“Sethj, let me be one of many to inform you, YOU are not serious or to be taken seriously.”
Oh Kent/NG that from a person who was going to Florida to represent Angel’s ex-wife for back alimony and even called DeWayne to tell him and it turned out she did not exist? If you do not think the matter of a continuing criminal conspiracy in Quincy is serious good for you. Funny Kent/NG only you or your alias’s said this. Can you have Chris Steels or Troy Prickett come here and stand up for you? Why is there never anyone who stands up for you that we all know? How about your self proclaimed business partner Howard at Fabscout? Can you get your good friend to come here and back you up on him setting up a VOD deal for you? No you can’t because you are lying.
“You uncovered NG who we had no contact with previously. We supported him for standing up for his First Amendment rights and resisting your gestapo tactics. We had no idea of his criminal conviction and do not support him in that endeavor whatsoever. There is no evidence whatsoever that DK/KB believes in any underage sexual involvement. Absolutely not. In fact, some of his well-heeled and well-groomed lovers have been much older than him.”
Lets set that record straight Kent/NG. Nelson Garcia entered this frey all on his own. For months you would post on his blog and he would answer you. Dexx Jones exposed his past, and you stood by him. After Jones exposed him this is what you said “In conclusion, I stand with you NG in Solidarity as does Yves and the many who are following this situation on your blog and my website and blogs, and now even on JC Adams blog.” No ambiguity there Kent/NG. Not a word about the crimes, the abuse of young men, just solidarity. The villain to you is not the child abuser, but the person who exposes the child abuser. Long after you learned of Nelson Garcia’s conviction you said you stand by him. You wrote these words to DeWayne…
“Mr. Garcia's prior situation has long since been resolved and it is manifestly unfair to him and unjust to me to try and commingle his actions and motives (actual or alleged) with my actions and motives (actual or alleged)”.
Kent you sent him false information and he printed it. That is co-mingling Kent.
“That you are lying,”
No Kent.. Court records here. Every word of it true and provable.
Kent/NG Those are the court records. The can’t be off the record as they ARE the records…
Where do I start… some reliable things from you Kent/NG? How about the infamous the bail hearing was postponed because you were deposing 5 witnesses that would prove that Harlow was in VA that day? Only 3 hours later to have it announced that the reason was the extradition order was announced? How about the $5,000 you promised the lawyer in VA and said it was both wired and over-nighted and it never showed up. Then you claimed a brain tumor and an ayortic aneurysm as the reason? What about your claim they you were going national with this story. Then when the Rolling Stone and OUT magazine stories came out you were not mentioned. Then you claimed that you were going after OUT magazine and Michael Gross… What happened to that Kent/NG? Where is their retraction? Where is there anything but your lie against them?
This next to unclean hands is one of your favorite carnards. You are looking at court documents showing a 56 YO man allowing his mother to lose her home of 18 years. Right there in black and white. One does not need to jump off the Empire State Building
“embarrased, humiliated”
That describes you Kent/NG. When your mother lost her home she was housed at the Capeway motel and you were served there in a civil suit. You had your 83 YO mother answer the door while you ran to the bathroom and hid.
Let’s read from that court document:
As Mrs. Barclay (The defendant’s mother) opened the door to Room 12, I heard the bathroom door shut. After I told Mrs. Barclay that I had a delivery for Kent Barclay and that I needed to see him for a moment, she approached the bathroom door and called the defendant by name, saying: ”Kent, there’s a man here to see you.” The defendant could be heard speaking to his mother, through the door, saying, Ask him who he is.” I identified myself as a constable and I said I had some legal documents for him. Additional discussion between Mrs. Barclay and the defendant followed, during which he was heard to tell her that he didn’t want them. Mrs. Barclay approached me saying “he refuses them…” At that time I spoke loudly enough to he heard throughout the one-room motel unit/bathroom and said: “Kent Barclay, I have some legal documents here for you” I was unable to hear whether there was any response over Mrs. Barclay’s protestations, I dropped the service package onto the floor and left.”
