Friday, July 25, 2008

,,,never look back

“Out on the road today I saw a deadhead sticker
On a cadillac
A little voice inside my head said, dont
Look back. you can never look back.”

Don Henley – “The Boys Of Summer”.

The dichotomies of reality are often a reason to “never look back”. In the case of Kent Barclay that is a dangerous position to take. For years he has terrorized people from the depths of despair that is his miserable life. Imagine if you will 56 years old with no means of support so despicable that you are the cause of your own mother losing her home. He committed forgery, he forced her into perjury, and risked her life because he was too busy trying to lie about and destroy Brent Corrigan for child abuser Bryan Koics.

Look at his history… Noah Walker, Joey Hart, Matt Rush, Court Logan, Christian Owen, Rich Sternberg, Angel Skye, Brad Starr…. We all know this list could go on for days but that makes the point. He has lied about and forced his was into the private lives of all these people. He did it to me and I have never once had any interaction with him. He called me a few weeks ago, I have no idea where he got my phone number, but it really does not matter. This was the conversation “May I speak with Kevin Clarke please”. I said whose calling he said “Damon Kruezer”. I said “Why would I talk to your sorry ass, never call this number again” .

Now what was it that made him think I had anything to say to him. That he in some sense someone who I would talk to. In the last few weeks he wrote a fake interview he claimed was from a former model of mine Ashton Ryan that was full of lies that I had somehow forced my models into having sex with me, and took their money from them. It was full of lies made up to somehow tarnish me, and make himself look better. In this lie filled fake interview he said that there were something’s that were too disgusting to say. Then a few days later his cohort Convicted Child Sex abuser prints a story that came from Kent saying I forced my models to piss and shit on me.

Now leaving aside the disgusting nature of this stuff, why would I talk to someone who would lie about me and my models like that, in league with a convicted child abuser. If that pattern sounds familiar it is just what he did to Brent Corrigon with convicted child abuser Bryan Kocis. That day he also called DeWayne in San Diego to tell him he was going to Florida to represent Angel Skye’s ex wife to help her get back alimony. As if that was going to make people shudder. Now of course the fact that Angel Skye did not have an ex-wife was just a minor inconvenience, he was drowning someone threw him an anvil and he grabbed on to it. Now this is a perfect example of how despicable he is as a human being. When he realized that none of it was true, did he apologize? No. He just looked for more lies to try and hurt Angel with.

When Angel finished the last Michael Lucas project he worked on Kent claimed that he had sources that told him it was a flip flop with toys and pissing. Then when Angel did not do what he wanted it all of the sudden was terrible, had to be re-edited, without a word of explanation about his first set of lies he told a bunch more. Lies being the operative word here. Then he has one of his alter ego’s a fictional lover named Marcus Say this..” Let's be clear: There are ZERO court filings, charges or anything else on tap against Kruezer or his supposed alters. Angel Skye and Kevin Clarke LIED in saying there were, so where's your moral outrage and the Truth Squad about THEIR blatant lies? Just where did I say that Kent? The lie is that I never said that.

As I have said for some time now Paul Baressi said to me regarding you “Our country has a wonderful legal system”. I agree. My dealings are there. Not filing false 2257 violation complaints, or contacting people’s family members, but rather giving documented facts to law enforcement. When they come knocking on the door Kent this time hiding in the bathroom behind your mother will not work. As my Irish grandmother would say “The wheels of the lord grind slow; but exceedingly fine”. With law enforcement they take the information corroborate it (Like you did not do with Angel’s ex wife) and then they move. Slow but exceedingly fine…

posted by Kevin Clarke

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sethj 2

“What Seth J. says is of ZERO evidentiary value in any CURRENT situation. Fact is he actually leveraged that situation to his and his mother's advantage by the very sweet settlement they received because of all the rules the housing people broke, a fact Seth J. totally omits. I think that was their goal all along, to get a big lump sum to pay for the 2condos they bought. Sweet!”

Now Kent/NG lets look at the facts. In the above handwritten description by your mother in the court documents of the Norwell Housing Authority VS Barclay your mother states how she is ill and stressed by this situation and it is unfair. You say you leveraged something? Are you saying this was an attempt to defraud the Housing authority? Fraud like your mother committed when she listed your address as being the Del Prado mail drop as she perjured herself to scam the housing authority?

