was, only for
what he was, as Chris knew him to be, which was the title of his blog,
a Liar, Fraud and an Impostor.



  1. I just found this link in the Kam Scott thread and am so grateful and excited to be able to read Bud Foxx's writings at long last. I've always been frustrated that they have been unavailable, and now I will be busy for the rest of the night reading them. Thank you so much William.

  2. BTW, I'm sure Kentie is just as excited as I am that these have been made available, right Kentie?

  3. And that I double posted on my Main Blog Will!

    Imagine that this blog has around 100-150 readers aday

    DeWayne in San Diego 1500+

    plus links to ALL the big gay sites.

    Yes Kentie wont be happy

    Will notice the nice new links to this blog and Budfoxx in the FIRST Top of the Blog Sidebar?

    Nice and easy for everyone to find.


  4. William thanks for doing this. You have presented a living memorial to your partner and something he believed in. You are most generous.

  5. I was wondering when he would finally acknowledge the return of Bud Foxx:

    as jealous non-nominees like the notorious tool DiSD seethe with impotent frustration shown by his pathetic tactic of unearthing the clueless departed's irrelevancies"

    Let's get this straight, Kentie --

    The only "notorious tool" around here is YOU!

    The only one "seething in impotent frustration" is YOU!

    The only pathetic, clueless, and irrelevant one is YOU!

    Stop projecting.


    Nobody wants to see your ugly, swollen, toothless face on video, you blew your chances of that payday a LONG time ago, so go take that scam somewhere else, we are not biting, douchebag.

    BTW, how is that new hovel you've moved into on Chapman St. in Greensboro, NC working out for you? Say howdy to Dexx when you get a chance.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Hey everybody guess what Kentie got busted again. How long do you think it will be before Kentie gets a clue.

    It must be really hard for him to get any sleep with all of the "haters" out there gunning for him.
