And the river opens for the righteous
And the river opens for the righteous
And the river opens for the righteous Someday
Little Steven Van Sandt
From “I am a patriot”
I sat in a police station with Angel Skye today. Little Steven’s song ran through my head…
“I want to be with my family The people who understand me I've got nowhere else to go”
I looked at the pain that had been caused by relentless attacks on Angel and Brad by Kent Barclay that reached right into their families. People savaged by lies and insanity no one should have to endure. Who really thinks that anyone has the right to invade someone’s family with lies about gay porn?
And I was talking with my sister She looked so fine I said, Baby, what's on your mind? She said, I want to run like the lion Released from the cages Released from the rages Burning in my heart tonight
All Angel Skye and Brad Star wanted was to be left alone. But the mental illness of Kent Barclay would have none of that. He invaded their families and their friends in an attempt to destroy them. It is worse than sick, it is illegal. That is why so many of us are going to the police and filing reports. No matter what he says no one is going to file false reports, no one is lying. It is easy for us all we have to do is tell the truth. The lies that spew out of him and his co-conspirator registered child sex offender/felon Nelson Garcia thought it was funny when they impugned myself and everyone I ever worked with disgusting lies, it wasn’t.
And I ain't no communist And I ain't no capitalist And I ain't no socialist And I ain't no imperialist And I ain't no democrat And I ain't no republican I only know one party And it is freedom
Freedom from lies and slander., Freedom from people who invade your lives and homes. Freedom from People who go after your friends. Freedom from people who go after your family…Freedom from people who think a lie is acceptable.
I sat in a police station and saw the damage Kent Barclay does first hand. It is staggering that he thinks anyone does not know he lies, and that anyone does not know he hurts. Chris Steele said to me about Kent “he slanders porn stars so they will get in touch with him.” As if that is acceptable…
It is simple. All we need to do is to tell the truth,
And the river opens for the righteous
And the river opens for the righteous
And the river opens for the righteous Someday

Good and Evil reside within
ReplyDeleteI see no evidence to back up Clarke's assertion that KB or his alleged bud NG may have contacted a member of Angel's family. KB has no verifiable history of having done so other than Clarke insisting he did...without any IP, ISP, or independent MySpace verification to confirm or deny at any time in Clarke's obsessional rants.
ReplyDeleteI also find it very suspicious that Angel Skye made no attempt to speak to or contact KB directly before taking such a radical step, instead just taking whatever Clarke said as gospel. I assume this will be a major talking point at whatever judicial proceeding may occur.
Also why is Brad Star apparently lying through his teeth to back up whatever his boyfriend has so foolishly been led to believe? If he is perjuring himself to curry favor with his b.f. or Clarke he's dumber than many of us thought.
Is Star claiming that he personally was harassed, stalked or extorted? Doesn't appear so.
None of this makes sense in the context of Skye and Star being on record as former PR clients of KB who also interviewed with him repeatedly, as recently as this past April. I'm sure this will be emphasized in proceedings.
Also with the mobile broadband KB has spoken of in emails and chat I do not see how any particular alleged posting via MySpace could be definitively linked to him given the amount of impersonation he has had to endure as is well documented. I'm sure this will come up in court as well if it ever gets to that point.
Also there is a jurisdictional issue involved. Exactly where does KB live, and can he be successfully served or summonsed there? He may be in Florida, New York or possibly Revere MA or maybe PTown for the holiday according to other posters in the Kruezersphere, so what's the jurisdictional validity of wherever Clarke appears to be talking about?
Also there is no claim of imminent danger or bodily harm to Skye or Star, merely some highly critical comments and postings that can be definitively attributed to KB that appear to be entirely within his rights to make.
The MySpace thing involving Angel's family sounds totally unlike KB but very much like a Kevin Clarke confabulation.
VERDICT: Someone is trying to set KB up using the hot button child enticement/MySpace issue, invoking the name of NG without any proven connection between the two, and is very likely paying Angel and Brad off to play victims.
Given the over $20,000 in debt Angel owes this month alone, and given Michael Lucas' need for maximum publicity for his movie with Angel and Brad on the boxcover, that's not a stretch.
I think intimidation of Angel's former ASG investor in Fort Lauderdale (that KB may now be staying with) by Angel's blogger friend Lies and Truth constantly bringing up the man's alleged "underage" issue without ever citing any actual case is a major secondary motive for this scheme. This is the man to whom Angel owes $17,321 by July 31st as we saw on KB's site.
I predict that at the end of the day, KB will come out on top and all claims dismissed due to lack of evidence and/or perjurious statements made under the "undue influence" and/or outright bribery of Kevin Clarke, so obsessed is he by KB, the man who gives his otherwise empty and arid life a purpose.
I hear Kent is intimately involved down Florida way and is playing a major role behind the scenes in certain delicate negotiations involving his former mentor Forest and current close friend Howard.
ReplyDeleteIt will be interesting to see how he wields his newfound influence "under the radar" as he's telling friends. I wouldn't be at all surprized if Angel and Brad come running back to him hat in hand trying to kiss up once they see how badly they've screwed up and how no one will hire them as a result of their lying and perjury about their former publicist.
What a shame for them, physically at least the two are super hot but as people they're weak and easily manipulated. Now they should do the right and honorable thing and pull everything back at which point I'm sure Kent will withdraw all mention of them from his various websites, blogs and publications he is said to write for under a variety of noms de plume.
If you believe you have knowledge of a criminal offense and the police won't cooperate, as it appears they did not with Angel Skye, it is a simple matter to appear before a magistrate, swear under oath that the facts you relate are true, and convince the magistrate that probable cause exists that a crime has been committed. The magistrate will issue a criminal summons, a deputy sheriff will serve the summons, and the accused will be required to appear before a district judge on a given date to answer the charges.
ReplyDeleteThis criminal process happens typically overnight, yet there is still nothing on record 4 days after Angel Skye, his boyfriend and that morbidly obese Kevin Clarke person supposedly filed charges.
I think Angel Skye and Renee Martin have not set foot in Massachusetts or New York or Florida to do any such thing, and they never will unless they can find out for sure where KB actually lives, if there's independent verification of any of their claims, and only then if a magistrate will take them seriously. The burden of proof is heavily on them.
I had to check reading these...I thought I accidentally went on to one of Kentie's three blogs. YOu know, the ones where no one posts except him.
ReplyDeleteSo now Howard is his best friend. Someone should ask Howard about that, because it is not what he is telling others, from what I hear. I believe there is an attorney involved, so there could be more problems for Kent brewing.
I was going to say three postings overnight, a new record, until I saw the third one was cribbed from a posting by Geoff Harvard on Jim's trial blog (dated July l, go take a look). He is cribbing from someone who does not even believe in his existence, from what I understand, so that presents an existential conundrum best left for another time, when we can address such philosophical matters at our leisure.
ReplyDeleteFor now, I'll just congratulate Kevin Clarke on a stunning post and for his wonderful support of Angel as he goes through this unpleasant but necessary legal process.
"Also with the mobile broadband KB has spoken of in emails and chat I do not see how any particular alleged posting via MySpace could be definitively linked to him given the amount of impersonation he has had to endure as is well documented."
Now that he's tried the hacking excuse and the "I was just joking" ploy, and neither seemed to work, it's the "I really tried to disguise my IP address this time, hope it works" gambit. What's next? The Devil made me do it?
And Kevin is apparently funding this effort to spur sales of a Michael Lucas movie. Or something, I can't keep that one straight, or even type it with a straight face.
"Now they should do the right and honorable thing and pull everything back at which point I'm sure Kent will withdraw all mention of them from his various websites, blogs and publications..."
You should have thought of that before. Too bad everything you've ever written about them is preserved on hard drives and archived forever. There are no do-overs in cyberspace, unfortunately for you, Kentie.
Now get some sleep, as Dexx advised. It looks like you've spent another sleepless night.
Dane - I don't believe it's Howard he says he "might" be staying with in Florida, but the allegedc pedophile who invested in Angel's website. But you mention Howard having something of a change of heart regarding Kentie? That might explain this posting on Justin's blog:
ReplyDeleteFabscout said...
We are all with you Angel and Brad
June 29, 2008 5:17 PM
Of course, that was the same day Kentie had a huge FabScout banner at the top of his page. But I hope you're right.
We are doing some updates to our site that might take some time but wait until you losers see what major scoops are imminent!
ReplyDeletewillgold shouldn't you be out earning a living and not making endless unfounded allegations against famous and accredited journalists? We know you love us, but isn't the attention just a little, how should I put this, OBSESSIVE?
Day 5 and no sight of any criminal charges against Damon, makes you wonder!
FINALLY I got some attention! I told him I will NOT be ignored, and he listened!
ReplyDeleteAnd he tells ME to go out and earn a living???
Kentie - How long did it take after the murder for H & J to be arrested? Four months, was it?