Now Kent as the court papers stated your mother was 5 months behind in her rent. The rent was under 300 a month. You amassed a treasure of 1,500 in unpaid rent and with that you bought 2 condo’s? Were they just bigger mailboxes at the Del Prado address? Are you claiming that you received money from your perjury and fraud from the Norwell Housing Authority? Enough to buy 2 condo’s? Well Kent $1,500 might not be worth going after but enough to buy 2 condo’s that is Grand Larceny.

Now do tell us when Rich Sternberg went to the head of the Quincy Housing authority and was told that Barbara lived there at Tobin Towers was he being lie too? Or are you lying now?

"Nope you guys have failed so markedly in your persecution of the man and his loyalists, because you've yet to lay a glove on him for anything of actual evidentiary value beyond reasonable doubt or involving actual probable cause."

Keep telling yourself that Kent/NG. We showed in black and white forgery, perjury, and theft of government services.

"All of his accusers were in bed with him one way or the other so any claims at this late date have been "legally vitiated" says the attorney monitoring this matter."

That actually makes no sense Kent/NG. As if you could afford an attorney…. Is he the one that wrote every claim that was denied in the Norwell case?

"We hear Angel Skye and Kevin Clarke just can't understand why their Seth J type complaints have gone nowhere fast, and they are being mocked and ridiculed by The Kruezer because of where he actually lives, reportedly in either Revere or Brockton Mass. with some property in his aunt's name in NYC."

Let me post here an excerpt from your email to David Forest regarding your property in NYC.

“As for "made up stories", it so happens that it's 100% TRUE that I was acquainted with Heath Ledger on the basis described. Heath and I did converse, at length and in depth, and unlike you - who has never had what everyone who knows the real Damon describes as the "pleasure of my company" - Ledger did indeed seek me out for companionship and emotional support, two things I was most happy to provide that tormented, lonely man.

I do indeed own property on Broome Street, which is where Ledger had his place. So tell me, why WOULDN'T I have run into him and engaged him in conversation? I did, and we clicked. I am missing Heath very much.”

You own property Kent/NG? Now that you are trying to cover up a lie it is your Aunt’s name? Yet you own it? When you make up more lies to cover old ones you should make up ones that do not like scamming the housing authority that point to illegal activities? Of course there is no prop
erty owned by you on Broome St., nor by your Aunt, but you just said you are hiding property that is yours in someone else’s name? The IRS maybe?

"It'll be interesting to see what the news is from him from SD PRIDE and from his web chat, now that we hear he's "got the goods" on DeWayne so determined is he to expose him."
There you go again threatening people with words that will never be connected to anything. We have court documents and the reality that you are still squatting in a continuing criminal conspiracy with your mother to defraud the state of MA. Keep telling yourself no one will knock on the door Kent/NG….

posted by sethj

Secret a Secret no More!

Kent Barclay AKA Damon Kreuzer and best bud of Nelson Garcia, has been claiming for days he was on his way to Pride San Diego in a Nissan Murano, as if ANYONE rents a car to drive form Boston Mass! Not when you can do Jet Blue round trip from BOS to SAN for around $450.00 RT (advance purchase).

Besides I knew Kentie would not show up at Pride Festival or Parade, not with DeWayne and his trusty camera ready to snap a pic or working at the ticket booth for the Festival on Saturday.

Kent loves his imaginary trips..

Secret today

Secrets IP address

Note the last IP time stamp matches Secrets comment. (Above ^ )

Now you notice Kentie tries to be all sly and use yet another Web Proxy!

Wonder why it didn't work Cant Kentie get a Web Proxy to work? Shouldn't they be Idiot proof?

Poor Kent his Nefarious Lies and Flights of Fancy exposed again!

So where is Kent Barclay celebrating Pride this Weekend?

Beentown of course are we surprised?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Seth Post

“Sethj, let me be one of many to inform you, YOU are not serious or to be taken seriously.”