The Judge ordered you served….
Now where do we start with this one Kent/NG? How humiliating is it to hide in the bathroom of a one room motel unit where a 56 YO man lived with his 83 YO mother after he was responsible for her losing her home? Tell us Kent/NG who decided what TV shows to watch? Was there cable? What ran through your mind when you heard the knock? What act of love for you mother made you run to the bathroom and hide, and send your 83 YO mother, who claimed she had high blood pressure and was not well, answer the door while you scurried like a coward to the bathroom? How fast did the the Avatar of Gay Porn the great Damon Kruezer run for the toilet?
Tell us Kent/NG why were you living in a one room motel unit when you claim to have a duplex in Tribecca? Because you were lying plain and simple. You risked your own mother’s life and had her lose her home. You risked her life again by being a coward and hiding in the bathroom while she got agitated with a process server. Did it occur to you that she was at risk getting agitated? No you hid in the bathroom…. With another of your misguided legal principles that if you hid in the bathroom you could not be served. You were ruled served and risked your own mothers life, does human behavior get any lower than that? Tell us Kent/Ng did you leave the bathroom with UNCLEAN hands? You certainly left it without and decency or honor. YOUR OWN MOTHER KENT/NG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a very good example of your collusion with Nelson Garcia and Bryan Kocis. The picture of DeWayne in the hot tub was not with Young Boys. The young men you so often talk about having to learn from you about having toys put inside them are younger than the young men in the picture with Dewayne. Your cabal member that you find solidarity with Nelson Garcia was sending underage porn and pictures of himself to what he thought was a 14 YO. Your cabal member and hero Bryan Kocis molested a 15 YO boy on camera. Those members of your cabal are boy lovers. You Kent/NG Barclay constantly refer to the sexual humiliation of men younger then those in the hot tub with Dewayne…
You are the one who fed Nelson Garcia the lies regarding Kevin Clarke. You are the one that posted a fake interview with Ashton Ryan filled with lies that Nelson Garcia linked too as if it were true. Let us look at your posting’s regarding the convicted felon, registered sex offender who attempted to prey on 14 YO boys…
Yves, Marc and I stand with you in defiance of the gay fascists who try to force everyone to make an either/or choice...as if they have any right or claim to do so.
Your words Kent/NG your cabal, the person you acted in collusion with to slander Kevin Clarke. Defiance of people trying to warn innocent gay youth about predators?
“That you are insane, creepy old faggots, exactly like what Kevin Clarke looks like.”
No anti gay rhetoric there Kent/NG; you call gay people faggots a lot? As for what Kevin Clarke looks like he does not hide what he looks like. He unlike you does not post stolen pictures of himself to try and lure young men in to talk about their sex lives Kent/NG.
That's what any rational person thinks about this tempest in a teapot.
Let’s look at that one… A man who claims that he is going to Florida to represent the ex-wife of Angel Skye who needs back alimony and the person does not exist is rational? This “Tempest in a teapot” is an ongoing criminal enterprise to rip off the taxpayers of MA. It goes to the heart of your lies, your identity theft, your trying to develop a false persona to lure young men in and psychologically sexually abuse them. You cabal with known child sex abusers is making the Quincy Housing Authority complicit in your abuse of others. You may have nothing to go after but they sure do.
Last week you said someome from the Quincy Patriot Ledger was going to Florida to interview you and the fictional Marc about the terrible things that are being done to you. It is time we all contact the editor of the Patriot Ledger
Editor: Chazy Dowaliby - chazy@ledger.com - 617-786-7013
And have him debunk that lie. Further more lets have the local paper see what the Quincy Housing Authority is doing and why they are in collusion with, and party to this continuing criminal enterprise. Why they allow Kent to terrorize people from public housing he is not entitled too….
posted by Sethj