ReplyDeleteAparently Howard had a change of heart and realized, like every other studio, that having his images appear on Kenties site aint what youd call a good thing.
I will wager the posters and banners for anything Fabscout will be gone next update.
will g said...
ReplyDeleteFINALLY I got some attention! I told him I will NOT be ignored, and he listened!
And he tells ME to go out and earn a living???
Well Damnit Will , go get a job so that kenite can try and scam you out of some money..........LOL
Kevin excellent post you have outdone yourself. Wish all of you the best, and hopefully this will be over soon for all
ReplyDeletehey home come when i go to lozers site i get nothing but a blank page whay is up with that. I was hoping to make the front page today..... its a sad sad day..
ReplyDeleteok now i am pissed that he took me off his front page.... Damn you Marcus, kentie, damon, matthew, zenoble and whoever the else you are.... I am really upset that i can not be on your front page, I know the rest dont like it , but hell i love to be on your front page kentie, come up with a good lie and put me back on there will ya. Or has your sack of shit ass been shut down.... hmmmm lets see. will call go daddy and find out what is wrong with your site...
ReplyDeletewill g said...
ReplyDeleteKentie - How long did it take after the murder for H & J to be arrested? Four months, was it?
Will I do not believe kentie can count that high. tell him to use his little piggies to count on
Madame said...
ReplyDeletehey home come when i go to lozers site i get nothing but a blank page whay is up with that. I was hoping to make the front page today..... its a sad sad day.
Marcus- Go drag your loverboy Kentie off the beach and show him something has gone terribly wrong with the neon nightmare. I think he'd want to know.
ReplyDeleteWill did you get the same thing i got? the whole page is just white and doesnt say anything.
ReplyDeleteMaybe kentie is out doing him self and creating some master piece to put on there. I cant wait to see what it is
ReplyDeleteBla Bla Bla. About the only person on the planet that does not know what is going to happen in California today is you Kent/NG. Keep lying about Howard Kent/NG.
ReplyDeleteIf you did know anything you would have printed it long ago....
You keep mentioning money Angel owes to someone else. Tell us clearly what is your relationship with this person you say he owes Kent/NG? Is he part of the cabal with you, convicted felon child sex offender Nelson Garcia?
Nelson Garcia and Kevin Clarke live in the same state. Do you think when authorities ask him where he got the lie that Clarke likes getting pissed and shit on by his models that he forced to do it, he won't throw you under the bus? You might ask your slander partner Nelson Garcia if he is familiar with:
*Crime and Offender Research *
New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services
Office of Justice Research and Performance
4 Tower Place, 8th Floor
Albany, New York 12203-3764
They now are familiar with him... Perhaps he will like to tell the world who gave him that lie and who he corroborated it with? Well the answer to corroboration is easy NO ONE, as it never happened.
How are you doing with that letter you never sent to Melnick? Did he answer it saying he loved reading the seminal article on Zeb Atlas?
While we are at it how is that claim against Michael Gross and OUT magazine coming? Tell us Kent did you sue them????
(Um, I'm the other person on the planet that doesn't know what's happening in California today, but don't tell anyone.)
ReplyDeleteDane, sorry I missed where he called Howard a good friend, so you're right. Guess he has another surprise in store.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know the official reason Kent site has turned snow white?
ReplyDelete"Another hate site taken down!" perhaps?
I don't think anyone knows yet, Jim, but isn't it delightful?
ReplyDeletePERHAPS this has something to do with FabScout situation?
ReplyDeleteMarcus said...
ReplyDeleteWe are doing some updates to our site that might take some time but wait until you losers see what major scoops are imminent!
Translation: WHERE THE F*** DID MY SITE GO??????
"will g said...
ReplyDeleteMarcus said...
We are doing some updates to our site..."
Well IF this is the case...kudos are in order! The new blank-white redesign is a HUGE improvement indeed.
Jim - Sorry I can't tear myself away from this site, but kudos on your latest post
if kenties site is snow white on the permanent hell then we should throw a party for sure.... are hoorays in order yet or should we wait on the next set of updates
ReplyDeleteMadame - Don't call the caterers for a party yet (or we could just use Gluttony's ice cream wagon), since it was suggested this might just be one of his supporters, FabScout, pulling out and demanding he remove everything of theirs, which is practically everything he has on the site. So stay tuned. . .
ReplyDeleteDid someone say Benelux Countries?
ReplyDeleteV.J. - Brother, where hast thou been? You have arrived just in time for another chapter of "As the Cookie Crumbles," starring Kentie and a cast of a thousand multiples.
ReplyDeleteAll right, here is the story Seth hinted at, now I'm finally not the last person on the planet to know, that would be Kentie, who was once again left out in the cold:
ReplyDeleteWhile they are not commenting today, the rumors floating about indicate a changing of the guard in the talent/management business on both coasts. One of our vidioview.com reliable sources tells us that David Forest and Howard Andrew from Fabscout Entertainment have been...oh, what word shall we use..."communicating" for the past couple of months about either an acquisition or merger of the two big companies. If this happens, and with the announced press conference for this afternoon in Universal City, there's no reason to think it won't, the new company will assuredly be the largest male talent management company in the industry. As they say, "developing."
-- Mark Adams, Vidioview
And here I actually thought the story had something to do with David Forest going to jail again1 (Rumors, you know.) But this is obviously why FabScout doesn't want anything to do with Kentie now, and I say better late than never.
Hopefully this is party material and we will all get to rejoice in this matter very soon.
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ReplyDeleteYep, FabScout stuff has all been removed. Now Jet Set stands virtually alone as his one remaining supporter. We'll see how long THAT lasts.
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ReplyDeleteYes, I deleted that because Kentie does most definitely NOT have the story, that is merely a copy of an invitation to a press conference, nothing more.
ReplyDeleteDamon seems to think that he is in the clear since he has posted all his old news on his site. Seems he has been lulled into a false sense of security since the cops have not come to visit him just yet.
ReplyDeletePity that it seems to me that he is just going to hang himself with his own stupidity. He makes the first three comments on this thread like no one would know that they were him.
Ip addresses Damon are what is going to hang you. keep flaunting your disregard for the law and the rights of the people who you lie about.
When the long arm of the law comes to slap you down it will just be the more sweet for those who you have maliagned. Remeber this Damon or Kentie or which ever personea you chose to post your slander and lies it will all be attributed to you.
So long Damon/kentie, its been fun but the ride is coming to a end.
Damon's got the scoop again - you didn't think we were going anywhere did you. Benelux indeed VJ.
ReplyDeleteDamon is launching a new website www.kruezerstyle.com that will be the base for his new Florida company - join us there soon as we scale even higher heights of relevancy and industry acclaim.
Actually, he has removed ALL of the recent postings about Angel and Brad. For whatever good he thinks that will do him. Told you Kentie, these things don't disappear just because you want them to.
ReplyDeleteMarcus, what "scoop" would that be? I'm sure you'll steal Mark Adams' story now, but you had zilch.
ReplyDeleteMarcus darling
ReplyDeleteYes the love of your life (yourself) has got the very old crappy page back up and will you look at that all the Fabscout stuff is gone. I wonder what happened to it. And the wonderful Kentie is only a few days late with the press conference email.
Florida huh? How does Kentie get a Quincy dial-up from Florida? Oh I get it - he must have done it on his way to LA for the press conference.
This is getting boring.
Most of the stuff that Kentie obviosuly put up in a hurry is really old, especially some of the Angel and Brad stuff. He has not removed any of it from his three blog pages however, so perhaps its GoDaddy finally responding to all the cards and letters and emails that forced him to take it down.
ReplyDeleteTHis now leaves Chris Steele and JetSet as the only ones that will deal with him. Once Troy Falcon finds out he is using one of their pics, the site will be down again for "maintenance."
Kentie, I'm sure you'll go back to harassing Angel and Brad in a few days, we know you just can't help yourself. But with them being off limits for now, FabScout gone, and your inablitity to do any real reporting, WHAT WILL YOU TALK ABOUT ON YOUR SITE? I think you have a problem.
ReplyDeleteKent/NG do tell us what happened to the FABSCOUT banner?
ReplyDeleteYou talk about truth.. Care to explain why just a few days you were going to Florida to represent the ex-wife of Angel Skye whom Angel had abandoned and not paid her alimony? You even called DeWayne to tell him you were representing her...
To bad for you she did not exist, and you were lying..
Where did your Letter to Melnick go Kent/NG?
Where is all the talk about you staying with the guy who Angel according to you owes money too?
Was he mystified as to how all your posts were coming from MA even though you were down the hall or were you lying.....
And lastly; would you care to tell us where Nelson Garcia, you remember him Kent/NG the convicted felon who spent a year in jail for sending pictures of himself, and pictures of pre-pubescent boys to who he thought was a 14 YO boy, care to tell us how he corroborated the lies you sent him about Kevin Clarke?