Oh Kent/NG that from a person who was going to Florida to represent Angel’s ex-wife for back alimony and even called DeWayne to tell him and it turned out she did not exist? If you do not think the matter of a continuing criminal conspiracy in Quincy is serious good for you. Funny Kent/NG only you or your alias’s said this. Can you have Chris Steels or Troy Prickett come here and stand up for you? Why is there never anyone who stands up for you that we all know? How about your self proclaimed business partner Howard at Fabscout? Can you get your good friend to come here and back you up on him setting up a VOD deal for you? No you can’t because you are lying.

“You uncovered NG who we had no contact with previously. We supported him for standing up for his First Amendment rights and resisting your gestapo tactics. We had no idea of his criminal conviction and do not support him in that endeavor whatsoever. There is no evidence whatsoever that DK/KB believes in any underage sexual involvement. Absolutely not. In fact, some of his well-heeled and well-groomed lovers have been much older than him.”

Lets set that record straight Kent/NG. Nelson Garcia entered this frey all on his own. For months you would post on his blog and he would answer you. Dexx Jones exposed his past, and you stood by him. After Jones exposed him this is what you said “In conclusion, I stand with you NG in Solidarity as does Yves and the many who are following this situation on your blog and my website and blogs, and now even on JC Adams blog.” No ambiguity there Kent/NG. Not a word about the crimes, the abuse of young men, just solidarity. The villain to you is not the child abuser, but the person who exposes the child abuser. Long after you learned of Nelson Garcia’s conviction you said you stand by him. You wrote these words to DeWayne

“Mr. Garcia's prior situation has long since been resolved and it is manifestly unfair to him and unjust to me to try and commingle his actions and motives (actual or alleged) with my actions and motives (actual or alleged)”.

Kent you sent him false information and he printed it. That is co-mingling Kent.

“That you are lying,”

No Kent.. Court records here. Every word of it true and provable.


Kent/NG Those are the court records. The can’t be off the record as they ARE the records…


Where do I start… some reliable things from you Kent/NG? How about the infamous the bail hearing was postponed because you were deposing 5 witnesses that would prove that Harlow was in VA that day? Only 3 hours later to have it announced that the reason was the extradition order was announced? How about the $5,000 you promised the lawyer in VA and said it was both wired and over-nighted and it never showed up. Then you claimed a brain tumor and an ayortic aneurysm as the reason? What about your claim they you were going national with this story. Then when the Rolling Stone and OUT magazine stories came out you were not mentioned. Then you claimed that you were going after OUT magazine and Michael Gross… What happened to that Kent/NG? Where is their retraction? Where is there anything but your lie against them?


This next to unclean hands is one of your favorite carnards. You are looking at court documents showing a 56 YO man allowing his mother to lose her home of 18 years. Right there in black and white. One does not need to jump off the Empire State Building

“embarrased, humiliated”

That describes you Kent/NG. When your mother lost her home she was housed at the Capeway motel and you were served there in a civil suit. You had your 83 YO mother answer the door while you ran to the bathroom and hid.

Let’s read from that court document:

As Mrs. Barclay (The defendant’s mother) opened the door to Room 12, I heard the bathroom door shut. After I told Mrs. Barclay that I had a delivery for Kent Barclay and that I needed to see him for a moment, she approached the bathroom door and called the defendant by name, saying: ”Kent, there’s a man here to see you.” The defendant could be heard speaking to his mother, through the door, saying, Ask him who he is.” I identified myself as a constable and I said I had some legal documents for him. Additional discussion between Mrs. Barclay and the defendant followed, during which he was heard to tell her that he didn’t want them. Mrs. Barclay approached me saying “he refuses them…” At that time I spoke loudly enough to he heard throughout the one-room motel unit/bathroom and said: “Kent Barclay, I have some legal documents here for you” I was unable to hear whether there was any response over Mrs. Barclay’s protestations, I dropped the service package onto the floor and left.”

The Judge ordered you served….

