Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sinking into Irrelevance Damon Lashes out at Will

Will responded to Kents latest rant today on the last post, I think he is deserving of his own post! DH

Who else but our dear, delusional Kentie is so out of the loop and desperate for "news" that he proudly broadcasts his pariah status ON HIS OWN WEBSITE? But that is just what he's done again, highlighting the fact that the ATKOL forum has banned him for life and will not even allow his name or site to be mentioned. I guess you somehow consider that a badge of honor, don't you Kentie? Most sane people would be ashamed and maybe see it as a wake-up call to take a long, hard look at themselves and their behavior. But not you!!

From his site tonight:

"And to think that ATKOL VIDEO continues to sink into irrelevancy as a result of ignoring what others cite as their source for the unfiltered news that matters.

"Based on their shrinking revenues and failure to crack the Top 20 gay news/video sites you'd think they'd realize they NEED some controversy to liven things up. Instead all they have is Will G who blindly repeats what he's been told by others, a man who doesn't have the courage to contact THE KRUEZER directly. Such cowards they are, but isn't it FUN to see us cited as a source only to be censored by a man who still thinks it's 1997? Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your Mr. T says, 'pity the fool..' "

PITY THE FOOL INDEED! Took the words right out of my mouth. This is the exchange he's referring to, from the ATKOL thread on the Kocis case:

pensive: I've been following this on (deleted by ATKOL) at night but I don't think ATKOL will let me post a link.

willgold22: pensive - Shame on you. You know that name is VERBOTEN around here. As for posting a link, perish the thought. This post will make no sense when ATKOL deletes yours, so I'll stop.

pensive: I apologize. I really didn't know the name of that site was forbidden. Now I do, though.

willgold22: That's OK pensive, just don't do it again! But seriously, I'll just say this and drop it: If you're getting any info on this case from The Unmentionable One, you are being fed lies. Here's an excellent source of information on the case:

Kentie, as the ATKOL webmaster told me in an e-mail long ago, you have been banned there for the same reason you are banned almost everywhere: You are an internet troll, spammer and terrorist. Yes, he actually used the word "terrorist" to me in that e-mail. I can only imagine the kind of behavior you exhibited on ATKOL to get yourself banned. I'm sure it was the same kind of BS you tried to pull on JC Adams' site, which I had the misfortune of seeing for myself. We all know that you got yourself banned there as well.

As for my not having the "courage" to contact you directly, why in hell would I be such a fool? You have a long, sad history of stalking and terrorizing people once you gain access to their personal information. If you think I would ever give you my e-mail address, you are even more delusional than I had imagined.

If you are so interested in telling me "your side of the story." WHY NOT POST HERE UNDER YOUR REAL NAME? Talk about not having cajones!! YOU are the biggest coward imaginable for never ONCE posting here -- or on Jim's -- under your real name.

WHY IS THAT? Why don't you answer that question tomorrow on your site instead of hurling baseless insults at me?? I'll be waiting.


UPDATE Dec 8th 2008:
Damon sinks into total Irrelevancy with his absolutely INEPT call on what would happen in the Kocis Murder Case!


KRUEZER AT NIGHT was informed Sunday night by a trusted source close to the case that Cobra Video murder defendant HARLOW CUADRA has copped to a "no contest due to diminished capacity" plea and thrown himself on the mercy of the Luzerne County court - while hoping for the possibility of parole after 12-15 years with the death penalty being reportedly off the table in exchange.

By allegedly so doing Cuadra has saved the county beaucoup bucks and avoided the lengthy appellate process. The only remaining sticking point is whether co-defendant JOE KEREKES will yield to the intense pressure now being reportedly applied according to a secondary source, and cop to a similar plea.

All of this is in the Kruezer view based on our interpretation from our primary and 2 secondary sources in Luzerne County, PA. It's also consistent with what TEAM KRUEZER has been saying about this case for the past month. We expect further developments this week in regard to exactly what it was the Luzerne County District Attorney's office filed in a sealed order at the end of last week. DEVELOPING...

Of course we learned just today Joe Kerkes pled guilty to second degree murder in Luzerne county.

Well Damon looks like your sources were in the wrong COURTHOUSE!

Thanks Will for the comment!

HystericalLaughing Mutley

Why is this woman Laughing?

Why is this man LAUGHING his ASS OFF?

Perhaps they are readers at Krueser at Night?