Now on some level we can appreciate that Nelson Garcia gets off on talking about twinks pissing and shitting on older men, after all he is a registered sex offender and a convicted felon, but don't you think he should be a little mad at you for feeding him a lie, and a little angry at himself for not checking that lie? This from a man who said he had to be more careful. Soliditary with Kent/NG Barclay/ Nelson Garcia/ Bryan Kocis/ Douglas Lowree. NEVER SURRENDER YOU GUYS...NEVER
i went to go daddy to buy his new site and i guess kentie got babs's social security check and acutally bought it or it was the fact that go daddy has a 1.99 special right now which means he begged for two dollars on a steet corner and got it. dumb as people
ReplyDeletepurchased the 31st of may with babs's ss check, he stole the old ladies money and bought a website no wonder she couldnt eat last week and had to get a cake out of the trash can in the back of the bakery for her birthday
ReplyDeleteRegisterd to kent barclay himself can you belive this one
Madame - What pray tell will he put on a second site when now he doesn't even have material for his first one? Don't worry, it's just to make himself think his life will be going on, let him dream.
ReplyDeleteCan you clear something up? Did he send that letter to Melnick or not? Weren't they going to send you a copy? I sure hope he did, because there were ALL KINDS of things in there that could get him in trouble, starting with him signing it DK. I don't think prosecutors look kindly on people signing such things with a made-up name.
But even if he didn't send it, it's still evidence of witness tampering since it's ALL ARCHIVED ON HARD DRIVES FOREVER even though he thinks he's deleted it.
Kentie Poo, tell the nice lady how much you had to spend to get the kruezerstyle website in your hands.
ReplyDeleteMore than a few dollars wasn't it you old waste of space. Never boast of your plans ahead of time Kentie, it always costs more!
I wouldn't concern myself with yet another "new" website of Kentie's until I actually see it. And even then, remember his last big makeover that he couldn't figure out how to use and then went right back to the old one? He is soooooo booooooring.
ReplyDeletedemon said...
ReplyDeleteKentie Poo, tell the nice lady. . .
That's a classic, Demon.
Umm Kent/NG "Jones' latest hate site has been terminated with extreme prejudice even as his predictions have proven warrantless due to invalid and non-credible intel."
ReplyDeleteUmm Kruezerbyday.com is alive and well....... If you think there is a lie there why not use the justice system like everyone else?
Seth - Perhaps he thinks Dexx's site is gone because the link in the blog roll doesn't seem to be working?
ReplyDeletethis is what happens when one follows one's body clock! nobody to post with all night long and then when you crash in pomerania, posters everywhere!!
ReplyDeletekent didnt know a thing. that press conference was postponed. kent didnt know about the first one.
and now that the news is out, kent cant even post about it properly on his site. seems his best friend howard (who he bragged about YESTERDAY) isnt feeling the same vibe.
that leaves christ steel over at falcon, and i say they make the perfect pair. LOL. hissyfits all around
Enough of trying to change the subject about his websites or Fabscout. He and Howard talk all the time from what I heard and that's how he meets the twinks he films for his VOD contract he is busy shooting for in Florida thanx to his buds at FPG which Dane Avery STILL has mislisted, the old man needs some NEW glasses!
ReplyDeleteThe ONLY thing that matters is WHERE IS THE HIGHLY HYPED ARREST WARRANT and EXACTLY WHAT CHARGES DID ANGEL AND BRAD MAKE THAT ARE CREDIBLE AND VERIFIABLE other than them or Kevin Clarke insisting it's true?
SO FAR NO ARREST, NO WARRANT and none of you bitches has spent the $17.95 to find out what's on PeopleFinder altho I am not at all sure that is the actual KB we are talking about (there are several that fit his profile, which one is it?)
I think there are at least 3 diff. ppl. writing and posting as KB/DK and they're prolly in 3 different states so that would tend to get whatever Angel claims thrown out on that basis alone along with the extreme difficulty of tying any particular post/email to one person on one computer in one specific place.
Personally I can't wait to see what he does with Kruezerstyle maybe he'll tell us how he "engineered" what's happening today????
And is Dexx Jones' hate site down due to some action of his?
Who's this Ebony Wood character spreading the lie about Kent being chased down the street when even Dexx Jones admits it never happened??
Not good for your credibility Ebony just parroting other people's assertions as if they were facts. NOT!
Kentie - That post by Ebony Wood was the same post from Dexx used by umpteen other sites, and it was damn funny, if you ask me, so why are you picking on Ebony?
ReplyDeleteseems like kent lost more than one "supporter" on his site. what happened in florida kent? did you use the wrong fork? LOLOLOLOL
ReplyDeleteWould you rather they print the TRUTH, which is that you ran away like a scared little girl?
ReplyDeletecorrection: i meant chris steele at jetset. i much preferred the version of chris steele at falcon. even though he was nasty to tass, at least we had tommysocks. but then its hard to keep track of rotten with all of the rotten swirling around. :)
ReplyDeleteuh kentie? you might be blocked from a site or two, but not one of my sites is down right now.
ReplyDeletekent dont twist my words. what i said was that the headline was inaccurate in that rich didnt chase you.
he saw you. you saw him. you ran and then falsely reported on your site that it had been pc and renee.
you saw the texas plates on that white suv and made the wrong assumption.
rich didnt chase you- duh i think he would have won since he's a young in-shape guy and you're a fat older tard- but you RAN ANYWAY.
why? because you know you did wrong and you were afraid of being captured on camera.
now back to what matters: what makes you think that there is no independent evidence from the various ISPs or myspace?
as renee said, how long did it take to arrest harlow and joe? your case involves many more people from many more jurisdictions. its a complicated situation.
but as i said, if you did nothing wrong, then dont worry about it. right kentie?
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ReplyDelete"I think there are at least 3 diff. ppl. writing and posting as KB/DK and they're prolly in 3 different states so that would tend to get whatever Angel claims thrown out on that basis alone along with the extreme difficulty of tying any particular post/email to one person on one computer in one specific place."
ReplyDeleteGee... that's funny. Over on Gluttony and Renee's blog, you stated that some reporter from the Quincy Patriot Ledger said the above.
Which is it Kentie? You can't seem to keep up with your own lies.
sethj said...
ReplyDeleteImagine this Kent/NG Barclay says he is shooting twink porn in Florida for a VOD company. YET his name is not on it, he can't point to it anywhere, and now he says Howard at FABSCOUT set up a VOD deal for him. Well just how long to you think it will take Howard to say Kent is lying?
No one ever sees it, he can't point to where it is, he wants everyone to believe it’s true because he said so. Yes just like you were representing Angel's ex-wife because he would not pay her alimony. So believe you?? Heavens no. Will Howard lie for you? hmmm NO.
You promised photo's from your first shoot you remember the one where you made the 19 YO's take the toys even though they did not want too so they could get paid? Never a photo. Nothing.
Now wouldn't a VOD company proudly list your name as the director since you are the self proclaimed most important person in Gay Media?
Every Kevin Clarke Title lists his name....
Kentie, do you not care that people now think EVERYTHING you say is a lie, even though, like, maybe one thing in one hundred MAY be true? Doesn't that bother even you just a little bit?
ReplyDeleteLet's go back to an old chestnut. You don't have much material to post today, so why not fill up some space and post that Sirius interview? You've got the tape right there, don't you?
Or how about this? If you are too incompetent to figure out how to post the audio, just post a transcript. That will take up some of the vacant space AND prove your doubters wrong, it's a two-for one.
Why do you never, ever bother to defend yourself with PROOF, when you always insist others do so?
Until you do, I don't think there's one person left who believes anything you say -- and I mean ANYTHING -- is the truth. So post that audio, would you? Not for me, for yourself.
Real smart. He's put the FabScout banner back up. Anyone have Howard's number? I've screencapped it with the time and date, if he deletes it, and I'd be glad to send it to him.
ReplyDeleteHe put the Fabscout banner up because he knows Howard is busy right now acquiring Forests company, a story that Kentie missed out on all together. Howard is in contact with the Truth Squad and is handling Kenties illegal use of copyrighted material. Expect the OOPS page on his site shortly.
ReplyDeleteKentie Poo,
ReplyDeletePlease mention our determined correspondent and dear friend to the blogosphere, Will, on your widely read and appreciated technicolor wizzpage. He has tried so hard to help you it's the least that you can do ;-)
PS If you are feeling extra generous then VJ deserves a credit too!
Of course Kent never sent a letter to Melnick. Now he is implying he had something to do with the negotiations between FABSCOUT and Forest... He won't say what it was he did because he wants to cover his lie when it is called, but he had ZERO to do with it and was the last person to know about it.