Now where do we start with this one Kent/NG? How humiliating is it to hide in the bathroom of a one room motel unit where a 56 YO man lived with his 83 YO mother after he was responsible for her losing her home? Tell us Kent/NG who decided what TV shows to watch? Was there cable? What ran through your mind when you heard the knock? What act of love for you mother made you run to the bathroom and hide, and send your 83 YO mother, who claimed she had high blood pressure and was not well, answer the door while you scurried like a coward to the bathroom? How fast did the the Avatar of Gay Porn the great Damon Kruezer run for the toilet?

Tell us Kent/NG why were you living in a one room motel unit when you claim to have a duplex in Tribecca? Because you were lying plain and simple. You risked your own mother’s life and had her lose her home. You risked her life again by being a coward and hiding in the bathroom while she got agitated with a process server. Did it occur to you that she was at risk getting agitated? No you hid in the bathroom…. With another of your misguided legal principles that if you hid in the bathroom you could not be served. You were ruled served and risked your own mothers life, does human behavior get any lower than that? Tell us Kent/Ng did you leave the bathroom with UNCLEAN hands? You certainly left it without and decency or honor. YOUR OWN MOTHER KENT/NG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is a very good example of your collusion with Nelson Garcia and Bryan Kocis. The picture of DeWayne in the hot tub was not with Young Boys. The young men you so often talk about having to learn from you about having toys put inside them are younger than the young men in the picture with Dewayne. Your cabal member that you find solidarity with Nelson Garcia was sending underage porn and pictures of himself to what he thought was a 14 YO. Your cabal member and hero Bryan Kocis molested a 15 YO boy on camera. Those members of your cabal are boy lovers. You Kent/NG Barclay constantly refer to the sexual humiliation of men younger then those in the hot tub with Dewayne…

You are the one who fed Nelson Garcia the lies regarding Kevin Clarke. You are the one that posted a fake interview with Ashton Ryan filled with lies that Nelson Garcia linked too as if it were true. Let us look at your posting’s regarding the convicted felon, registered sex offender who attempted to prey on 14 YO boys…

Yves, Marc and I stand with you in defiance of the gay fascists who try to force everyone to make an either/or if they have any right or claim to do so.


Your words Kent/NG your cabal, the person you acted in collusion with to slander Kevin Clarke. Defiance of people trying to warn innocent gay youth about predators?

“That you are insane, creepy old faggots, exactly like what Kevin Clarke looks like.”

No anti gay rhetoric there Kent/NG; you call gay people faggots a lot? As for what Kevin Clarke looks like he does not hide what he looks like. He unlike you does not post stolen pictures of himself to try and lure young men in to talk about their sex lives Kent/NG.

That's what any rational person thinks about this tempest in a teapot.

Let’s look at that one… A man who claims that he is going to Florida to represent the ex-wife of Angel Skye who needs back alimony and the person does not exist is rational? This “Tempest in a teapot” is an ongoing criminal enterprise to rip off the taxpayers of MA. It goes to the heart of your lies, your identity theft, your trying to develop a false persona to lure young men in and psychologically sexually abuse them. You cabal with known child sex abusers is making the Quincy Housing Authority complicit in your abuse of others. You may have nothing to go after but they sure do.

Last week you said someome from the Quincy Patriot Ledger was going to Florida to interview you and the fictional Marc about the terrible things that are being done to you. It is time we all contact the editor of the Patriot Ledger

Editor: Chazy Dowaliby - - 617-786-7013

And have him debunk that lie. Further more lets have the local paper see what the Quincy Housing Authority is doing and why they are in collusion with, and party to this continuing criminal enterprise. Why they allow Kent to terrorize people from public housing he is not entitled too….

posted by Sethj

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Damon Kruezer Communications/Office Quick

Marcus Holstrom,Matthew,Yves Mignon,Damon Kreuzer all reside in the mind of one Kent Barclay. Self described resident of NYC (Tribeca) the Village,Florida,California and for an extended 6 month sabbatical the Benelux countries.

All this time of course Kent was living with his mother in Senior Low Income housing. Taxpayer funded housing which Kent was not entitled too. While Kent claimed to be living in pricey Dana Point he was living in Norwell Massachusetts and using this Office Quick as his mail drop and base of operations for Damon Kreuzer Communications.

Kent used the Dana point address (a po box) to create a false residency on the west coast while he was squatting in his mothers one bedroom apt in Norwell, Mass.

I present 4 pieces of evidence.

When eviction proceedings commenced against Barbara Barclay Kent resorted to Criminal forgery in order to "prove" he lived in Dana Point California insisting he had lease papers, proof of rent and mail and various lies designed to deflect the Norwell Housing Authority from evicting Barbara Barclay and thus her illegal sub tenant Kent Barclay.

The Cold hard reality Kent Barclay was lying and committing Fraud. Norwell Housing Authority filed Eviction proceedings against Barbara Barclay to evict her and Kent induced his own mother to commit PERJURY in order to save his sorry ass from Eviction.

Barbara Barclay was evicted from her home May 2006

And Damon Kreuzer went to the Benelux countries (Lie)

Kent and Mom were homeless living in motels.(Truth)

Facts not Lies

Posted By DeWayne In San Diego to Krueser At Night

Friday, July 11, 2008

Angel and Brad in Ft Lauderdale July 25-27th

Angel Skye asked me to post this advert for their personal appearances to promote Flatiron Fuckers. Directed by Mr.Pam and starring Brad and Angel this video is sure to generate heat and excitement.

Hey guys Brad and I will be going on to support "Flatiron Fuckers" our first stop is unfortunately FT LAUDERDALE ( I know I hate having to go back, but I will have a good entourage with us so we will be out of stalker's harm lol.)

Judge Scouts is sponsoring the event so please post this ad on your sites to make people aware of the event we want to have a good time and try and make the best of the circumstances. Please help me out by promoting this and forwarding to any other blogs that are friends of ours!

I love you all and thank you always for the support

Angel Skye

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Apology Demanded

This is a list of the models that appeared in my videos. Nelson Garcia a convicted child sex felon and registered sex offender and Kent Barclay conspired to slander these men by saying they were forced into deviant sexual behavior by me in the process of making videos.

There was a false interview posted by Kent Barclay that was linked to by convicted child sex felon and registered sex offender Nelson Garcia slandering these people, then child sex felon and registered sex offender Nelson Garcia printed more lies fed to him by Kent Barclay saying that these models were forced to piss and shit on me because I enjoyed it.

All of these young men deserve an apology. That the minds of Kent Barclay and child sex felon and registered sex offender Nelson Garcia dwell in the world of young men being forced into deviant sexual behavior by predators is not surprising, these young men do not deserve to be lied about. Maybe when child sex felon and registered sex offender Nelson Garcia pushed that send button to who he thought was a 14 YO boy that was the kind of thrill he was hoping for.

He has no right to conspire with Kent Barclay to bring his vile disgusting behavior to them. These are real people. Your lies diminish them and you have no right. This disgusting display of nastiness shows us what both of you are… Liars, slanderers, and so devoid of any concert of human decency that your need to lash out at people who expose you, you bring your vile minds to innocent people.

Jason Adams, Alex Andrews, Tim Vanderbuilt, Chase Allen, Chris Clark, Ryan Lynch, Mike Farrows, Teddy Park, Noel Lennon, Patrick Thompson, Matthew Mattox, Trent Marx, Cameron Slater, R. J. Taylor, Elliot Noble, Alladin, Matt James Wilson, Alan Phillips, Ian Maximillion, Jason Adams, Trevor Brighton, Desmond Monclair, Brad Randolph, Tristin Taylor, Damon Steele, Kayden Scott, Eathon Fischer, Caleb Andrews, Alejandro, Viper, Scarface, Johnny Biddulph, Charlie Moore, Adam Barrera, Mat Newmark, Alan Jones, Randy Knight, Andres Fierro, Court Logan, Trent Sebastian, Mark Vons, Gabe Spencer, Devon Renfro, Kris DeFerr, Chris Tyler, Rafael, Troy Fox, Shane Glacier, Mark McGovern, Desmond Monclair Ashton Ryan, Seth Ryan, Shane Glacier, Ethan Fischer, Travis Wilde, Trevor Brighton, Scott Vallon, Dean Stamos, Caleb Andrews, Clifton Jeffries, Evan Hurley , Enrique Rivera, Macabe Fredricks, Marty Stern, Court Logan, Zach Rhodes, Caleb Michaels, Jared Hawthrone, Cayden Blaine, Joe Landon, Dave Parker, Ashton Ryan, Jace Hughes, Adam Bristol, Antonio Madiera, Justin Roxx, Trent Sebastian, Jonathan Prescott, Zach Rhodes, Court Logan,, Barry Knight, Russell Moore, Ron Aron, Derrick Stanton, Tony Donovan, Dean O'Connor, Tony Cummings, Jason Nikas, Jason Miller, Noah Walker, Johnnie Perrino, Cody Matthews, David Bird, Thorin Bock Ashton Ryan, Christian Taylor, Chase Carter, Enrique Rivera, Brendan Sterling, Bryce Crisler, Michael Dillon, Austin Martin.