ReplyDeletehahahaha kent. the first invitation went out three weeks ago with the announcement to be made on a friday. i personally spoke to david then on another matter and he reiterated his invitation to tass. that original news conference was postponed.
of course you knew nothing at all about it. you apparrently still don't
funniest thing of all? i'm not even IN the adult industry and i knew. and here you are boasting falsely about your prominence and you have to sneak people's banners on your site when you THINK they arent looking.
poor kentie. most of his "fans and supporters" know the big news first from real sites. they tune into his to see the parody. of course kent is serious so its accidental parody which makes it even funnier.
kent plays follow the leader again with his comic book noir prose and his high hopes.
hey kent. i heard that most of the units in tobin towers dont even have air conditioning. is that true?
And the evening and the morning was the fifth day. Alligator mouth, hummingbird ass.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually grateful that Geoff is around, because he is the one person giving Kentie false hope. Other than Marcus, and Jesse, and Zenoble, and maybe NG, althought I think by now even NG has probably jumped ship.
ReplyDeleteWill, I hate Damon Kruezer, not because he attacked some gay porn favorite, but because he libelled a friend of mine who is now dead and can't defend himself. If you would like, we can meet at Logan some time and explore "Kent's" haunts in eastern Mass and make some video interviews of people who may know him.
ReplyDeleteGeoff - I know some people are antagonistic towards you, to say the least, but I am not. I saw you talk about your friend and am very sorry for your loss and what you went through with DK. And early on I too had some doubts about what was really going on here (they very quickly vaniished).
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure exactly what your position is these days, but I believe everybody is entitled to believe or not believe whatever they want. And you seem like a smart guy, so I'm sure that you'll accept the truth, when all is revealed in time. But, as Jim says, be patient!
methinks somebody is still traumatized by the easter bunny lie.
ReplyDeleteI am still a little traumatized by the "Snow Ball" sweater that Dane wore at the holiday party.........
ReplyDeleteWhat have I missed? Same Kent different day!
Kruezer Style?!?! Will it be a gay fashion site? Kent Members Only and leisure suits are not retro! Or will it be another venue that you can spew garbage on? Keep zig zagging Kentie.........Oh and I see you removed Judy Barclay, MA Realtor from your site too........
kruezer style. LOLOL!!
ReplyDeleteleisure suits, bad combovers, how to be dentally challenged on 5 cents a day, fashionable tighty witeys for sitting in front of the computer for fifteen hours? tips on hotplate cuisine? which baseball hat and sunglass combination best fools your local housing official? extortionist breath tips? ten fun things you didnt know about a pre-paid dialup card?
babs could have a section on the joys of braiding mole hair.
Hey, leave the guy alone.
ReplyDeleteHe's got to have some hobby when GoDaddy shuts him down.
LOL sorry but sometimes you just have to laugh at his insanity! I will laugh more when I hear cries and "Its not me,you have the wrong person."
ReplyDeleteMaybe Kent can include an advice column too. But I am sure most answers will involve GHB and black mail videos.
Dexx, you made me spit up my pie. Now I have a mess to clean up. Stop it!
ReplyDeletedont worry will. i'm sure kruezer style will have a section on what to do with regurgitated food. :)
ReplyDeletekent is sending secret email to people warning that i am going to the FBI about his situation. he thinks he will scare off the industry as if they have anything to do with him in the first place.
he is right though. i am going to the fbi. i have an appointment on friday. :) why do i say this in a blog? because its true and im not even trying to hide it.
Keuezer style,
I was looking forward to that bi-monthly segment that Kent promised.
I was going to do one here to go with Kents and call it Leuzer style.
Fashion tips for the hefty and aged.
What does the e-mail say?
ReplyDeleteVJ-Jeepers Creepers AKA Kent sees you in pleather, its something he made out of an old purse that belongs to Babs, his real mother, not JUDY. Kent was looking for change and had an epiphany...Sorry, but take one for the team brother. Just close your eyes and think of england!!! LOL!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThomasBoston said...
ReplyDeleteWhat does the e-mail say?
Thomas, Dexx said it's secret. Shhhhh.
Will- Mister I got a Kent Shout Out?!?!? LOL!!!!!! Puleze!!! LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteI am so jealous I could spit!! LOL!!
vj, you can post that if you want. i dont care if kent tells the world. knowing what i know, it would be a crime if i didnt go.
ReplyDeleteThomas, you just have to ask him nicely and he'll spit venom at you to! Try it, it's fun!
ReplyDelete"...at you TOO." I'm fading fast.
ReplyDeleteThomas, you missed the great white-out of '08 on his site today, as you can see from the comments. It was short-lived, but oh so sweet. Like a little, teasing glimpse of the future.
ReplyDeletehe also mentioned you will. LOL i hope vj posts it
ReplyDeleteLOL Will- I heard! Thought its done,shut down. Wanted to toast with Mimosas!!!
ReplyDeletethe reason kent is sending these emails (and also ims on myspace, aim, etc) is because he wants people to back away.
ReplyDeleteif anything, i wish i had done this earlier, to be honest. kent expects you to all back away and start screaming RAT at me, but what he doesnt seem to get is that we have all witnessed a crime (and many who arent even online have as well) and he knows very well that i will go, they will take it seriously and he will have to explain himself.
this is a man in the throws of desperation. the adult video industry has nothing to do with my complaint. it has to do with kent himself and his multitude of bad acts.
Kent/NG in the porn world people do not fear the FBI if they are doing nothing wrong. Often times they go to the FBI over pirating issues as well as other things. The only people who fear the FBI are people who have reason to be afraid. You must be terrified.
ReplyDeletewho knows. maybe if they had been brought in earlier a certain other pervert would be in prison where he belonged instead of murdered. think about it. kent was in touch with kocis back then...
ReplyDeleteAnd Nelson Garcia now!!!
ReplyDeletewhen you think about it. Kent is the veritable forest gump of internet crime in addition to his own activities.
ReplyDeletethe guy in the UK who got arrested for underage stuff; kocis; NG. what am i forgetting? does there become a point where the smoke indicated fire? we will find out kentie. :)
Dexx, what's the Kentie connection to the guy in Britain? Ffolkes, or something? (Not a typo.)
ReplyDeleteAnd I'd call it more the Zelig of pedophile cases?
i dont know what his connection was. KENT made it seem like they were old friends.... zelig works for me.
ReplyDeleteHis buddy in Florida, the investor in Angel's website, ALLEGEDLY has something of a history with underage boys of some sort, according to Justin.
ReplyDeleteyeah will i have pretty much stayed away from that whole topic because
ReplyDeletea) i know nothing about the guy in florida or his history
b) kent wanted him to be dragged in so badly that it became obvious that he was not involved. why give kent new allies?
c) ng is more than enough of a wakeup call (did you see that face?) to prove my point of his "posse"
Why don't you ask him about that, Kentie? You're staying with him in Florida right now, aren't you?
ReplyDeleteyeah, LOL he was also staying with howard from fabscout. thats why he was (and still is) totally in the dark about the latest deal.
ReplyDeletenotice how he just shifts subject when he's so obviously caught? he was too busy pretending he was going to FLA to represent angel's non-existent ex-wife.
and he DID all of this from his boston dialup IP. modern technology huh? gotta love it.
kentie what the hell are you up to now? do you ever stop ?
ReplyDeletenotice that kent has removed all mention of the fbi from his front page, but oddly left that link to his wacko friend's site. sigh...
ReplyDeletekent your strategies are so obvious they're almost quaint.
in fantasy kent world, the fbi is supposed to see his page, click that link and buy all the nonsense peddled by kent's friend.
the problem? much of the information on that page came from kent himself (the fake photo of me, the other lies) and that page actually illustrates why kent and his friends are such a menace to the public.
note to kent- i am also going to be showing them that page. as part of my complaint. thank you so much for making the connection. :) remember this is a criminal complaint i am filing, NOT a civil one. linking in this case can surely help establish a conspiracy.
You mean of course Dexx connection to ANOTHER convicted felon....
ReplyDeleteyes sehtj, thank you for that. kent does seem to be surrounded my many criminals doesnt he?
ReplyDelete"Birds of a feather flock together"
ReplyDeleteCould someone please explain how highly critical comments and speculations about Skye, Star or Clarke on the DK sites equate to harassment, or stalking? If they are, isn't any site with strong critical opinions open to accusations of harassment?
ReplyDeleteCould someone also please explain how any detective in his right mind could possibly say there is "probable cause" for extortion based on the assertions of people who provably owe 1000's to the guy in Florida, and probably owe money to DK too for his work for them, who once were his PR clients hopelessly tainting their accusation in my opinion.
Ironically, it was his PR campaign that worked so well for them which led directly to their being marketable enough to be cast in the Lucas movie in the first place. Instead of trying to bring false charges against DK they should be thanking him.
Also the question of whether they can show any actual stalking or harassment in a direct form that's quantifiable has never been answered. The MySpace thing is obviously a red herring.