posted by Kevin Clarke

UPDATE: Who do you think you are fooling you pathetic little man.

Exact Hit Yves AKA Kent Barclay.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

David Forrest shares what he really thinks of Kent Barclay

Damon Kreuzer is always beating his own drum about his contacts in the porn biz and what good buddies some of them are. In particular he has repeatedly dragged retired Agent David Forest into the Kent sewer, claiming they are friends and converse regularly.

The Truthsquad knows better but until recently David was reluctant to tell us what he really thought of Kent. Now David is in rehab and retired and has decided to throw Kent under the bus.

Always a sweet sight when your dealing with a creature as reprehensible as Kent Barclay!

First email entered into evidence.

A reply to Angel Skye from David

Hmm "He's a Vile human being. Hope you can put him behind bars!"

Okay David Forest tell us what you REALLY THINK of Kent Barclay...

Don't hold back now!

Oh Wow! David lets repeat this in BOLD FACE Type and PURTY COLORS just like Damon's Site!

I Hope Kruezer drops dead while I'm in rehab.

Ahh so David is sober and finally noted the stink emanating from his PC all those nasty emails form Damon needed to be tossed out along with the moldy rutabaga from the back of the veggie crisper! After all David wants a clean smelling apt when he gets out of Rehab!

Nice toss David Kent hardly knows what hit him!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Real Life vs Fantasyland

I apologize I was really busy today and will be again tomorrow doing tech support for Brent Corrigan. Yes I do have a real life away from the blogs.

At one point today Grant asked me to update him on the world of Kent Barclay and what we were discussing here. June has been a hectic month but Grant reads this blog on occasion and is aware of Rich & Angels complaints and Kents new found legal predicament.

Some of you are aware that Kent was hired by Bryan Kocis to stalk and harass Brent Corrigan in 2006. Before that in the fall of 2005 Brent did an interview with Kent (BIG MISTAKE) thinking he was a "legitimate Journalist". Right that little illusion was shattered when Kent sent a bill for "publicity services" after the so called "interview"!

I let Grant in on the newest attempt by Kent to invade someones privacy and CyberStalk, which we both felt was so jr.high but then this is Kent Barclay a classic case of arrested development!

We talked some more about how Kent is famously camera phobic, purports to cover gay porn and in his one sit down interview with a real live porn star (Matthew Rush) he blacked out his own picture.

Late this evening Grant had an idea he said lets remind Kent Barclay of the difference between a "real writer" who Blogs about Gay Porn and who has met many porn stars, conducted interviews and attended events at Clubs and Bars. Someone he said who treats models with respect and a fans appreciation, who is not condescending and derogatory towards the young men who bring such pleasure to all of us.

More important we both agreed not in a million years would you find Kent Barclay sitting in a hot tub with Brent Corrigan wearing a T Shirt that says "Please Share its nice"

Why Not?

Kentie don't do pictures remember?

Kent your life is a Fantasyland of SoHo lofts,trips to Florida and the Benelux countries and interviews with porn stars who will NEVER see your face.

Dexx said something very illuminating about your fantasy life last night...

Kents view of gay Porn is based on some non-existent fantasy of what porn is.

Kent envisions, for instance, a Falcon or a Titan studios as old world Hollywood where he, once he is an accepted industry figure would ride up to the gates in a convertible Rolls and be recognized by the security guard and allowed onto the lot where twinks would be dangling from trees and he would be treated like a visiting world dignitary.

that child-like view of an industry which is anything BUT glamourous in its daily workings shows how far removed kent is from both the actual physical business he worships, and also brings into view how utterly impossible it is for him to achieve it.

Kent the picture below is Real Life...

I am relaxing after helping Grant and Brent out with some Tech Support for BrentCorriganInc.
I respect the young men here and Grant Roy and Brent Corrigan are friends of mine.

Friends do you know the meaning of the word?

I would say this is the Ultimate Fuck You Kent Barclay!

Cooper Lee,DeWayne Helms, Brent Corrigan, Jamison Harper

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

And Kent is still so Fucked! Here is the pic of Kevin Clarke and Angel Skye outside the police station and I must repost a comment Dexx made as a standalone post. Dexx great job!

I am spending most of my Fourth of July Away from the PC but checking comments occasionally, now back to the grill....

We now know how kent/damon is spending the holiday: inventing multiple characters and hoping that somebody/anybody will believe his nonsense.

marcus/2020/george/et al

If there is nothing to worry about for kent, then why do you

a) keep coming here screaming that there is nothing to worry about for kent
b) continue to try and find information about the investigating officers?
c) continue to try and inject false information into the public forum?

Anybody CAN make a complaint kentie. many people have and many more are going to.

If there is no wrongdoing on your part than why do you spend so much time trying to deflect blame/fish for information/make false counter claims/pretend you are in no danger ?

because you arent sure what you have done which is ok and what isnt. because you know as the rest of us do that MUCH of what you've done isn't kosher.

the nagging questions which drive you mad are

a) what do the police know
b) will they take action
c) are people really taking time out of their actual lives to pursue this
d) which of your actions were actually illegal
e) which of the activities were saved by the complainants
f) will the cyber crime units really get entire listings of your activities.

I will not answer a single one of these questions. if you think you did nothing wrong and the police will laugh/did laugh at the complainants, than celebrate your victory and move the fuck on already

here are the facts:

a) whatever you did angered an awful lot of people for an awfully long time

b) most of them were sure that many of your acts had to be illegal. they are now coming forward to find out which if any acts were

c) the laws have finally begun to catch up with internet activity. much of what might not have been unlawful in 1996 will now send a person to prison for a very long time.

d) there many different fronts in the collective effort to bring you to justice


Your interference in multiple legal cases including a murder case.

Impersonating an officer of the court (a private investigator- you have done this many times) ask your friend PB how legal that is

Wire fraud- your bunco schemes and various escorting plots, along with your pretending to have $5000 for the defense and then claiming to have a brain aneurism to get out of paying. that in itself could land you in jail. i would love to see you try to explain to a judge when you EVER in your 58 years had $5000. hoping to get it in time through your "porn writing" career wont cut it. you said you had the money, you pledged it and you were lying

Tax evasion. where to even begin here? not one penny of your so-called porn income has ever been reported to the IRS. yes it was checked. :)

Stalking. what you call "asking questions as a journalist" when you bombard a person's life and leave messages with information, without giving the person a chance to reach you back- that isnt asking questions. that's harrassment. we have a taped message on mark adams' machine doing just that. remember pretending to be a reporter?

Impersonating the same kent barclay who is a professor and most displeased at this. that by itself could land you in jail. think he won't file a complaint? LOL just you wait

Theft of government services- multiple counts, especially when Norwell realizes that both you and your mother defrauded them, not once but twice

Perjury- every DMCA complaint you posted under a fake name is a felony if you actually dont own the rights to the copyrighted work you are complaining about

Filing false government reports/false police reports/lying to the police- how many people have you lied about to the police. how many false "tips" of 2257 violations have you submitted? this alone could land you in prison for many years

Malicious use of the internet- your site itself and much of what it contains is NOT protected under free speech. not because you aren't a journalist (though you are not) but because there is no basis of fact in what you "Report"

A great amount of the text on your pages is specifically, obviously designed to harm others with no logical basis in fact. that in itself is a major internet crime. you CAN NOT come online and use your site to harass and stalk people. that in itself, considering how long you have done it and how unbelievably damaging your "reporting" is could send you to jail for a very long time.