Or is that a Will Herring - the real Dexx Jones from what I hear?
Many of us following this are thinking the whole "case" against Kent should be dropped and the parties who were once friends should try to have a sit down personal meting and reconcile - because I guarantee you there is no case that can be brought that will stand up in any court in any state.
Especially when both jurisdiction and ACTUAL name of the subject are wrong!
By the way - who's paying for Angel and Brad's frequent flyer miles and their hotels? Certainly not them, Brad's already looking for a new PS/3 to play those video games he loves so much, and Angel's looking for a new pipe to smoke something in from what was said in a flurry of IM activity tonight.
And is it true Justin K. has been located in Providence with some people on their way to talk with him? Cute part time model trying for law school running a gay hate blog on the side, yeah the law school admissions people are gonna LOVE that one!
in a moment which shows that he is actually unravelling before our very eyes, kent goes back to his site and reposts many of his worst/most inaccurate/ass-kissing posts from earlier in the year.
ReplyDeletereading his site is a good way to discern what he thinks will save him.
i see he is madly in love with a certain private detective again, after ignoring him for months, kent is now re-posting a wealth of ass kiss items.
he is also mentioning that other nutjob from the other site.
he also reposted many logos/copyrighted images from studios who have already disassociated themselves from him.
his point?
he hopes mr B will save him (unlikely)
he wants to show that he's a reporter
he wants to emphasize his "parody"
he could just have posted much of it by accident.
does kent not know that we have digital captures- perfect captures- of most of his site's worst hits in pristine pdf files?
does he really think that mr B will save him? or that he can? or would even want to?
does he think the studios will be happy to be associated with his activities?
hail mary pass.
and it aint gonna help. but do continue to be erratic kent. it shows that you're feeling the pressure.
Kent/NG These issues are being dealt with to the authorities. It does not matter what you say here, what matters is what you have done.
ReplyDeleteyou dont even realize kentie that you are laying out the case right in this email.
ReplyDeleteyou are not in trouble solely for what was/is/will be on your page.
a) multiple emails sent to hundreds of people
b) contacting friends and family of the target of your stalking
c) your little mention here regarding justin's law school when coupled with your previous outing at other people's schools= to their former professors- to their co-workers is the definition of stalking.
i am not going to explain the law to you and was in fact surprised at how many things you did turn out to be highly illegal.
i love how on one hand you ask to make friends while warning that there is no case.
if there was indeed no case and you indeed were sure you were harmless, you wouldn't be trying to make friends.
you are cooked. you know me kent. you know what i am going to do. and you know they will listen. you also know that they know YOU and your lies will get you nowhere.
if there was any doubt at the need to forge forward, your last past post obliterates that possibility.
your "advisors" might not know about digital fingerprints, but you can bet your ass the fbi knows how to authenticate email, web surfing, internet posts, etc. you also can believe that that goofy "evidence eliminator" which you used will do nothing to stop them from scraping your harddrive.
you are so done kentie, but as i said a few days ago when you were slightly less out of control than you are now with fear, please do go on.
I liked the underoos better!
and for the last time. you know very well that i am not will herring. will herring is my editor. you have spoken to both of us. but that's ok. your intentional pretense that i am will herring, actually brings him into it as a victim. so again please continue.
ReplyDelete"By the way - who's paying for Angel and Brad's frequent flyer miles and their hotels? Certainly not them, Brad's already looking for a new PS/3 to play those video games he loves so much, and Angel's looking for a new pipe to smoke something in from what was said in a flurry of IM activity tonight.
ReplyDelete"And is it true Justin K. has been located in Providence with some people on their way to talk with him? Cute part time model trying for law school running a gay hate blog on the side, yeah the law school admissions people are gonna LOVE that one!"
Kentie, do you think because you post your stalking evidence on here that it somehow doesn't count? I told you, you just can't help yourself, can you?
And I think you just added another plaintiff to the case with Justin.
Are you really THIS self-destructive? It's mind-boggling.
Oh by the way Kent posting a fake interview with Ashton Ryan claiming he, and other Kevin Clarke models, were forced to have sex with Clarke and that he stole from them to pay his rent fits the description. Lies and slander are not highly critical statements.
ReplyDeleteThen, your collusion with convicted child abuse felon Nelson Garcia to slander Clarke with even more outrageous lies about liking being pissed and shit on by his models are not critical comments they are lies and slander.
My God, you people are too fast! I guess my post is a bit redundant. . .
ReplyDelete"And is it true Justin K. has been located in Providence with some people on their way to talk with him? Cute part time model trying for law school running a gay hate blog on the side, yeah the law school admissions people are gonna LOVE that one!"
ReplyDeleteThat Kent/NG is a threat....
no will, actually i laughed out loud when i read your post. you made a great point. as if a person who is run over by a car by a drunk driver cant press charges because he owes money to somebody in a different state is another point.
ReplyDeletehell even if h e owed money to the drunk DRIVER he wouldnt lose his right to not be hit.
and thats where this really brings up a key point. kent doesnt KNOW how people act. he doesnt KNOW what to do, or say.
and yes i type fast as hell. when i'm writing i can bang out 80 paperback pages in a long session.
Kent/NG Barclay/Nelson Garcia Kent/NG Barclay/Nelson Garcia
ReplyDeleteKent/NG Barclay/Nelson Garcia Kent/NG Barclay/Nelson Garcia
Kent/NG Barclay/Nelson Garcia Kent/NG Barclay/Nelson Garcia
Kent/NG Barclay/Nelson Garcia Kent/NG Barclay/Nelson Garcia
Kent/NG Barclay/Nelson Garcia Kent/NG Barclay/Nelson Garcia
Kent/NG Barclay/Nelson Garcia Kent/NG Barclay/Nelson Garcia
Email to me FROM
subject- Is This Alice In Wonderland Probably...
Tuesday, July 01, 2008 5:46:24 am
You sound like a really really decent guy as does the very literate [and very verbal] Will Gold.
Just be cautious that you guys are not being pulled into something that was not of your making.
If the FBI is now involved then there is going to be trouble - there are big financial interests in the adult entertainment industry that are not happy with this focus on them.
I have followed all of this DK nonsense, for many, many years [too many years to be honest] and it is not as it seems, believe it or not.
ps, no need to respond thanks for looking and take care of yourself.
Thank you for posting that, V.J. Is he implying the FBI will now come after us? Kentie, please don't threaten me, I don't want to have to press charges as well, I really don't.
ReplyDelete"I have followed all of this DK nonsense, for many, many years."
He's really trying to make us think he's insane now, and it's starting to work, a little bit, but it won't convince a judge, sorry Kentie.
V.J. - How does he have your e-mail address? And phone number? I would change both if I were you.
ReplyDeleteHi will,
ReplyDeleteI once emailed him directly from here and I also called him from here before too and he got the number from my caller id.
I used to laugh when he would go into all this "back forensic profiling blah, blah, blah" about how he got my info.
He has an address too.
I kinda wish he WOULD show up!
you know that email could also be seen as threatening, now that i think about it- there's going to be big trouble. as if kent represents some shadow group. very interesting. kent keeps making it worse for himself.
ReplyDeletenothing on planet earth will stop me from going on friday. i have so much stuff to bring, going back since 2003. i am also going to point them in the direction of every person kent has harmed that i can find.
i was told, way back when i went to them the first time that there was much which interested them, but i really didnt want to deal with the extended fallout and especially didnt want to have to GO in person and deal with it all.
that was then.
V.J. -"I kinda wish he WOULD show up!"
ReplyDeleteYou do know he and Marc are only a short drive away in Ft. Lauderdale, don't you? Are YOU self-destructive? Or do you just really want that 3-way?!
"Do you really want that 3- way"
No, that is not it, I want the picture!!!
feel free to email me privately (especially will and tboston, jim, etc) for a certain crucial detail i didnt post here but will make sense. ;)
ReplyDeletecyberstalking Kent/NG...
ReplyDeleteWhen identifying cyberstalking "in the field," and particularly when considering whether to report it to any kind of legal authority, the following features or combination of features can be considered to characterize a true stalking situation: malice, premeditation, repetition, distress, obsession, vendetta, no legitimate purpose, personally directed, disregarded warnings to stop, harassment, and threats.
A number of key factors have been identified:
* False accusations. Many cyberstalkers try to damage the reputation of their victim and turn other people against them. They post false information about them on websites. They may set up their own websites, blogs or user pages for this purpose. They post allegations about the victim to newsgroups, chat rooms or other sites that allow public contributions, such as Wikipedia or Amazon.com.
Sound familiar Kent/NG? That's what I was referring to regarding your fake interview and your collusion with Nelson Garcia...
A few more Kent/NG
ReplyDelete# Attempts to gather information about the victim. Cyberstalkers may approach their victim's friends, family and work colleagues to obtain personal information. They may advertise for information on the Internet, or hire a private detective. They often will monitor the victim's online activities and attempt to trace their IP address in an effort to gather more information about their victims. [5]
# Encouraging others to harass the victim. Many cyberstalkers try to involve third parties in the harassment. They may claim the victim has harmed the stalker or his/her family in some way, or may post the victim's name and telephone number in order to encourage others to join the pursuit.
# False victimization. The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a number of well-known cases.
# Attacks on data and equipment. They may try to damage the victim's computer by sending viruses.
# Ordering goods and services. They order items or subscribe to magazines in the victim's name. These often involve subscriptions to pornography or ordering sex toys then having them delivered to the victim's workplace.
# Arranging to meet. Young people face a particularly high risk of having cyberstalkers try to set up meetings between them.[6
Look at # 6 Kent/NG. How many times have you publically talked about meeting a young man and having your way with them. Does toys up their ass sound familiar? Just yseterday you claimed that you had a right to get to know Brad Starr on an intimate level...
ReplyDeleteEveryone take a look at Kent/NG Barclay. What crimes you say?
His picture should be on that page.
ReplyDeleteThe White Rabbit and Alice found a most curious sight; a gathering of fifty or so creatures, all armed in some fashion.
ReplyDeleteSome had wooden swords with them, others held frying pans and cutlery. Their armour were pans and pots, or padding strapped to their clothing, some even had metal painted on them.
But the most curious thing about this army was that they were all asleep.
All except one. A boy, a stern-looking boy with bright blue eyes was looking straight at Alice.
The White Rabbit said: "Forgive me, I'm late, General."
Alice found it quite funny that the White Rabbit would call the boy a general, but both seemed very serious so she did not speak....
The cyberstalking and collusion are being done by the paid FBI informants Dexx Jones, Angel Skye and Brad Star.
ReplyDeleteThat is the crucial detail Dexx left out, so eager is he to justify his years-long obsessional crusade.
Of course the fact Dexx was literally in business with DK - as were Angel and Brad - really taints and negates anything he has to say. We especially like the repeated requests for money from Brad Star to DK and Angel's repeated praise for and thanks to DK for his successful publicity campaign for them.
Or did we forget that the ONLY site to consistently and massively feature Angel and Brad for MONTHS was DK's - and NOT their new paying friends Porn Confidential and Vidioview?
Oh one more little ditty. Dexx says he's going to the FBI on Friday.
But isn't Friday the July 4th holiday, a Federal holiday?
Yeah I'm sure Angel and Brad will make quite a case. Critical postings about them are absolutely stalking and intimidation and people asking them to pay what they owe is definitely extortion.
Angel and Brad are pure as the driven snow, and come to think of it, I hear they sure do like to buy a lot of snow with their ill-gotten gains.
Wake up people! You are all getting in WAY over your heads. If ANY of you have secrets you don't want disclosed, I'd pull out of this crusade right now before it exposes YOU to FBI scrutiny. The net being cast is WAY too wide and obviously trying to make something evil out of the most innocuous. Example, the insistence that DK and NG are in collusion. I know for a fact they don't even like each other, don't talk but do publicly support each other's First Amendment rights. Is that collusion? I don't think so.
As WillGold says, "this shit is toxic".
So where is the Federal or local arrest warrant? What charges exactly are Angel and Brad so unsuccessful at they have to go back and press their case a SECOND time? Could it be they're not credible because of their unclean hands? And the "coincidence" of their movie coming out just now?
Ahhhh just another story from the Naked City as DK continues to enjoy life and from what I hear, film some friends in Fort Lauderdale. Quite a good director under his "other" name I hear.
Oh....I hear KB is not his actual legal name, so wouldn't any charges that might be filed be invalidated if their subject is mis-identified? And what's with 4 or 5 people with the same or very similar demographics in the same area? Which is which? You combine that with multiple mobile broadband accounts with Verizon and Sprint and multiple PCs, AND NUMEROUS IMPERSONATIONS, how you gonna PROVE any particular post or email came from the "real" KB?
Good luck with that. Just a thought.
the following was taken directly from kent's site. just reading this one section. is it me or does he sound like a babbling drooling idiot? i will address "matthew's" comments in my next post
ReplyDeleteCOULD IT BE that the hitherto "secret identity" of the blogger who has morphed into a major hater, "BB for Truth", has been discerned? Do the names "Parker" and "Penelope" ring any bells? ELM needs to know this...The white Chevy SUV will not reveal anyone's personal business as the excellent poster Brynawel calls PC's bluff on outing Elm.
The Kocisphere has turned into a cannibal holocaust and Dan and PC should be ashamed. Right Dan?
so angel and brad were paid by vidioview and porn confidential, but they were only featured on kruezeratnight?
ReplyDeletewhy? because we prefer the 20 unique hits over the tens of thousands of hits on our own sites? logic police!
your hamfisted attempts to scare/intimidate potential complainants makes you look really bad kentie. read from a certain perspective, you scream guilt in almost every word.
when detectives ask you to come back again and again, that isnt because you haev a bad case kentie. its because you have a good one. i wonder how many times the various participants in the kocis investigation were interviewed.
and on that subject as a very wise madame pointed out- how long did it take THEM to be actually arrested.
as for the date- i didnt choose it. do you think all law enforcement shuts down on a holiday? LOL. you think they're like godaddy on the weekend where you can do what you like because they're away?
do you think they havent dealt with internet stalkers with far greater resources than yourself kentie. you think they have never had a perp with multiple accounts?
brad and angel dont have to be pure as the driven snow to make a complaint- obviously since they already have.
you just, in a public forum threatened to accuse them of drug use if they go to the police on you. textbook extortion.
who fed ng the fake story about kevin clarke? who offered ng money? (which you dont evne have)
he posted the story at your behest without contacting kevin to find out if it was true
that, by definition shows participation in a conspiracy.
i have already spoken to my friend. we are going to go over all of the accumulated details on friday which is not only a holiday but also my birthday.
and yes kentie i am going to make time.
and yes kentie you know very well that they will be interested in what i say
so please please kentie continue to mention various things about the fbi on your site. im sure they will just be thrilled. :)
Oh Kent/NG ... Keep telling the FBI that you think they are so stupid that we would lie to them and they would fall for it. Yes Kent tell the FBI that they are not capable of discerning the truth, that only you have the truth.
ReplyDeleteWho do you think believes you that we would go and lie to the FBI? Back to this planet Kent/NG.
As that wise Dectective in LA said "We have a wonderful justice system here in the United States". Then he said if you believe you have a case against Kent go to the authorities. So you have him to blame.
and you know what else?
ReplyDeleteif a person calls myspace and says "my account was hacked" they will just go along and process it as if it had been.
when the police go to myspace and ask for a printout of the ip addresses which accessed that account and discover that they match with your other ip addresses it will become obvious that you werent hacked.
why would you, if you were innocent, be so intent on stopping people from talking to the police. why would you be printing goofy alibies. thats not what an innocent person does.
its called trying to cover up your activities.
and why would you do that unless you know you did wrong? you wouldnt.
its the desperate acts of a cornered criminal. and i am quite sure that the fbi and local authorities have seen it all before.
and done much better than you're childish methods.
Kent/NG... You have this bizarre idea that you can tell a lie to cover for a lie... Like Marcus Holstrom for instance... How will you explain it when you can't produce the person in the picture?
ReplyDeleteWhat about yourself? How will you explain to police that you have used at least 8 differant pictures of yourself this year, all younger and more attractive than yourself?
You know what law enforcement thinks when someone uses fake pictures, then talks about violent sex acts against young men?
You just had one of your alter-ego's brag that Rich Sternberg was so drugged up when you shaved his ass and you stuck Toys in him that he did not know what was going on. That is called Rape Kent/NG.
Now the funny thing is you never met him so that was a lie but it shows law enforcement that you are obscessed with violent sexual behavior towards young men. And think that drugging them before you do it is something you could brag about.
You are dangerous Kent/NG.
Throw in your collusion with Nelson Garcia and Bryan Kocis it is quite a story indeed.
disclaimer- safari keeps "spell checking" my words.
ReplyDeletei do know the difference between your and you're just to show one example.
so.... i'm a spoiled rich kid, yet i need the fbi to pay me. angel and brad and myself and kevin clarke and all the rest are making up ALL of this in order to help a movie sell which none of us have any financial interest in. we just want michael lucas to do well you see, because his outrageous success already isnt enough. i have to pay kevin clarke, angel, brad, mark adams, etc to go along with this scheme because the sales of a fucking porn movie are that important to me.
i am an obssessive person who threw you off my server and wanted nothing to do with you yet magically compelled you to continue writing slanderous things about me on your site so i could then spend all this money to go after you because i somehow wanted you to print more lies about me. all of these other smart, educated, productive people suddenly threw away their brains and mindlessly followed my agenda to a) again sell a movie i know nothing about and b) have you falsely imprisoned because i am upset that you keep paying attention to me even though if i were obsessed i logically would be happy by that.
one mentally disturbed person is sending out mass email from his computer to coverup his sad obsession with porn stars and many of his victims are finally taking legal action.
you are talking in circles kent. who in their right mind would go to the fbi to file a complaint against you in order to sell a movie that none of us get residuals from? the answer is simple.
occam's razor kent. look it up.