And thats just a bit of the criminal charges you may be facing. i will not tell you who has filed what and where. if there is merit to any of it, you will find out when you're arrested. if not, then you have nothing to worry about.

One more thing in my epic post (a birthday present to myself between parties)

After all of the possible criminal threads of been followed and it will take months if not years to do that- five of us have agreed to chip in and hire a lawyer for a civil suit.

While we know you dont have anything worth getting and will probably be doing a prison stretch, we will be seeking an injunction to permanently bar you from the internet. there is both precedence for this and a very good case according to three of the early lawyers we have talked to.

Your only hope would be to get your OWN lawyer (you cant get a court appointed one in a civil case) and try to fight it. If you hid from that suit, you would lose by default and then the simple act of going ON the internet would be a criminal act for you.

Read my words kent. you're right. I have spent years trying to sort you out and lots of money. what makes you think that I wont spend more years and more money to get actual results?

Simple logic tells you that I will. and I will win Kentie, you know why? I am smarter, richer, younger and I have plenty more actual people (not figments) who will march right along with me.

What do you have? your elderly mother,(87!) your fantasies and luck, judging from where your life is at, my guess is that you aren't very lucky.

Have a happy Fourth Kent, enjoy the freedom while you can.

repost from dexxjones

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Bad Boy, Bad Boy

Bad boy, bad boy
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

Bad boys
Whatcha want, watcha want
Whatcha gonna do
When sheriff John Brown come for you
Tell me
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna dooo

Well we need a new post and I am kinda busy and so are my co writers interviews and such take time. Since we do not want to "tip our hats" to Kentie I decided a quick post of appropriate images will stand in for a bit and give us a new place to post comments.

FYI Kent Barclay your 20/20 comments this morning were so transparent and as the IP below shows just another lie and attempt at Obfuscation on your part.

So Kent your 20/20 well I'll raise and match your fake 20/20 with Chris Hansen....

Kentie I have one final comment for you today!

Let me express myself in a very VISUAL way!

Look close Kentie

Kent Barclay

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Kevin Clarke Answers

And the river opens for the righteous

And the river opens for the righteous
And the river opens for the righteous

Little Steven Van Sandt

From “I am a patriot”

I sat in a police station with Angel Skye today. Little Steven’s song ran through my head…

“I want to be with my family The people who understand me I've got nowhere else to go”

I looked at the pain that had been caused by relentless attacks on Angel and Brad by Kent Barclay that reached right into their families. People savaged by lies and insanity no one should have to endure. Who really thinks that anyone has the right to invade someone’s family with lies about gay porn?

And I was talking with my sister She looked so fine I said, Baby, what's on your mind? She said, I want to run like the lion Released from the cages Released from the rages Burning in my heart tonight

All Angel Skye and Brad Star wanted was to be left alone. But the mental illness of Kent Barclay would have none of that. He invaded their families and their friends in an attempt to destroy them. It is worse than sick, it is illegal. That is why so many of us are going to the police and filing reports. No matter what he says no one is going to file false reports, no one is lying. It is easy for us all we have to do is tell the truth. The lies that spew out of him and his co-conspirator registered child sex offender/felon Nelson Garcia thought it was funny when they impugned myself and everyone I ever worked with disgusting lies, it wasn’t.

And I ain't no communist And I ain't no capitalist And I ain't no socialist And I ain't no imperialist And I ain't no democrat And I ain't no republican I only know one party And it is freedom

Freedom from lies and slander., Freedom from people who invade your lives and homes. Freedom from People who go after your friends. Freedom from people who go after your family…Freedom from people who think a lie is acceptable.

I sat in a police station and saw the damage Kent Barclay does first hand. It is staggering that he thinks anyone does not know he lies, and that anyone does not know he hurts. Chris Steele said to me about Kent “he slanders porn stars so they will get in touch with him.” As if that is acceptable…


It is simple. All we need to do is to tell the truth,

And the river opens for the righteous
And the river opens for the righteous

And the river opens for the righteous

Good and Evil reside within