Excuse me, but isn't this considered a threat? Meaningless, of course, but still..I see in my crystal ball ("Crystal"...get it?) Dexx, Kevin, Angel, Brad and the Adams twins all shaking in their boots.
ReplyDeleteMany are getting in WAY over your heads. If ANY of you have secrets you don't want disclosed, I'd pull out of this crusade right now before it exposes YOU or your company to FBI scrutiny.
speaking of debts. lets talk about kent barclay's debts.
ReplyDeletehave you ever paid the $871 you owe your original server company kent?
do you think that the quincy and norwell housing authorities won't sue you to repay the services you stole?
i heard that they are going to do just that.
do you not think that ever one of your victims, after pursuing criminal charges against you wont then sue you civilly?
in fact, my personal plan is to sue the housing authority- which will force them to go after you.
but i'm getting ahead of myself. kent's front page is amazingly incriminating. go see for yourself before he pulls it down.
thanks kent. that pdf is quite the addition to my collection.
From the techni-color trash site:
ReplyDelete"as we prepare to travel to Luzerne County Courthouse on July 7th for coverage of the Kocis trial hearing July 8-9"
Oh... if it were only true. Shame he really won't be there, otherwise I'd have a lot of fun being able to finally post a picture of Kentie. :)
ReplyDeleteOf course Kentie will be there.
JUst like he was at all the other events he said he was going to.
The reason no one would see him is because he was there under one of his phony aliases, because if he let everyone know who he was, the paparazzi would be all over him.
Did you miss the Kent Barclay story last night on TMZ? Harvey Levin was all over him.
another email from-
Subject- Alice Through The Looking Glass
Wednesday July 2, 2008 4:16:50 a.m.
No threat implied or intended at all, I wish you the best of luck, again you sound like a sincere guy. One quick check of the IP logs for the kreuser blog would reveal exactly were this persona posts from and it's not Quincy Mass. :)~
Sorry to have bothered you.
Run, run, run for your life,
ReplyDeletecried the Mad Hatter!!
Kent, I don't have time for fairytales during a workday, please post them here for all to enjoy.
I just got in and am trying to catch up.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know I had such a follower in Kentie, but "this shit is toxic," my quote from quite a while back on ATKOL, was about the H & J case. As usual, an inaccuracy that could be called a lie by some. And now that you mention it, it could apply to you, Kentie.
ReplyDeleteKentie Poo and I are not related in any way at all. He's an old windbag loser and I'm not lol.
Nothing is always as it seems - got the popcorn and deckchair at the ready ;-)
I see no charges on day 6 and counting. Having trouble getting your stories straight? I see no verifiable history that links Damon to anything other than legitimate journalism and paid for promotions.
ReplyDeleteIt's a major talking point down here in Fort Lauderdale as Damon prepares to visit Harlow and Joe, on the "down low" of course.
Where did the FabScout banner go, Kentie?
ReplyDeleteThe rest of what's there on the "I just can't help myself" site seems to be a word-for-word repetition of his latest posting here, so thanks for preserving your threats in two (and I'm sure more, knowing you) different places today, Kentie. Their much easier to print out and show police in this format actually, so I'm sure everyone appreciates it.
"They're much easier..." (I know I shouldn't always correct stupid typos, but I just can't help myself.)
ReplyDeletecan we get an IP in aisle three? where is demon blogging from? thanks. :)
ReplyDeleteThe Fabscout poster is up and running. I hear he was involved in that deal going down. Forest is his mentor after all and he and Howard are on very good terms.
ReplyDeleteNo record of any charges filed or any attempt by any state, local or Federal authority to contact or serve papers to Kent.
Maybe because they realize critical comments or speculations on a blog don't constitute harassment or stalking with danger of bodily harm as the statute requires?
And maybe because they've all been sent copies of the promissory notes AND Angel's statements about hiring Kent for compensation?
Oh - and don't forget the link to Angel's and Brad's new movie, also sent to the right people.
Yeah the Feds and the cops LOVE all of this, it is SUCH an investigative priority!
ONLY in the minds of the obsessed idiots in the Kruezersphere who are all major fangurls whether you realize it or not.
Did I menton that Kent has people posting for him from various locations?
ReplyDeleteAnd is Kent his real name? Dexx doesn't seem to think so and Dexx is right about this one.
Such a clever boi is He Who Cannot Be Named Becuz No 1 Knows His Name.
Why, I wonder, would you be using the name Kent Barclay if it isn't your real name??
ReplyDeleteA) Either you have used that name over the years to sign many documents, which would be fraud, or
B) You have used your ACTUAL name (assuming what you say is true, which it most likely isn't), which would make it a piece of cake to track down.
Either way, you're screwed.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteKentie, now that we're chatting, I wonder if you could answer two simple questions. We know you're here, so your failure to answer will speak volumes, if that's the route you choose.
ReplyDeleteA) Give me just ONE good reason why you have chosen to never post that Sirius interview. And I said a GOOD reason.
B) Why did you never follow through on your promise to answer my Ashton Ryan questions, when you made me jump through hoops in answering YOURS? I really would like to know. Is it because you didn't have any good answers? It just doesn't look good to promise something on YOUR OWN blog and not follow through.
Awaiting your reply.
The IP address is masked to the Netherlands. Right near the Benelux Countries.
ReplyDeleteIP address:
Host : neostrada.nl
Country : Netherlands
Where did V.J. say Demon is Kentie? I don't see it.
ReplyDeleteVJ has done it twice in 2 days.
ReplyDeleteWill, you'll never get a coherent answer from Kentie Po, there is no reasoning with the village idiot!
He's got more spin going than a tornado in Kansas - would hate to be Babs right now...
V.J. - I can vouch for Demon. Demon haa sense of humor. Case closed.
ReplyDeleteKent you stupid ass. Just so you know and you should know, prisoners don't get visitors on the "DL," you have to be put on a list. Given the scam you pulled on Harlow and his sister, doubt you are on THAT list. Kent who will be on your visitors list????? Hmmmmmmmmm........Not a soul.
ReplyDeleteBut Kent prove me wrong and have Marc take a picture f you standing in front of the jail. And be sure to bake a cake and put a file in it. Help break Harlow out and whisk him away to your imaginary condo in TriBeCa.
Thomas, you are the first on here to cap TriBeCa correctly. Your prize is a week's stay at Marc and Kentie's fabulous condo in TriBeCa with Harlow. (Isn't it a loft, BTW, Kentie?)
ReplyDeleteActually he claimed it was a duplex. Now Kent/NG you seem to have avoided so many facts. You claim to have had someting to do with the deal between Howard and David. That is simply put a lie. You calimed that Howard set up a VOD deal for you that is a lie. Do you think Howard is going to allow his name and reputation to be used by a liar?
ReplyDeleteAbout people being paid FBI informants... Why would the FBI pay for information about you? Would you really risk outing FBI informants if they really were?
Did you get a reply from the letter you did not send to Melnick?
Will-Can I give my prize to VJ? I would rather drink tap water in Mexico.
ReplyDeleteKent hasn't mentioned the Rochester townhouse lately. I hope he "buys" a place in Concord or Walpole. Danbury CT would be nice too.
Rochester too?? He must have bought one of those "no money down" real-estate courses on late-night TV.
ReplyDeleteWill-LOL BOUGHT?!?!?!?!?! That was rich! They don't take government cheese as payment.
ReplyDeleteKentie-poo (copyright Demon), this is no fun! Where did you go? Come out and play. We don't bite, though you'd prolly enjoy that, from what I hear.
ReplyDeleteI think you should all be very scared. Kentie never lies and we know how close he is to all the authrorities.
ReplyDeleteKRUEZER AT NIGHT advises an immediate peace conference with attorneys concerned between the adversarial parties - who should WITHDRAW and CEASE AND DESIST from Government involvement in what is strictly a PRIVATE dispute, before the industry suffers IRREPARABLE DAMAGE.
He is too funny.
ReplyDeletemore people posting as you just means more people in trouble. i can live with that. as for your real name, i dont now or care what it is.
you have a short memory kent. they know exactly who you are. as do the people in the kocis case. as do the local quincy pd.
and please. no rolling on the floor laughing. your neighbors below deserve SOME peace. :)
like i said, he's like the shark on that old saturday night live skit. dingdong. avon. "no i know you're the shark!" dingdong. pizza. etc
ReplyDeleteLand Shark! LOL!!! Good comparison, Dexx!
ReplyDeleteDexx- Land Shark????? LOL!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDane- Maybe Jimmy Carter should be called in to negotiate.
Kent who is representing you? Wilmer Cutler, Rope, Choate or Dane Shulman?
he is too funny. the industry if fine. the industry deals with the fbi all the time in matters of piracy, stalking, etc.
ReplyDeletekent has gone from hiding behind barbara's mumu to trying to hide behind the industry.
of course the stark reality that he is universally hated by the industry, save for a few odd ducks, never enters his private reality.
kent. the industry will be much better off once your activities are revealed in total. companies will better know how to protect their talent and people who run blogs and forums won't have to hire extra people to fumigate each forum you enter.
hell, maybe rad will even bring their forums back!
threatening didnt work
scare tactics didnt work
fake appeals for peace didnt work
whisper campaigns didnt work
smokescreens didnt work
do you get it yet? nothing on planet earth will stop you from being brought to justice.
there is no graceful exit here kent. do you not see what's happening?
forest (your biggest dream) is gone and howard wont even talk to you.
falcon turns it nose up at you as do all of the other major studios.
you have the lowest actual traffic of the top NINETY porn news sites (dont give me that crap about alexa- i have seen your traffic, remember?)
years ago when i first heard your name(s) there were already roughly two dozen people praying for you to stop and hoping for police intervention.
you havent lost one of them, but instead continued to add until now there is a giant movement. a lot of people actually harmed by your antics and no i am not going to spell the antics themselves out for your masturbatory pleasure either.
back when you started, law enforcement didnt have the proper tools or knowhow to deal with a stalker of your magnitude. they do now.
and also, they will have an almost endless supply of complainants.
you on one hand we have a large group of tax paying, productive citizens, many of whom dont even know each other, clamoring for justice from our law enforcement and on the other hand we have you- with mutiple email accounts. each person is lying, but you are telling the truth. each person is actually stalking you.
logic kent. suppress your need to hide behind fantasy and face these cold hard facts and know that i have not lost a single battle to you.
when we met i was comfortable and had a hobby which was fairly successful.
i have shed that particular hobby and am even more comfortable as a result. i am 20 or so years younger than you.
you have gone from a reasonably secure gig hiding in your mom's apartment of 18 years and snatching dirty pictures from newbie model wannabes to living in the most precarious of situation where at any moment the quincy housing authority can throw you out and this time prove theft of government services, you have a crowd of people marching to their local (and federal) law enforcement and you have no chance in hell of actually making a living from your porn habit.
i ask you kent. when do you finally take a look around and realize what the true situation is? or are you going to continue to pretend you're in florida, new york, PA when we know exactly where and what you are.
is there no end to how far you will go to humiliate yourself? have you no self respect at all?
i see through your laughter kent. and it aint pretty.
Dexx-Hear Hear!!!!
ReplyDeleteHe's not only a fast typer, he's a lethal one. Awesome.
ReplyDeletewhy thank you. the only thing i dont ever do is edit my posts. i was trained to write from my head and if i stop to fret over typos or grammar mistakes i lose my point.
ReplyDeletei used to write chapters from my prison book "live" with readers in a chat box. i write so fast that it actually unfolded with them like a movie, LOL. i wrote in one chat box and the readers (and my editor and a few of the actual characters in the book) commented in the other chat window.
i write now faster than i talk
I understand,
ReplyDeleteI was thinking that there are 2 "demons" posting and yes one [maybe both] have a sense of humour.
When Demon posted initially weeks back- he cracked me up-
Then I got confused thinking that Kent took over that demon name and began using it too.?????????
I feel this may be of interest. I have received info stating that KB was sighted in Brockton Mass. last week. He may still be there or he may have left, but I'm betting he's out of Mass. as soon as he gets the Soc. Sec. check direct deposited in the account I have located in less than 3 minutes.
ReplyDeleteI doubt he'll be back. It seems what he wants and needs is being made available to him in Florida and possibly New York.
It seems to me that those people who claim to have filed charges in Mass. are on a fool's errand.
One other thing. Mr. Harvard is right. The process server has been talked to by me and admitted he never actually saw or spoke with KB. It was all done through a partly opened door with the papers left on the doorstep. At no point did he see KB or put anything into his hands directly. Therefore the idea that he actually met him is false.
One last thing I find intriguing, there does seem to be some link or connection between KB and a person named Lee Finney in North Carolina. That name came up in regard to the David Forest stolen water sports videotape that was sent to Finney in NC several years ago according to the escort who stole it on orders. This escort was a favorite of KB because of his liking for heavy toy play. Finney later was shown to be working for Dexx Jones or is possibly one of his alters.
That's it for now. Make of this what you will, I share it as possibly interesting information.
ReplyDeleteI love how he thinks the technique of insulting himself (SS check, cowering behind the door) will fool us. As I said
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHA etc.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAs my Irish grandmother would say "Burn me for a fool and you will have wise ashes"
ReplyDeleteNow add David Forest as a plaintiff. And he has LOTS of leisure time now (though he MAY have other priorities. . .)
ReplyDeleteKeep going Kentie, there must be someone else you can threaten with blackmail.
oh kent.
ReplyDeleteyour entire world falling apart and this is what you choose to post?
mr finney as an escort is not of interest because its utter nonsense and you know it.
but of all the things you can post- this is what you came up with.
i win.
actually will i spoke to df yesterday about this very possibility. :)
ReplyDeleteThat's it for now. Make of this what you will, I share it as possibly interesting information.
ReplyDeleteJuly 2, 2008 9:03 PM
Make this Kent
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2nd July 2008 19:14:19 No referring link
Sorry, I keep using the word plaintiff, when that is for civil cases which these MOST DEFINITELY are not. Wouldn't want to give him the wrong idea.
ReplyDelete(What is the word?)
George, you're BUSTED!
ReplyDeleteThanks, DeWayne!
in case your wondering why kent just tried to "throw them off his trail" by pretending to be out of mass.
ReplyDeletetomorrow is the third, and according to the PI that was used by the NORWEL housing authority, that was the one day kent comes out of his house.
what kent doesnt seem to get is that nobody cares if he comes out. we are leaving it to the professionals and contenting ourselves to vent online.
you can go get that check tomorrow kent. nobody is staking you out.
it would have been fun to be waiting for you with a supersoaker water cannon and then film your tantrum, but this is a serious situation and so we will not to anything to impede the course of legal justice. :)
merry early xmas kent.
Kentie, get some sleep, don't stay up all night again, it's not good for you, and Babs needs some peace and quiet (not to mention the neighbors).
ReplyDeleteOver on Washington Street the neighbors complained about late night typing... Seems Kent/NG is a nightowl.
ReplyDeletemy god. it just occurs to me that kent actually thinks people would be camped outside his house. thats what this increasingly frantic behavior has been all about.
ReplyDeletekent. its the middle of fucking summer dude. nobody is going to consider YOU important enough to leave loved ones and sit outside of fucking tobin towers.
and even so. to do what? stick their tongue out at you? get a picture? not.
your fantasy life knows no bounds.
and thats what it is. he couldnt possible NOT get the check (can you imagine babs when she's unhappy?) and with tomorrow dawning, he started to panic
gee kent are you that afraid of having your picture taken? is it really that bad? LOL no worries. i'm more than happy to wait for the inevitable mug shot thanks.
George gets around it seems he was on my Blog as well.
ReplyDeleteI guess he does not think we can track him.
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1st July 2008 18:03:16 No referring link
1st July 2008 18:03:49 No referring link
2nd July 2008 18:27:56 www.elmysterio.blogspot.com/
2nd July 2008 18:31:23 www.elmysterio.blogspot.com/
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Hey Dewayne I had a visit too. Looks like the asshole thinks he can fool somebody. I feel special he has me bookmarked. he is using 2 different accounts.
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2nd July 2008 19:11:10 No referring link
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Referring Link http://kruezeratnight.blogspot.com/
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IP Address damon luezer [Edit Label]
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1st July 2008 20:44:01 kruezeratnight.blogspot.com/
1st July 2008 20:45:01 kruezeratnight.blogspot.com/
2nd July 2008 21:10:49 angelskyesdefenseteam.blogspot.com/
2nd July 2008 21:14:20 No referring link
2nd July 2008 21:14:36 angelskyesdefenseteam.blogspot.com/
2nd July 2008 21:27:25 angelskyesdefenseteam.blogspot.com/
2nd July 2008 21:27:36 angelskyesdefenseteam.blogspot.com/
2nd July 2008 21:31:21 angelskyesdefenseteam.blogspot.com/
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Damon why don't you ask Joe and Harlow about IP addresses. Seems you might have got some info on that when you interviewed them.
ReplyDeleteGo here and have some fun: